revdescription — A extended description of a revision to a document
revdescription ::= ((calloutlist
The RevDescription
associated with a revision is a
summary of the changes made in that revision. RevDescription
is intended for long, complete summaries. For a simple text-only summary,
see RevRemark
May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed.
The following elements occur in revdescription:
, anchor
, bibliolist
, blockquote
, bridgehead
, calloutlist
, caution
, classsynopsis
, cmdsynopsis
, constructorsynopsis
, destructorsynopsis
, equation
, example
, fieldsynopsis
, figure
, formalpara
, funcsynopsis
, glosslist
, graphic
, graphicco
, highlights
, important
, indexterm
, informalequation
, informalexample
, informalfigure
, informaltable
, itemizedlist
, literallayout
, mediaobject
, mediaobjectco
, methodsynopsis
, note
, orderedlist
, para
, procedure
, programlisting
, programlistingco
, remark
, screen
, screenco
, screenshot
, segmentedlist
, simpara
, simplelist
, synopsis
, table
, tip
, variablelist
, warning