
JackoNoteOut — Sends a MIDI channel message to a Jack port.


Plugin opcode in jacko. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins

Sends a MIDI channel message to a Jack MIDI output port inside this instance of Csound, and in turn to its connected external Jack MIDI input port.


JackoNoteOut  ScsoundPortName, kstatus, kchannel, kdata1[, kdata2]


ScsoundPortName -- The short name ("portname") of the internal Jack MIDI output port.


kstatus -- MIDI status byte; must indicate a MIDI channel message.

kchannel -- MIDI channel (from 0 through 15).

kdata1 -- First data byte of a MIDI channel message.

kdata2 -- Optional second data byte of a MIDI channel message.

This opcode can be called any number of times in the same kperiod. Messages from multiple instances of the opcode sending to the same port are collected before sending.

Running status, system exclusive messages, and real-time messages are not supported.

The granularity of timing is Csound's kperiod.


Here is an example of the JackoNoteOut opcode. It uses the file jacko.csd.

See Also

JackoInfo, JackoInfo, JackoFreewheel, JackoAudioInConnect, JackoAudioOutConnect, JackoMidiInConnect, JackoMidiOutConnect, JackoOn, JackoAudioIn, JackoMidiOut, The Jacko Opcodes.


By: Michael Gogins 2010