This is a checklist of steps involved in updating d-i to use a new version of the kernel. 1. Compare available modules in new kernel and add any that are useful for installation to an appropriate udeb. 2. New kernel package enters the archive. 3. Update build/config/ KERNELVERSION to use new kernel (only commit once udebs are accepted). 4. Make sure images still build, as sometimes new kernels will overflow space limits. If not, the kernel-wedge udeb configuration in the kernel package needs to be revised. 5. Do initial test installs, which must be done against unstable to use the new kernel udebs from unstable or using hand-build CD images. 6. New kernel package enters testing. 7. Test to make sure lowmem installs still work. New kernels and added/changed modules sometimes break lowmem. Documentation on the minimum memory requirements may need to be updated (manual/build/arch-options/). 8. Get new debian-cd uploaded and into testing. 9. Full user testing, etc. 10. Update kernel version in manual/build/arch-options for the relevant kernel. 11. Inform maintainer of Release Notes of the changes in kernel version (or update ddp/manuals.sgml/release-notes/release-notes.ent in CVS).