AdapterActivator | Adapter activators are associated with POAs and supply the
the ability to create child POAs on demand. |
AdapterActivatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the AdapterActivator.
Current | Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA
to that this object is connected. |
CurrentOperations | Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA
to that this object is connected. |
IdAssignmentPolicy | Specifies the Object Id assignment policy.
IdAssignmentPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the IdAssignmentPolicy.
IdUniquenessPolicy | Specfies the Id uniqueness policy.
IdUniquenessPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the IdUniquenessPolicy.
ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer IdAssignmentPolicy identifier.
ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer IdUniquenessPolicy identifier.
ImplicitActivationPolicy | Specifies the implicit activation policy.
ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ImplicitActivationPolicy.
IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer ImplicitActivationPolicy identifier.
LifespanPolicy | Specifies the object life span policy, if they can outlive the POA
with that they were first created.
LifespanPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the LifespanPolicy.
LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer LifespanPolicy identifier.
The Portable Object Adapter (POA) provides more control on the request
processing than it is possible when connecting objects directly to the
ORB. |
POAManager |
A POA manager is associated with one or more POAs and provides means
to regulate they activity. |
POAManagerOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the POAManager .
POAOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the POA.
RequestProcessingPolicy | Specifies the behaviour in the case when the
requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map
is not in use.
RequestProcessingPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the RequestProcessingPolicy.
REQUEST_PROCESSING_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer RequestProcessingPolicy identifier.
ServantActivator | The POA, that has the RETAIN policy uses servant managers that are
ServantActivators. |
ServantActivatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantActivator .
ServantLocator | When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are
ServantLoacators. |
ServantLocatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantLocator .
ServantManager | A servant manager is associated with POA and provide possibility
to activate objects on demand. |
ServantManagerOperations | This interface would define the operations, applicable to
the ServantManager. |
ServantRetentionPolicy | Specifies if the active servants should be retained in the
Active Object Map.
ServantRetentionPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantRetentionPolicy.
SERVANT_RETENTION_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer ServantRetentionPolicy identifier.
ThreadPolicy | Defines the POA thread policy.
ThreadPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ThreadPolicy.
THREAD_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer ThreadPolicy identifier.