Swallow example

This is a simple example in which we create a rect and swallow it.

Focusing on the relevant parts of the code we go right to the creation of our rectangle. It should be noted that we don't resize or show our rect, that is because when an object is swallowed it's geometry and visibility is controlled by the theme:

EVAS_API Evas_Object * evas_object_rectangle_add(Evas *e)
Adds a rectangle to the given evas.
Definition: evas_object_rectangle.c:78
evas_object_color_set(rect, 255, 0, 0, 255);
edje_object_part_swallow(edje_obj, "part_one", rect);
Eina_Bool edje_object_part_swallow(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *obj_swallow)
"Swallows" an object into one of the Edje object SWALLOW parts.
Definition: edje_util.c:6676
EVAS_API void evas_object_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a)
Sets the general/main color of the given Evas object to the given one.
Definition: evas_object_main.c:2024

The other bit of code that is relevant to us now is our check that the swallow worked:

obj = edje_object_part_swallow_get(edje_obj, "part_one");
if(obj == rect)
printf("Swallowing worked!\n");
Evas_Object * edje_object_part_swallow_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
Gets the object currently swallowed by a part.
Definition: edje_util.c:6699

The full source code follows:

# include "config.h"
# define EINA_UNUSED
#define PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "."
#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Ecore_Evas.h>
#include <Edje.h>
#define WIDTH (300)
#define HEIGHT (300)
static void
_on_delete(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED)
/* here just to keep our example's window size and background image's
* size in synchrony */
static void
_on_canvas_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee)
int w;
int h;
bg = ecore_evas_data_get(ee, "background");
ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
evas_object_resize(bg, w, h);
main(int argc EINA_UNUSED, char *argv[] EINA_UNUSED)
const char *edje_file = PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/swallow.edj";
Ecore_Evas *ee;
Evas *evas;
Evas_Object *rect;
Evas_Object *edje_obj;
if (!edje_init())
goto shutdown_ecore_evas;
/* this will give you a window with an Evas canvas under the first
* engine available */
ee = ecore_evas_new(NULL, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL);
if (!ee) goto shutdown_edje;
ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(ee, _on_canvas_resize);
ecore_evas_title_set(ee, "Edje Swallow Example");
evas = ecore_evas_get(ee);
evas_object_color_set(bg, 255, 255, 255, 255); /* white bg */
evas_object_move(bg, 0, 0); /* at canvas' origin */
evas_object_resize(bg, WIDTH, HEIGHT); /* covers full canvas */
ecore_evas_data_set(ee, "background", bg);
edje_obj = edje_object_add(evas);
edje_object_file_set(edje_obj, edje_file, "example_group");
evas_object_move(edje_obj, 20, 20);
evas_object_resize(edje_obj, WIDTH - 40, HEIGHT - 40);
evas_object_color_set(rect, 255, 0, 0, 255);
edje_object_part_swallow(edje_obj, "part_one", rect);
obj = edje_object_part_swallow_get(edje_obj, "part_one");
if(obj == rect)
printf("Swallowing worked!\n");
Evas wrapper functions.
Edje Graphical Design Library.
EAPI int ecore_evas_init(void)
Inits the Ecore_Evas system.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:602
EAPI void ecore_evas_title_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *t)
Sets the title of an Ecore_Evas' window.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1527
EAPI void ecore_evas_callback_delete_request_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Ecore_Evas_Event_Cb func)
Sets a callback for Ecore_Evas delete request events.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1176
EAPI void ecore_evas_show(Ecore_Evas *ee)
Shows an Ecore_Evas' window.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1480
EAPI Evas * ecore_evas_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee)
Gets an Ecore_Evas's Evas.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1300
EAPI void * ecore_evas_data_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *key)
Retrieves user data associated with an Ecore_Evas.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1092
EAPI void ecore_evas_geometry_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
Gets the geometry of an Ecore_Evas.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1362
EAPI void ecore_evas_data_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *key, const void *data)
Stores user data in an Ecore_Evas structure.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1103
EAPI Ecore_Evas * ecore_evas_new(const char *engine_name, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *extra_options)
Creates a new Ecore_Evas based on engine name and common parameters.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1039
EAPI void ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Ecore_Evas_Event_Cb func)
Sets a callback for Ecore_Evas resize events.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1140
EAPI int ecore_evas_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the Ecore_Evas system.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:666
EAPI void ecore_evas_free(Ecore_Evas *ee)
Frees an Ecore_Evas.
Definition: ecore_evas.c:1083
void ecore_main_loop_quit(void)
Quits the main loop once all the events currently on the queue have been processed.
Definition: ecore_main.c:1321
void ecore_main_loop_begin(void)
Runs the application main loop.
Definition: ecore_main.c:1311
int edje_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the Edje library.
Definition: edje_main.c:262
int edje_init(void)
Initializes the Edje library.
Definition: edje_main.c:35
Evas_Object * edje_object_add(Evas *evas)
Instantiates a new Edje object.
Definition: edje_smart.c:22
Eina_Bool edje_object_file_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *file, const char *group)
Sets the EDJ file (and group within it) to load an Edje object's contents from.
Definition: edje_smart.c:467
Used to indicate that a function parameter is purposely unused.
Definition: eina_types.h:339
Eo Evas
An opaque handle to an Evas canvas.
Definition: Evas_Common.h:163
EVAS_API void evas_object_show(Evas_Object *eo_obj)
Makes the given Evas object visible.
Definition: evas_object_main.c:1814
EVAS_API void evas_object_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
Move the given Evas object to the given location inside its canvas' viewport.
Definition: evas_object_main.c:1171
Efl_Canvas_Object Evas_Object
An Evas Object handle.
Definition: Evas_Common.h:185
EVAS_API void evas_object_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
Changes the size of the given Evas object.
Definition: evas_object_main.c:1236

To compile use this command:

* gcc -o edje-swallow edje-swallow.c -DPACKAGE_BIN_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/bin\" -DPACKAGE_LIB_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/lib\"
* -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/share\"
* `pkg-config --cflags --libs evas ecore ecore-evas edje`
* edje_cc swallow.edc