AdapterAlreadyExists | Raised if the target POA already has a child POA with the specified name
(during creation of the new POA as a child of the target POA).
AdapterNonExistent | The AdapterNonExistent is thrown if the parent POA cannot locate
the required child POA.
InvalidPolicy | Raised if any of the policy objects specified is not supported by this
ORB implementation, if conflicting policy objects are specified,
or if any of the specified policy objects require prior administrative
action that has not been performed.
NoServant | Raised when trying to get the default servant, when no default servant
has been associated with POA.
ObjectAlreadyActive | Raised in response to activate the already active object.
ObjectNotActive | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the
activated object, but the current object is not active.
ServantAlreadyActive | Raised in response to activate the already active object when
the UNIQUE_ID (single ID per object, default) policy is active. |
ServantNotActive | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the
activated servant, but the current object is not active.
WrongAdapter | Raised when invoking POA operations, requiring that the target
object would be created by this POA, if this condition is not
WrongPolicy | Raised when invoking the operation that is not allowed by the current
combination of the used policies.