Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Object | Read Any from the input stream.
Object | Read Any from the input stream.
Serializable | ValueHandler.readValue(InputStream in, int offset, Class<T> clz, String repositoryID, RunTime sender) Read value from the CORBA input stream in the case when the value is not
Streamable or CustomMarshall'ed. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
NoContext | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Read the value array from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
CodecFactory | This should read the CodecFactory from the CDR intput stream,
but this is not possible as CodecFactory is a local object.
int | Read the ComponentId from the CDR intput stream.
IOR | Read the structure from the CDR intput stream. |
TaggedComponent[] | Read the sequence from the CDR intput stream.
int | Read the ProfileId from the CDR intput stream.
ServiceContext | Read the context from the CDR intput stream (first id, then
data as a flexible length byte sequence).
ServiceContext[] | Read the ServiceContext[] from the CDR intput stream as a flexible lenth
int | Read the ServiceId from the CDR intput stream.
TaggedComponent | Read the structure from the CDR intput stream. |
TaggedProfile | Read the structure from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Read the header.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Object | Read Any from the input stream.
Serializable | RmiUtilities.readValue(InputStream in, int offset, Class<T> clz, String repositoryID, RunTime sender) Read value from the input stream in the case when the value is not
Streamable or CustomMarshalled.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InvalidValue | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
TypeMismatch | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | java.lang.Object is outside the scope of the CORBA standards and the read
operation cannot be supported in a language-neutral way.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
OutputStream | Call the required method.
OutputStream | |
OutputStream | The server calls this method after receiving the request message from
client. |
OutputStream | Call the required method.
OutputStream | Invoke the object method.
OutputStream | The server calls this method after receiving the request message
from client. |
void | Read the holder value from the CDR stream.
void | Read the holder value from the CDR stream.
void | Read the binding list from the given CDR stream.
void | Read the holder value from the CDR input stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading it from the CDR input stream.
void | Fill in the holder value by reading it from the CDR input stream.
void | Read the naming context from the given CDR input stream.
void | Read the naming context from the given CDR input stream.
Binding | Read the binding from the given CDR stream.
BindingIterator | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
Binding[] | Read the array of bindings from the given CDR input stream.
BindingType | Read the binding type from the CDR input stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
NameComponent | Read the name component from the given CDR input stream.
NameComponent[] | Read the Name from the given CDR input stream.
NamingContextExt | Read the extended naming context from the given CDR input stream.
NamingContext | Read the naming context from the given CDR input stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Read the name value pair.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Read the header.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
FormatMismatch | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
InvalidTypeForEncoding | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
TypeMismatch | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
int | Read the int (adapter manager id) from the CDR intput stream.
String[] | Reads the String[] from the CORBA input stream.
short | Read the short (adapter state) from the CDR intput stream.
Current | Not supported for compatibility reasons.
ForwardRequest | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
InvalidSlot | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
IORInterceptor_3_0 | Read the IORInterceptor_3_0 from the CDR intput stream (IOR profile
byte[] | Read the Object Id as a byte array.
ObjectReferenceFactory | Read the ObjectReferenceFactory from the CDR intput stream
(ValueBase type expected).
ObjectReferenceTemplate | Read the object reference template (as the value type).
ObjectReferenceTemplate[] | Reads the ObjectReferenceTemplate[] from the CORBA input
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Read the service information from the given CDR input stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Read fill in the value field by reading an instance from the
given input stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Any[] | Reads the Any [] from the CORBA input stream.
boolean[] | Reads the boolean[] from the CORBA input stream.
char[] | Reads the char[] from the CORBA input stream.
CompletionStatus | Reads the CompletionStatus from the CORBA input stream.
Current | Read the Current from the CDR intput stream (IOR profile expected).
DefinitionKind | Read the definitin kind (as int) from the CDR intput stream.
double[] | Reads the double[] from the CORBA input stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
float[] | Reads the float[] from the CORBA input stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
IDLType | Read the IDL type from the given input stream.
long[] | Reads the long long[] from the CORBA input stream.
int[] | Reads the int[] from the CORBA input stream.
NameValuePair | Read the NameValuePair from the given CDR stream. |
Object | Read the object from the given CDR input stream.
byte[] | Reads the byte[] from the CORBA input stream.
ParameterMode | Read the enumeration value (as int) from the CDR intput stream.
short | Delegates call to InputStream.read_short() .
PolicyError | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Policy | Read the object from the CDR intput stream (IOR profile expected).
Policy[] | Read the sequence of policies from the CDR intput stream.
int | Read the int (policy type) from the CDR intput stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
ServiceDetail | Read the service detail information from the given CDR
intput stream. |
ServiceInformation | Read the service information from the given CDR input stream.
SetOverrideType | Read the enumeration value (as int) from the CDR intput stream.
short[] | Reads the short[] from the CORBA input stream.
String[] | Reads the String[] from the CORBA input stream.
String | Reads a string as a value type.
StructMember | Read the StructMember from the input stream.
long[] | Reads the long[] from the CORBA input stream.
int[] | Reads the int[] from the CORBA input stream.
UnionMember | Read the union member from the given stream.
UnknownUserException | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
short[] | Reads the short[] from the CORBA input stream.
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream.
ValueMember | Reads the value member from the given stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
short | Read the visibility value (as short) from the CDR intput stream.
char[] | Reads the char[] from the CORBA input stream.
WrongTransaction | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
String[] | Reads the String[] from the CORBA input stream.
String | Reads a wide string as a value type.
Serializable | Read the string value from the input stream.
Serializable | Read the wide string value from the input stream.
void | Read the value into this Any from the given input stream.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | Invokes the operation. |
InputStream | Creates an input stream from that this Any object's value can be
read (unmarshalled).
Classes derived from org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
class | This class defines a new CDR input stream methods, added since
CORBA 2.3.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
AdapterAlreadyExists | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
AdapterNonExistent | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
InvalidPolicy | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
NoServant | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
ObjectAlreadyActive | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
ObjectNotActive | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
ServantAlreadyActive | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
ServantNotActive | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
WrongAdapter | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
WrongPolicy | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
String | Delegates functionality to InputStream.read_string() .
InvalidAddress | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
String | Delegates functionality to InputStream.read_string() .
String | Delegates functionality to InputStream.read_string() .
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Create a holder that will read from the given stream.
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | The stream, holding the data for this holder.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
OutputStream | Call the required method.
void | Read from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
void | Reads the exception from the input stream.
void | Read, trying to locate helper, if possible.
void | Reads into the internal buffer till the end of stream is
reached. |
void | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
void | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Read the value array from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Read from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | This method is not in use, should never be called.
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
void | Fill in the value field by reading the required data
from the given stream. |
ForwardRequest | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
void | Read from the CDR stream.
TypeCode | Read the CORBA TypeCode . |
SystemException | Read the system exception from the given stream.
UserException | Reads the user exception, having the given Id, from the input stream. |
void | Read the value of the given type from the given stream.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | Create the buffered CDR input stream, containing the
value, stored inside of this Any .
InputStream | Invoke operation on the given object, als handling temproray and permanent
redirections. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
OutputStream | We cannot invoke properly without having parameter info.
OutputStream | Forward the call to the wrapped object.
OutputStream | Handle the invocation (delegates to servant).
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
void | Returns without action.
void |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | Make an invocation.
InputStream | Make an invocation and return a stream from where the results can be read.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
UnknownEncoding | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
DuplicateName | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
InvalidName | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Creates an exception.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
OutputStream | Invoke the object method.
void | Fill in the value field for this holder by reading the required data
from the given stream.
void | Release the reply stream back to ORB after finishing reading the data
from it.
Serializable | Read this value type from the CDR stream.
void | Release the reply stream back to ORB after finishing reading the data
from it.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | Invoke the operation.
InputStream | Returns an input stream with the same buffer.
InputStream | Get the input stream from where the exception parameters can be read.
InputStream | Invoke the operation.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
OutputStream | Our implementation will not call this method. |
OutputStream | Our implementation will not call this method. |
Current | Not supported for compatibility reasons.
ForwardRequest | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
POA | This should read POA from the CDR input stream, but, following the specs,
it doesnot. |
ServantActivator | This should read the servant activator, but it cannot be transferred
this way as its operations cannot be remote. |
ServantLocator | This should read the servant locator, but it cannot be transferred
this way as its operations cannot be remote. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
short | Delegates call to InputStream.read_short() .
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
AdapterInactive | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
void | Fill in the stored value, reading it from the given CDR stream.
void | Read the holder from the CDR input stream.
AlreadyBound | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
CannotProceed | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
InvalidName | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
NotEmpty | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
NotFound | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
NotFoundReason | Read the exception from the given CDR stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
void | Fill in the value by data from the CDR stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InconsistentTypeCode | Read the exception from the CDR intput stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Any[] | Delegates call to .
DynAnyFactory | This should read DynAnyFactory from the CDR input stream, but (following
the JDK 1.5 API) it does not. |
DynAny | This should read DynAny from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
DynAny[] | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
DynArray | This should read DynArray from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
DynEnum | This should read DynEnum from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
DynFixed | This should read DynFixed from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
DynSequence | This should read DynSequence from the CDR input stream, but (following the
JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
DynStruct | This should read DynStruct from the CDR input stream, but (following the
JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
DynUnion | This should read DynUnion from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
DynValue | This should read DynValue from the CDR input stream, but (following the JDK
1.5 API) it does not.
String | Calls InputStream.read_string() .
NameDynAnyPair | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
NameDynAnyPair[] | The method should read this object from the CDR input stream, but
(following the JDK 1.5 API) it does not.
NameValuePair | Read the structure from the CDR intput stream.
NameValuePair[] | Read the sequence from the CDR intput stream.
Classes derived from org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
class | A simple CORBA CDR (common data representation) input stream, reading data
from the given InputStream . |
class | The CDR input stream that reads data from the byte buffer.
class | Substitutes the main stream in factories when the header is already behind.
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Create an instance, reading from the given buffer.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream. |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream when the value base class
is available. |
Object | Read the value base from the given input stream when the unitialised
instance is available. |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream. |
Serializable | Read using provided boxed value helper. |
int | Read the chunked nested value from the given input stream, transferring the
contents to the given output stream.
Serializable | Vio.readValue(InputStream input, int position, Object value, BoxedValueHelper helper, String id, String[] ids, String codebase) Read the value (the header must be behind).
Serializable | Read an instance from the stream.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream | |
InputStream | Return the input stream that reads the previously written values.
InputStream | Return the input stream that reads the previously written values.