Package org.omg.PortableServer

Interface Summary

AdapterActivator Adapter activators are associated with POAs and supply the the ability to create child POAs on demand.
AdapterActivatorOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the AdapterActivator.
Current Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA to that this object is connected.
CurrentOperations Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA to that this object is connected.
IdAssignmentPolicy Specifies the Object Id assignment policy.
IdAssignmentPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the IdAssignmentPolicy.
IdUniquenessPolicy Specfies the Id uniqueness policy.
IdUniquenessPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the IdUniquenessPolicy.
ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID Holds an integer IdAssignmentPolicy identifier.
ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID Holds an integer IdUniquenessPolicy identifier.
ImplicitActivationPolicy Specifies the implicit activation policy.
ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the ImplicitActivationPolicy.
IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID Holds an integer ImplicitActivationPolicy identifier.
LifespanPolicy Specifies the object life span policy, if they can outlive the POA with that they were first created.
LifespanPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the LifespanPolicy.
LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID Holds an integer LifespanPolicy identifier.
POA The Portable Object Adapter (POA) provides more control on the request processing than it is possible when connecting objects directly to the ORB.
POAManager A POA manager is associated with one or more POAs and provides means to regulate they activity.
POAManagerOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the POAManager.
POAOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the POA.
RequestProcessingPolicy Specifies the behaviour in the case when the requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map is not in use.
RequestProcessingPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the RequestProcessingPolicy.
REQUEST_PROCESSING_POLICY_ID Holds an integer RequestProcessingPolicy identifier.
ServantActivator The POA, that has the RETAIN policy uses servant managers that are ServantActivators.
ServantActivatorOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantActivator.
ServantLocator When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLoacators.
ServantLocatorOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantLocator.
ServantManager A servant manager is associated with POA and provide possibility to activate objects on demand.
ServantManagerOperations This interface would define the operations, applicable to the ServantManager.
ServantRetentionPolicy Specifies if the active servants should be retained in the Active Object Map.
ServantRetentionPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantRetentionPolicy.
SERVANT_RETENTION_POLICY_ID Holds an integer ServantRetentionPolicy identifier.
ThreadPolicy Defines the POA thread policy.
ThreadPolicyOperations Defines the operations, applicable to the ThreadPolicy.
THREAD_POLICY_ID Holds an integer ThreadPolicy identifier.

Class Summary

CurrentHelper The helper operations for the CORBA object Current.
DynamicImplementation This class is used for servants that support calling via server request.
ForwardRequestHelper The helper operations for the exception ForwardRequest.
IdAssignmentPolicyValue Specifies the Object Id assignment policy.
IdUniquenessPolicyValue Specifies the Object Id uniqueness policy.
ImplicitActivationPolicyValue Specifies the implicit activation policy.
LifespanPolicyValue Specifies the object life span policy.
POAHelper The helper operations for the CORBA object POA.
RequestProcessingPolicyValue Specifies the behaviour in the case when the requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map is not in use.
Servant The servant is responsible for handling the method invocation on the target object.
ServantActivatorHelper The helper operations for the CORBA object ServantActivator.
ServantActivatorPOA This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the servant activators.
ServantLocatorHelper The helper operations for the CORBA object ServantLocator.
ServantLocatorPOA The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the servant locators.
ServantRetentionPolicyValue Specifies the servant retention policy.
ThreadPolicyValue Defines the possible values for the POA thread policy.
_ServantActivatorStub This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the servant activators.
_ServantLocatorStub The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the servant locators.

Exception Summary

ForwardRequest This exception is raised by ServantManager to indicate that the invocation target has moved to another known location.