

This document is mainly useful for people doing libsasl development or users having a lot of difficulty getting libsasl to work.

Testing the CMU SASL Library with the included sample applications

The CMU SASL library comes with two small sample programs: sample-client and sample-server. Each of these programs dump base-64 SASL iterations to STDOUT, and read the next iteration from STDIN. Lines preceded by “C: ” are from the client, and from “S: ” are from the server.

This makes it fairly straightforward to test mechanisms; simply run the sample-client on the “client” machine, and sample-server on the “server” machine.

Both programs take a -m MECH command line argument; this can be used to force the mechanism used in the exchange. KERBEROS_V4 requires that the IP addresses of both client and server be set, along with the service name, and the server’s fully-qualified hostname; these are done through more command line arguments.


Here’s the client side of an exchange. The mechanism selection code chooses KERBEROS_V4; negotiation takes place, and the client is authenticated. This is being run on the machine SPOOKY.ANDREW.CMU.EDU (, pretending to be talking to an “rcmd” service running on port 23 (note the semicolons in the IP address. There is a strong chance these will need to be escaped for proper interpretation by the shell):

> ./sample-client -i local=;23,remote=;23 -s rcmd -n SPOOKY.ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Waiting for mechanism list from server...
Choosing best mechanism from: PLAIN ANONYMOUS KERBEROS_V4 DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5
Using mechanism KERBEROS_V4
Preparing initial.
Sending initial response...
Waiting for server reply...
S: hVQFjA==
Sending response...
Waiting for server reply...
S: BgcvFb63CLs=
Sending response...
C: ohBT+Jqab9zmDzclN7GSTw==
Negotiation complete

Here’s the server side of the same dialog:

> ./sample-server -s rcmd -i local=;23,remote=;23
Generating client mechanism list...
Sending list of 5 mechanism(s)
Waiting for client mechanism...
Sending response...
S: hVQFjA==
Waiting for client reply...
Sending response...
S: BgcvFb63CLs=
Waiting for client reply...
C: ohBT+Jqab9zmDzclN7GSTw==
Negotiation complete
Username: rob
SSF: 56

Running the Testsuite application

The Testsuite application in the utils directory tries out all the functionality of libsasl against itself. When you run the application it displays some requirments for running, such as being able to read and write to the sasldb file. If this program is set up correctly and still fails we’d like to hear about it at cyrus-bugs@andrew.cmu.edu.