phs — Obtains the phases of a complex-number array
This opcode returns the phases of a complex-number array, as a real-valued array with half the size of its input plus one. The reason for the extra point is to keep the array size equivalent to the output of the mags opcode (which is often used alongside this one).
kout[] -- output array containing the phases. It will be created if it does not exist.
kin[] -- input array containing the complex-valued real-imaginary input.
Here is an example of the phs opcode. It uses the file phs.csd.
Example 758. Example of the phs opcode.
See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.
<CsoundSynthesizer> <CsOptions> -d -o dac </CsOptions> <CsInstruments> /* ksmps needs to be an integer div of hopsize */ ksmps = 64 0dbfs=1 nchnls=2 opcode PVA,k[]k[]k,aii asig,isize,ihop xin iolaps init isize/ihop kcnt init 0 krow init 1 kIn[] init isize kOlph[] init isize/2 + 1 ifac = (sr/(ihop*2*$M_PI)) iscal = (2*$M_PI*ihop/isize) kfl = 0 kIn shiftin asig if kcnt == ihop then kWin[] window kIn,krow*ihop kSpec[] rfft kWin kMags[] mags kSpec kPha[] phs kSpec kDelta[] = kPha - kOlph kOlph = kPha kk = 0 kDelta unwrap kDelta while kk < isize/2 do kPha[kk] = (kDelta[kk] + kk*iscal)*ifac kk += 1 od krow = (krow+1)%iolaps kcnt = 0 kfl = 1 endif xout kMags,kPha,kfl kcnt += ksmps endop opcode PVS,a,k[]k[]kii kMags[],kFr[],kfl,isize,ihop xin iolaps init isize/ihop ifac = ihop*2*$M_PI/sr; iscal = sr/isize krow init 0 kOla[] init isize kOut[][] init iolaps,isize kPhs[] init isize/2+1 if kfl == 1 then kk = 0 while kk < isize/2 do kFr[kk] = (kFr[kk] - kk*iscal)*ifac kk += 1 od kPhs = kFr + kPhs kSpec[] pol2rect kMags,kPhs kRow[] rifft kSpec kWin[] window kRow, krow*ihop kOut setrow kWin, krow kOla = 0 kk = 0 until kk == iolaps do kRow getrow kOut, kk kOla = kOla + kRow kk += 1 od krow = (krow+1)%iolaps endif xout shiftout(kOla)/iolaps endop instr 1 ihopsize = 256 ; hopsize ifftsize = 2048 ; FFT size kFreqsOut[] init ifftsize/2+1 ; synthesis freqs kMagsOut[] init ifftsize/2+1 ; synthesis mags a1 diskin2 "fox.wav",1,0,1 kMags[],kFreqs[],kflg PVA a1,ifftsize,ihopsize if kflg == 1 then ki = 0 kMagsOut = 0 kFreqsOut = 0 iscal = 1.5 until ki == ifftsize/2 do if ki*iscal < ifftsize/2 then kFreqsOut[ki*iscal] = kFreqs[ki]*iscal kMagsOut[ki*iscal] = kMags[ki] endif ki += 1 od endif a2 PVS kMagsOut,kFreqsOut,kflg,ifftsize,ihopsize a1 delay a1, (ifftsize+ihopsize)/sr outs a1, a2 endin </CsInstruments> <CsScore> i1 0 10 </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer>