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Kapitel 14. Säkerhet

14.1. Definiera en säkerhetspolicy
14.2. Brandvägg eller Paketfiltrering
14.2.1. nftables Beteende
14.2.2. Flytta från iptables till nftables
14.2.3. Syntax för nft
14.2.4. Installera reglerna vid varje uppstart
14.3. Övervakning: Förebyggande, Upptäckt och Avskräckning
14.3.1. Övervakning av loggar med logcheck
14.3.2. Monitoring Activity
14.3.3. Undvik intrång
14.3.4. Upptäcka förändringar
14.3.5. Upptäcka intrång (IDS/NIDS)
14.4. Introduktion till AppArmor
14.4.1. Principer
14.4.2. Aktivera AppArmor och hantera AppArmor-profiler
14.4.3. Skapa en ny profil
14.5. Introduktion till SELinux
14.5.1. Principer
14.5.2. Konfigurera SELinux
14.5.3. Hantera ett SELinux-system
14.5.4. Anpassa reglerna
14.6. Andra säkerhetsrelaterade överväganden
14.6.1. Inbyggda risker med webbapplikationer
14.6.2. Veta vad man kan förvänta sig
14.6.3. Välja programvara på ett klokt sätt
14.6.4. Hantera en maskin som en helhet
14.6.5. Användare är spelare
14.6.6. Fysisk säkerhet
14.6.7. Juridiskt ansvar
14.7. Hantera en komprometterad maskin
14.7.1. Detecting and Seeing the Cracker's Intrusion
14.7.2. Att sätta servern offline
14.7.3. Behåll allt som kan användas som bevismaterial
14.7.4. Installera om
14.7.5. Forensisk analys
14.7.6. Rekonstruera attackscenariot
An information system can have a varying level of importance depending on the environment. In some cases, it is vital to a company's survival. It must therefore be protected from various kinds of risks. The process of evaluating these risks, defining and implementing the protection is collectively known as the “security process”.

14.1. Definiera en säkerhetspolicy

The word “security” itself covers a vast range of concepts, tools and procedures, none of which apply universally. Choosing among them requires a precise idea of what your goals are. Securing a system starts with answering a few questions. Rushing headlong into implementing an arbitrary set of tools runs the risk of focusing on the wrong aspects of security.
The very first thing to determine is therefore the goal. A good approach to help with that determination starts with the following questions:
  • What are we trying to protect? The security policy will be different depending on whether we want to protect computers or data. In the latter case, we also need to know which data.
  • What are we trying to protect against? Is it leakage of confidential data? Accidental data loss? Revenue loss caused by disruption of service?
  • Also, who are we trying to protect against? Security measures will be quite different for guarding against a typo by a regular user of the system than they would be when protecting against a determined attacker group.
The term “risk” is customarily used to refer collectively to these three factors: what to protect, what needs to be prevented from happening, and who will try to make it happen. Modeling the risk requires answers to these three questions. From this risk model, a security policy can be constructed, and the policy can be implemented with concrete actions.
Extra constraints are also worth taking into account, as they can restrict the range of available policies. How far are we willing to go to secure a system? This question has a major impact on the policy to implement. The answer is too often only defined in terms of monetary costs, but the other elements should also be considered, such as the amount of inconvenience imposed on system users or performance degradation.
När risken har modellerats kan man börja tänka på att utforma en faktisk säkerhetspolicy.
In most cases, the information system can be segmented in consistent and mostly independent subsets. Each subsystem will have its own requirements and constraints, and so the risk assessment and the design of the security policy should be undertaken separately for each. A good principle to keep in mind is that a short and well-defined perimeter is easier to defend than a long and winding frontier. The network organization should also be designed accordingly: the sensitive services should be concentrated on a small number of machines, and these machines should only be accessible via a minimal number of check-points; securing these check-points will be easier than securing all the sensitive machines against the entirety of the outside world. It is at this point that the usefulness of network filtering (including by firewalls) becomes apparent. This filtering can be implemented with dedicated hardware, but a possibly simpler and more flexible solution is to use a software firewall such as the one integrated in the Linux kernel.