Representation of a parsed source description item. all fields are string
class source : ?name:(string * option) option -> ?version:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.version option) option -> ?architecture:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.architecture list option) option -> ?build_depends:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepsformula option) option -> ?build_depends_indep:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepsformula option) option -> ?build_depends_arch:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepsformula option) option -> ?build_conflicts:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepslist option) option -> ?build_conflicts_indep:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepslist option) option -> ?build_conflicts_arch:(string * Dose_pef.Packages_types.builddepslist option) option -> Dose_extra.Format822.stanza -> object ... end
val parse_package_stanza : (Dose_extra.Format822.stanza -> bool) option -> string list -> Dose_extra.Format822.stanza -> source option
val parse_sources_in : ?filter:(Dose_extra.Format822.stanza -> bool) -> ?archs:string list ->
string -> IO.input -> source list
parse a debian Sources file from channel
val input_raw : ?filter:(Dose_extra.Format822.stanza -> bool) -> ?archs:string list -> string list -> source list
parse a debian Sources file. ~archs
determines which which architectures should be considered while parsing the Souces file. if ~arch is then all archs are cosidered
val src2pkg : ?dropalternatives:bool -> ?profiles:string list -> ?noindep:bool ->
?noarch:bool -> ?src:string ->
Dose_pef.Packages_types.architecture -> Dose_pef.Packages_types.architecture -> < architecture : string list; build_conflicts : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_conflicts_arch : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_conflicts_indep : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_depends : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; build_depends_arch : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; build_depends_indep : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; name :; version : Dose_pef.Packages_types.version; .. > -> Packages.package
val sources2packages : ?dropalternatives:bool -> ?profiles:string list ->
?noindep:bool -> ?noarch:bool -> ?src:string ->
Dose_pef.Packages_types.architecture -> Dose_pef.Packages_types.architecture -> < architecture : string list; build_conflicts : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_conflicts_arch : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_conflicts_indep : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list; build_depends : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; build_depends_arch : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; build_depends_indep : (Dose_pef.Packages_types.vpkg * (bool * string) list * (bool * string) list list) list list; name :; version : Dose_pef.Packages_types.version; .. > list -> Packages.package list
transform a list of sources packages into dummy binary packages. * This function preserve the order
Check if a package is of "Type" source as encoded by the function sources2packages
get_src_package universe binpkg
returns the source package associate with the given binary package.
precondition : the package has "type" bin and the universe contains packages of "type" src encoded with sources2packages.
Raise MismatchSrc if there exists a source package with the same name but with a different version . Raise NotfoundSrc if the univese does not contain either a source package associated with the binary package or a source package with the same name but different version.
Returns an hash table that associates source packages (encoded by the function sources2packages) to binary packages in the universe. It is possible that a source package is not associated with any binary packages.
val get_bin_packages : 'a Stdlib.ref Dose_common.CudfAdd.Cudf_hashtbl.t -> Dose_common.CudfAdd.Cudf_hashtbl.key -> 'a
Returns the list of binary packages associated to a package of "Type" source encoded by the function sources2packages. The table h associated each source with a list of binaries
val binset : ('a -> Dose_common.CudfAdd.Cudf_set.elt list) -> 'a list -> Dose_common.CudfAdd.Cudf_set.t
Returns the set of binary packages generated by the packages in srclist. The function get_bin_packages gets a source package and returns the set of packages associated to it. If the source package is not known, then it is ignored.