Macros | Functions
evil_mman.h File Reference

The file that provides the memory map functions. More...


#define PROT_NONE   0x00
 Data can not be accessed.
#define PROT_READ   0x01
 Data can be read.
#define PROT_WRITE   0x02
 Data can be written.
#define PROT_EXEC   0x04
 Data can be executed.
#define MAP_SHARED   0x0001
 Changes are shared.
#define MAP_PRIVATE   0x0002
 Changes are private.
#define MAP_FIXED   0x0010
 Interpret the address (addr) exactly.
#define MAP_ANON   0x0020
#define MAP_FAILED   ((void *)-1)
 Error return from mmap().
#define HAVE_MMAP   1


EVIL_API void * mmap (void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
 Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file and maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process. More...
EVIL_API int munmap (void *addr, size_t len)
 Unmaps a mapped view of a file from the calling process's address space. More...
EVIL_API int mprotect (void *addr, size_t len, int prot)
 Changes protection for the calling process' address. More...

Detailed Description

The file that provides the memory map functions.