Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
EPhysics.h File Reference

These routines are used for EPhysics library interaction. More...

Data Structures

struct  _EPhysics_Quaternion
 Quaternion coordinates and rotation (w, x, y, z) More...


#define EAPI
 Mass amount used to makes a body static. More...
 Density of wood in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Density of iron in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Density of concrete in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Density of rubber in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Density of polystyrene in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Density of plastic in kg / m ^ 3. More...
 Friction coefficient of wood. More...
 Friction coefficient of iron. More...
 Friction coefficient of concrete. More...
 Friction coefficient of rubber. More...
 Friction coefficient of polystyrene. More...
 Friction coefficient of plastic. More...
 Restitution coefficient of wood. More...
 Restitution coefficient of iron. More...
 Restitution coefficient of concrete. More...
 Restitution coefficient of rubber. More...
 Restitution coefficient of polystyrene. More...
 Restitution coefficient of plastic. More...
#define EAPI


typedef struct _EPhysics_Quaternion EPhysics_Quaternion
 Quaternion handle, represents a quaternion to be used to rotate bodies. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_Shape EPhysics_Shape
 Shape handle, represents a shape to be used to create a body. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_Body EPhysics_Body
 Body handle, represents an object on EPhysics world. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_Camera EPhysics_Camera
 Camera handle, used to change the position of the frame to be rendered. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_World EPhysics_World
 World handle, most basic type of EPhysics. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_Callback_World_Type EPhysics_Callback_World_Type
 Identifier of callbacks to be set for EPhysics worlds. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_World_Constraint_Solver_Mode EPhysics_World_Solver_Mode
typedef void(* EPhysics_World_Event_Cb) (void *data, EPhysics_World *world, void *event_info)
 EPhysics world event callback function signature. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_Body_Cloth_Anchor_Side EPhysics_Body_Cloth_Anchor_Side
 Identifier of cloth anchor sides. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_Body_Face EPhysics_Body_Face
 Define in which body's face the evas object should be set. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_Body_Collision EPhysics_Body_Collision
 Body collision wraps collision informations. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type
 The types of events triggering a callback. More...
typedef enum _EPhysics_Body_Material EPhysics_Body_Material
 The types of materials to be set on a body. More...
typedef void(* EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb) (void *data, EPhysics_Body *body, void *event_info)
 EPhysics body event callback function signature. More...
typedef struct _EPhysics_Constraint EPhysics_Constraint
 Constraint handle, used to limit bodies movements. More...


enum  _EPhysics_Callback_World_Type {
enum  _EPhysics_World_Constraint_Solver_Mode {
 typedef EPhysics_World_Constraint_Solver_Mode More...
enum  _EPhysics_Body_Cloth_Anchor_Side {
enum  _EPhysics_Body_Face {
enum  _EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type {
enum  _EPhysics_Body_Material {


EAPI int ephysics_init (void)
 Initialize EPhysics. More...
EAPI int ephysics_shutdown (void)
 Shutdown EPhysics. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_quaternion_new (void)
 Create a new quaternion. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_get (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *w)
 Get quaternion values. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_axis_angle_get (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double *nx, double *ny, double *nz, double *a)
 Get quaternion axis and angle. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_set (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double x, double y, double z, double w)
 Set quaternion values. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_axis_angle_set (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double nx, double ny, double nz, double a)
 Set quaternion using axis angle notation. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_euler_set (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
 Set quaternion using Euler angles. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_normalize (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat)
 Normalize the quaternion. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_invert (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat)
 Invert the quaternion. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_scale (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double scale)
 Scale the quaternion. More...
EAPI void ephysics_quaternion_inverse_scale (EPhysics_Quaternion *quat, double scale)
 Inversely scale the quaternion. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_quaternion_sum (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2, EPhysics_Quaternion *result)
 Returns a sum of two quaternions. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_quaternion_diff (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2, EPhysics_Quaternion *result)
 Returns a difference between two quaternions. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_quaternion_multiply (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2, EPhysics_Quaternion *result)
 Multiply two quaternions. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_quaternion_slerp (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2, double ratio, EPhysics_Quaternion *result)
 Return the quaternion which is the result of Spherical Linear Interpolation between two quaternions. More...
EAPI double ephysics_quaternion_dot (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2)
 Return the dot product between two quaternions. More...
EAPI double ephysics_quaternion_angle_get (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat1, const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat2)
 Return the angle between two quaternions. More...
EAPI double ephysics_quaternion_length_get (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat)
 Return the length of the quaternion. More...
EAPI double ephysics_quaternion_length2_get (const EPhysics_Quaternion *quat)
 Return the length squared of the quaternion. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Shapeephysics_shape_new (void)
 Create a new shape. More...
EAPI void ephysics_shape_del (EPhysics_Shape *shape)
 Delete a shape. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_shape_point_add (EPhysics_Shape *shape, double x, double y, double z)
 Add a new point to the shape. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Shapeephysics_shape_load (const char *filename)
 Load the shape from a file. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_shape_save (const EPhysics_Shape *shape, const char *filename)
 Save the shape to a file. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_position_set (EPhysics_Camera *camera, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
 Set camera's position. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_position_get (const EPhysics_Camera *camera, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y)
 Get camera's position. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_body_track (EPhysics_Camera *camera, EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool horizontal, Eina_Bool vertical)
 Set camera to track a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_tracked_body_get (EPhysics_Camera *camera, EPhysics_Body **body, Eina_Bool *horizontal, Eina_Bool *vertical)
 Get body tracked by camera. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_perspective_set (EPhysics_Camera *camera, Evas_Coord px, Evas_Coord py, Evas_Coord z0, Evas_Coord foc)
 Set perspective to be applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_perspective_get (const EPhysics_Camera *camera, Evas_Coord *px, Evas_Coord *py, Evas_Coord *z0, Evas_Coord *foc)
 Get perspective applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_camera_perspective_enabled_set (EPhysics_Camera *camera, Eina_Bool enabled)
 Set if perspective should be applied. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_camera_perspective_enabled_get (const EPhysics_Camera *camera)
 Return if perspective is enabled or not. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Worldephysics_world_new (void)
 Create a new physics world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_render_geometry_set (EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d)
 Set dimensions of rendered area to be take on account by default updates. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_render_geometry_get (const EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *z, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h, Evas_Coord *d)
 Get dimensions of rendered area to be take on account by default updates. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_serialize (EPhysics_World *world, const char *path)
 Serializes the world to path. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_del (EPhysics_World *world)
 Deletes a physics world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_running_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool running)
 Set running status of world. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_running_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get running status of world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_max_sleeping_time_set (EPhysics_World *world, double sleeping_time)
 Set the max sleeping time value. More...
EAPI double ephysics_world_max_sleeping_time_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get the max sleeping time value for world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_gravity_set (EPhysics_World *world, double gx, double gy, double gz)
 Set world gravity in the 3 axes (x, y, z). More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_constraint_solver_iterations_set (EPhysics_World *world, int iterations)
 Set the number of iterations the constraint solver will have for contact and joint constraints. More...
EAPI int ephysics_world_constraint_solver_iterations_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get the number of iterations the constraint solver will have for contact and joint constraints. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_constraint_solver_mode_enable_set (EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Solver_Mode solver_mode, Eina_Bool enable)
 Enable or disable a constraint solver mode to world. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_constraint_solver_mode_enable_get (const EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Solver_Mode solver_mode)
 Get the solver_mode status on world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_gravity_get (const EPhysics_World *world, double *gx, double *gy, double *gz)
 Get world gravity values for axis x, y and z. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_rate_set (EPhysics_World *world, double rate)
 Set rate between pixels on evas canvas and meters on ephysics world. More...
EAPI double ephysics_world_rate_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get rate between pixels on evas canvas and meters on ephysics world. More...
EAPI Eina_Listephysics_world_bodies_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Gets the world's bodies list. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Cameraephysics_world_camera_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get the camera used by an ephysics world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_event_callback_add (EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func, const void *data)
 Register a callback to a type of physics world event. More...
EAPI void * ephysics_world_event_callback_del (EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func)
 Unregister an ephysics world event callback. More...
EAPI void * ephysics_world_event_callback_del_full (EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func, void *data)
 Unregister an ephysics world event callback matching data pointer. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_linear_slop_set (EPhysics_World *world, double linear_slop)
 Set linear slop to be used by world. More...
EAPI double ephysics_world_linear_slop_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get linear slop used by world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_top_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the top. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_top_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the top. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_bottom_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the bottom. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_bottom_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the bottom. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_right_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the right. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_right_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the right. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_left_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the left. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_left_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the left. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_front_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the front. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_front_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the front. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_back_autodel_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel)
 Set world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the back. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_back_autodel_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get world autodeleting bodies mode when they're outside of render area by the back. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_simulation_set (EPhysics_World *world, double fixed_time_step, int max_sub_steps)
 Set world simulation's fixed time step and max number of sub steps configuration. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_simulation_get (const EPhysics_World *world, double *fixed_time_step, int *max_sub_steps)
 Get world simulation's fixed time step and max number of sub steps configuration. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_point_light_position_set (EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord lx, Evas_Coord ly, Evas_Coord lz)
 Set position of point light to be applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_point_light_color_set (EPhysics_World *world, int lr, int lg, int lb)
 Set color of point light to be applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_ambient_light_color_set (EPhysics_World *world, int ar, int ag, int ab)
 Set color of the ambient light to be applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_point_light_position_get (const EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord *lx, Evas_Coord *ly, Evas_Coord *lz)
 Get position of point light applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_point_light_color_get (const EPhysics_World *world, int *lr, int *lg, int *lb)
 Get color of point light applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_ambient_light_color_get (const EPhysics_World *world, int *ar, int *ag, int *ab)
 Set color of the ambient light to be applied on the scene. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_light_all_bodies_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool enable)
 Set if light should be applied over all the bodies. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_light_all_bodies_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get light setting regarding being applied over all the bodies. More...
EAPI void ephysics_world_stack_enable_set (EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool enabled)
 Enable / disable stacking based on bodies z coordinates. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_stack_enable_get (const EPhysics_World *world)
 Get stacking status of world. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double hardness)
 Set the soft body hardness percentage. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the soft body hardness percentage. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_anchor_hardness_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double hardness)
 Set the soft body anchor hardness percentage. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_soft_body_anchor_hardness_get (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the soft body anchor hardnees percentage. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_drag_coefficient_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double coefficient)
 Set the drag coefficient of a soft body. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_soft_body_drag_coefficient_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the drag coefficient of a soft body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_set (EPhysics_Body *body, int triangle)
 Set the soft body dragging status. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_unset (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Unset the soft body dragging status. More...
EAPI int ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_index_get (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
 Get the triangle index of a soft body in x and y. More...
EAPI int ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_index_get (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *slice)
 Get the slice index of a soft body based on its slice`s Evas Object. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_soft_sphere_add (EPhysics_World *world, int granularity)
 Add a soft sphere. More...
EAPI Eina_Listephysics_body_soft_body_triangles_inside_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d)
 Get a list of triangles indexes inside an area. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_impulse_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, int idx, double x, double y, double z)
 Apply an impulse on a given soft body triangle. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_list_impulse_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_List *triangles, double x, double y, double z)
 Apply impulse in a list of triangles. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_position_iterations_set (EPhysics_Body *body, int iterations)
 Set the soft body number of position iterations. More...
EAPI int ephysics_body_soft_body_position_iterations_get (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the soft body number of position iterations. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_move (EPhysics_Body *body, int idx, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z)
 Move a body's triangle. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_soft_body_bending_constraints_add (EPhysics_Body *body, int number)
 Add new bending constraints to some body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_sphere_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a new sphere physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_cylinder_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a new cylinder physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_soft_cylinder_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a new deformable cylinder physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_box_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a new box physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_soft_box_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a new deformable box physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_cloth_add (EPhysics_World *world, unsigned short rows, unsigned short columns)
 Create a new deformable cloth physics body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_full_add (EPhysics_Body *body1, EPhysics_Body *body2, EPhysics_Body_Cloth_Anchor_Side side)
 Anchors a cloth with a rigid body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_add (EPhysics_Body *body1, EPhysics_Body *body2, int node)
 Anchors an arbitrary cloth's node with a rigid body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_del (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Removes the anchors in a cloth body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_shape_add (EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Shape *shape)
 Create a new physics body using a custom shape. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_top_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic top boundary. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_bottom_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic bottom boundary. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_left_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic left boundary. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_right_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic right boundary. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_front_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic front boundary. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_back_boundary_add (EPhysics_World *world)
 Create a physic back boundary. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_del (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Delete a physics body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Worldephysics_body_world_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the world a body belongs to. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_evas_object_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos)
 Set an evas object to a physics body. More...
EAPI Evas_Objectephysics_body_evas_object_unset (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Unset the evas object associated to a physics body. More...
EAPI Evas_Objectephysics_body_evas_object_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the evas object associated to a physics body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_face_evas_object_set (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos)
 Set an evas object to a physics body face. More...
EAPI Evas_Objectephysics_body_face_evas_object_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face)
 Get the evas object associated to a physics body face. More...
EAPI Evas_Objectephysics_body_face_evas_object_unset (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face)
 Unset the evas object associated to a physics body face. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_resize (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d)
 Set physics body size. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_move (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z)
 Set physics body position. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_geometry_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d)
 Set physics body geometry. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_geometry_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *z, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h, Evas_Coord *d)
 Get physics body position. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_mass_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double mass)
 Set body's mass. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_mass_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's mass. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_linear_velocity_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z)
 Set body's linear velocity on x, y and z axes. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_linear_velocity_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get body's linear velocity on x, y and z axes. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_angular_velocity_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z)
 Set body's angular velocity on x, y and z axes. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_angular_velocity_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get body's angular velocity on x, y and z axes. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double linear_threshold, double angular_threshold)
 Set the linear and angular sleeping threshold. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *linear_threshold, double *angular_threshold)
 Get the linear sleeping threshold. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_stop (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Stop angular and linear body movement. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_damping_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double linear_damping, double angular_damping)
 Set the angular and linear damping values. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_damping_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *linear_damping, double *angular_damping)
 Get the angular and linear damping values. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_body_collision_group_add (EPhysics_Body *body, const char *group)
 Add a body to a given collision group. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_body_collision_group_del (EPhysics_Body *body, const char *group)
 Removes body from collision group. More...
EAPI const Eina_Listephysics_body_collision_group_list_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the collision group list of body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_evas_object_update (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Update the evas object associated to the body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_event_callback_add (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func, const void *data)
 Register a callback to a type of physics body event. More...
EAPI void * ephysics_body_event_callback_del (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func)
 Unregister an ephysics body event callback. More...
EAPI void * ephysics_body_event_callback_del_full (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func, void *data)
 Unregister an ephysics body event callback matching data pointer. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_collision_position_get (const EPhysics_Body_Collision *collision, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *z)
 Get the position(x, y) of a body's collision. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Bodyephysics_body_collision_contact_body_get (const EPhysics_Body_Collision *collision)
 Get the body's collision contact body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_restitution_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double restitution)
 Set body's coefficient of restitution. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_restitution_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's restitution. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_friction_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double friction)
 Set body's friction. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_friction_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's friction. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_central_impulse_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z)
 Apply an impulse on the center of a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_torque_impulse_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double pitch, double yaw, double roll)
 Apply a torque impulse over a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_impulse_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z, Evas_Coord pos_x, Evas_Coord pos_y, Evas_Coord pos_z)
 Apply an impulse over a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_angular_movement_enable_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable_x, Eina_Bool enable_y, Eina_Bool enable_z)
 Enable or disable body's rotation on z axis. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_angular_movement_enable_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool *enable_x, Eina_Bool *enable_y, Eina_Bool *enable_z)
 Return body's rotation on z axis state. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_linear_movement_enable_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable_x, Eina_Bool enable_y, Eina_Bool enable_z)
 Enable or disable body's movement on x, y and z axes. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_linear_movement_enable_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool *enable_x, Eina_Bool *enable_y, Eina_Bool *enable_z)
 Get body's movement on x, y and z axes behavior. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Quaternionephysics_body_rotation_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Quaternion *rotation)
 Get body's rotation quaternion. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_rotation_set (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Quaternion *quat)
 Set body's rotation. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_data_set (EPhysics_Body *body, void *data)
 Set data to body. More...
EAPI void * ephysics_body_data_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Return data previously set to body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_central_force_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z)
 Apply a force on the center of a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_torque_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double torque_x, double torque_y, double torque_z)
 Apply a torque over a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_force_apply (EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z, Evas_Coord pos_x, Evas_Coord pos_y, Evas_Coord pos_z)
 Apply a force over a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_forces_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get physics body forces. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_torques_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get physics body torques. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_forces_clear (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Clear all the forces applied to a body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_center_mass_get (const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get the center of mass of physics body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_density_set (EPhysics_Body *body, double density)
 Set body's material density. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_density_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's material density. More...
EAPI double ephysics_body_volume_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's volume. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_material_set (EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Material material)
 Set body's material. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Body_Material ephysics_body_material_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get body's material. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_light_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable)
 Set light effect over body. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_body_light_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get light effect over body. More...
EAPI void ephysics_body_back_face_culling_set (EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable)
 Set body's evas object to be hidden when it is counter-clockwise. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_body_back_face_culling_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Return if body's evas object will be hidden when it is counter-clockwise or not. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_body_clockwise_get (const EPhysics_Body *body)
 Get the clockwise state of a body. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Constraintephysics_constraint_linked_add (EPhysics_Body *body1, EPhysics_Body *body2)
 Create a new constraint between 2 bodies(Point to Point constraint). More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_anchor_set (EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, Evas_Coord anchor_b1_x, Evas_Coord anchor_b1_y, Evas_Coord anchor_b1_z, Evas_Coord anchor_b2_x, Evas_Coord anchor_b2_y, Evas_Coord anchor_b2_z)
 Change the constraints anchors values on both constrained bodies. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_anchor_get (const EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, Evas_Coord *anchor_b1_x, Evas_Coord *anchor_b1_y, Evas_Coord *anchor_b1_z, Evas_Coord *anchor_b2_x, Evas_Coord *anchor_b2_y, Evas_Coord *anchor_b2_z)
 Get the constraints anchors values on both constrained bodies. More...
EAPI EPhysics_Constraintephysics_constraint_add (EPhysics_Body *body)
 Create a new constraint. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_linear_limit_set (EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, Evas_Coord lower_x, Evas_Coord upper_x, Evas_Coord lower_y, Evas_Coord upper_y, Evas_Coord lower_z, Evas_Coord upper_z)
 Define the linear moving limits of a constraint. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_linear_limit_get (const EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, Evas_Coord *lower_x, Evas_Coord *upper_x, Evas_Coord *lower_y, Evas_Coord *upper_y, Evas_Coord *lower_z, Evas_Coord *upper_z)
 Get the linear moving limits of a constraint. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_angular_limit_set (EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, double counter_clock_x, double clock_wise_x, double counter_clock_y, double clock_wise_y, double counter_clock_z, double clock_wise_z)
 Set the angular moving limits of a constraint. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_angular_limit_get (const EPhysics_Constraint *constraint, double *counter_clock_x, double *clock_wise_x, double *counter_clock_y, double *clock_wise_y, double *counter_clock_z, double *clock_wise_z)
 Get the angular moving limits of a constraint. More...
EAPI void ephysics_constraint_del (EPhysics_Constraint *constraint)
 Deletes a physics constraint. More...

Detailed Description

These routines are used for EPhysics library interaction.