Prev Package | Next Package | Frames | No Frames |
Interface Summary | |
ARG_IN | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "input parameter". |
ARG_INOUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark that the the parameter is used both to pass and to return some value. |
ARG_OUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "output parameter". |
BAD_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_TYPE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy type is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy value is not valid. |
CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used
to restrict the property search in the Context by
the current context.
Current | The interfaces, derived from this class, define the objects, providing information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
CurrentOperations | The interfaces, derived from this class, define operations that provide information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
CustomMarshal | This interface indicates that the object can provide its own methods for reading and writing its content. |
CustomValue | A Custom Value is a ValueBase implementing its own methods for
reading and writing (unmarshaling and marshaling) the content. |
DataInputStream | An interface for reading the custom value types. |
DataOutputStream | An interface for writing the custom value types. |
DomainManager | Establishes and navigates relationships to superior and subordinate domains, and also creates and access policies. |
DomainManagerOperations | Provides the means to access the policies of the domain, with that
the implementing DomainManager is associated.
DynAny | The DynAny interface provides possibility to access the components of
the CORBA object, stored inside the Any . |
DynArray | Represents the DynAny , holding an array.
DynEnum | Represents the dynamic enumeration, allowing to get/set the value by name or by position in the enumeration list. |
DynFixed | Represents a CORBA fixed , allowing to get and set its value
in the form of the binary representation.
DynSequence | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA sequence
(an array with the flexible length).
DynStruct | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA structure (record
with the named fields). |
DynUnion | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA structure (variant record
with the named fields). |
DynValue | Represents the DynAny , holding a value type.
IDLType | An abstract interface that represent OMG IDL types. |
IDLTypeOperations | Defines operations, applicable for the IDL type. |
IRObject | Represents the interface repository object. |
IRObjectOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the interface repository object. |
Object | The CORBA object reference. |
OMGVMCID | The higher 20 bits of any CORBA exception hold "Vendor Minor Codeset ID" (VMCID), for instance 0x4F4D0000 (OMG standard), 0x54410000 (TAO), 0x4A430000 (JacORB), 0x49540000 (IONA), 0x53550000 (Sun). |
Policy | The interfaces derived from the class allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices (id assignment, threading model and so on) that affect they operation. |
PolicyOperations | Defines the operations that can be applied to the Policy
PRIVATE_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of
the ValueMember . |
PUBLIC_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of
the ValueMember . |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
while the requested Policy is valid, it is not supported by
this ORB. |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
while the requested Policy value is valid, it is not
supported by this ORB. |
VM_ABSTRACT | Specifies that the object is an abstract interface. |
VM_CUSTOM | Indicates a custom marshalled value type. |
VM_NONE | One of the possible values, returned by TypeCode.type_modifier() .
VM_TRUNCATABLE | Indicates a truncatable value type. |
Class Summary | |
Any | A container that can store a value of either user defined or primitive IDL type. |
AnyHolder | A holder for storing an instance of Any .
AnySeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
the array of the type Any (not with the "any array").
AnySeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA AnySeq that is mapped into
java Any[] .
BooleanHolder | A holder for CORBA boolean that is mapped into
java boolean .
BooleanSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of boolean
(BooleanSeq ).
BooleanSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA BooleanSeq that is mapped into
java boolean[] .
ByteHolder | A holder for CORBA octet that is mapped into
java byte .
CharHolder | A holder for CORBA char that is mapped into
java char .
CharSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(CharSeq ).
CharSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA CharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
CompletionStatus | Defines the method completion status, usually for the time moment, when the exception has been thrown. |
CompletionStatusHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CompletionStatus .
Context | This class holds the list of the named properties. |
ContextList | Stores a modifiable list of String objects representing the property names. |
CurrentHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object Current .
CurrentHolder | A holder for the object Current .
DefinitionKind | This class indicates the kind of the definition, stored in the interface repository. |
DefinitionKindHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
DoubleHolder | A holder for CORBA double that is mapped into
java double .
DoubleSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of double
(DoubleSeq ).
DoubleSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA DoubleSeq that is mapped into
java double[] .
DynamicImplementation | This class was probably originally thinked as a base of all CORBA object implementations. |
Environment | A container for an exception, that has been thrown by the method of the CORBA object. |
ExceptionList | Stores exceptions that can be thrown when invoking a method of an
CORBA Object .
FieldNameHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA FieldName that is identical to the narrow string. |
FixedHolder | A holder for CORBA fixed that is mapped into
java BigDecimal .
FloatHolder | A holder for CORBA float that is mapped into
java float .
FloatSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of float
(FloatSeq ).
FloatSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA FloatSeq that is mapped into
java float[] .
IdentifierHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Identifier that is identical to the narrow string. |
IDLTypeHelper | A helper operations for the IDL type. |
IntHolder | A holder for CORBA long that is mapped into
java int .
LocalObject | An object, formally implementing the CORBA Object , but actually
handling all invocations locally.
LongHolder | A holder for CORBA long long that is mapped into
java long .
LongLongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(LongLongSeq ).
LongLongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA LongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
LongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(LongSeq ).
LongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA LongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
NamedValue | The class is used to describe a call parameter, having name,
value and the passing mode flags (ARG_IN , ARG_OUT or
NameValuePair | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
NameValuePairHelper | The helper operations for NameValuePair .
NVList | The named value list, used to define the parameters in the
Request . |
ObjectHelper | The helper operations for the binding list. |
ObjectHolder | A holder for CORBA Object that is mapped into
java org.omg.CORBA.Object .
OctetSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of byte
(OctetSeq ).
OctetSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA OctetSeq that is mapped into
java byte[] .
ORB | A central class in CORBA implementation, responsible for sending and handling remote invocations. |
ParameterMode | Defines the parameter modes (the ways in that a method parameter is used during invocation). |
ParameterModeHelper | A helper operations for a method parameter modes. |
ParameterModeHolder | The holder for ParameterMode. |
PolicyErrorCodeHelper | A helper operations for the policy error code as an alias of
short .
PolicyErrorHelper | The helper operations for the exception PolicyError .
PolicyErrorHolder | A holder for the exception PolicyError .
PolicyHelper | The helper operations for the
CORBA object Policy .
PolicyHolder | A holder for the object Policy .
PolicyListHelper | The helper operations for the
CORBA object Policy [].
PolicyListHolder | A holder for the object Policy[] .
PolicyTypeHelper | A helper operations for the policy type. |
Principal | This class was used to store the client identity in the past. |
PrincipalHolder | A holder for storing an instance of Principal .
RepositoryIdHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Repository Id that is identical to the narrow string. |
Request | An object, containing the information, needed to invoke the method of the local or remote CORBA object. |
ServerRequest | This class was expected to be part of the dynamic skeleton interface, but it is almost never used in the code, generated by IDL to java compiler. |
ServiceDetail | An object, representing one of the additional details about the particular ORB service. |
ServiceDetailHelper | The helper operations on the Service Detail. |
ServiceInformation | Stores information about the CORBA service, available from some ORB. |
ServiceInformationHelper | Helper operations for the service information. |
ServiceInformationHolder | A holder for the service information. |
SetOverrideType | Defines the instruction, how the newly specified policies can be taken into consideration. |
SetOverrideTypeHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
ShortHolder | A holder for CORBA short that is mapped into
java short .
ShortSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(ShortSeq ).
ShortSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
StringHolder | A holder for CORBA string that is mapped into
java String .
StringSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA string array.
StringSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA string[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
StringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the String value type, treating a String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
StructMember | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL struct .
StructMemberHelper | Defines a helper operations for StructMember. |
TCKind | The basic constants, used in java to IDL mapping. |
TypeCode | An information about a CORBA data type. |
TypeCodeHolder | A holder for CORBA TypeCode that is mapped into
java TypeCode .
ULongLongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(ULongLongSeq ).
ULongLongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ULongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
ULongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(ULongSeq ).
ULongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ULongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
UnionMember | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL union .
UnionMemberHelper | A helper operations for the union member. |
UnknownUserExceptionHelper | The helper operations for the exception UnknownUserException .
UnknownUserExceptionHolder | A holder for the exception UnknownUserException .
UShortSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(UShortSeq ).
UShortSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA UShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
ValueBaseHelper | A helper operations for the value base type (ValueBase ).
ValueBaseHolder | A holder to store a ValueBase that is handled as
Serializable here.
ValueMember | The class, defining properties of the value member. |
ValueMemberHelper | The helper operations for the value member. |
VersionSpecHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA VersionSpec that is identical to the narrow string. |
VisibilityHelper | A helper operations for a Visibility that is mapped into java and CORBA
short . |
WCharSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(WCharSeq ).
WCharSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA WCharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
WrongTransactionHelper | The helper operations for the exception WrongTransaction .
WrongTransactionHolder | A holder for the exception WrongTransaction .
WStringSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA wstring array.
WStringSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA wstring[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
WStringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the Wide String value type, treating a Wide String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
_IDLTypeStub | The stub for the IDL type. |
_PolicyStub | The Policy stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
Exception Summary | |
ACTIVITY_COMPLETED | The ACTIVITY_COMPLETED indicates that the Activity context in which the method call was made has been completed due to a timeout of either the Activity itself or a transaction that encompasses the Activity. |
ACTIVITY_REQUIRED | The ACTIVITY_REQUIRED system exception indicates that an Activity context was necessary to perform the invoked operation, but one was not found associated with the calling thread. |
BAD_CONTEXT | Means that the operation is invoked by a client but the passed context has no values required by this operation. |
BAD_INV_ORDER | Means that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order. |
BAD_OPERATION | Means that the object exists but does not support the operation that was invoked on it. |
BAD_PARAM | The exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered illegal. |
BAD_QOS | The BAD_QOS is raised when the object cannot support the quality of service required by an invocation parameter. |
BAD_TYPECODE | Means that the some TypeCode has been realized to be invalid (for example, has an invalid TCKind value). |
Bounds | Thrown when a parameter is outside the bounds for a particular object a method is trying to access. |
CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE | Raised when client and server are unable to reach any consensus on which code set should be used to represent the characters. |
COMM_FAILURE | Means that the communication has been lost while an operation was in progress |
DATA_CONVERSION | Means that the ORB cannot convert between the marshalled and native data representation. |
FREE_MEM | Means errors, related to freeing the allocated memory. |
IMP_LIMIT | Means that the server has reached some implementation limit (too many clients, too many references, too long parameters and so on). |
INITIALIZE | Means that the server cannot be initialized because of the some reason. |
INTERNAL | Means an internal failure in the ORB. |
INTF_REPOS | Means errors, related to the interface repository. |
INVALID_ACTIVITY | Raised when the transaction or Activity is resumed in a different context than from which it was suspended. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION | Means that request carried an invalid transaction context. |
INV_FLAG | Means invalid flag, passed during operation. |
INV_IDENT | Means that some IDL identifier has a wrong syntax. |
INV_OBJREF | Means that some object reference is internally malformed. |
INV_POLICY | This exception is thrown when an invocation cannot be made because of an incompatibility between Policy overrides that apply to the particular invocation. |
MARSHAL | Means that some request or reply from the network has a wrong size or is structurally invalid. |
NO_IMPLEMENT | Means that while the operation being invoked does exists, no implementation for it exists. |
NO_MEMORY | Means that the server has runned out of memory. |
NO_PERMISSION | Means that the caller has no rights to invoke the operation. |
NO_RESOURCES | Means that the ORB has reached some general resource limitation like maximal number of the opened connections. |
NO_RESPONSE | Means that the client attempts to retrieve the result that is not yet available. |
OBJECT_NOT_EXIST | Means an attempt to perform some operation on a deleted object. |
OBJ_ADAPTER | This exception typically indicates an administrative mismatch. |
PERSIST_STORE | Indicates a persistent storage failure like database crash. |
PolicyError | The exception is thrown when a policy error occurs. |
REBIND | Raised on the failure of the requested or implied attempt to rebind an object reference. |
SystemException | The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions. |
TIMEOUT | Raised when no delivery has been made during the specified timeout duration. |
TRANSACTION_MODE | Raised when the TransactionPolicy in the IOR is not the same as the current transaction mode. |
TRANSACTION_REQUIRED | Means that request carried a null transaction context, but an active transaction is required. |
TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK | Means that transaction associated with the request has already been rolled back or marked to roll back. |
TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE | Raised in response to the abnormal termination of the transaction service. |
TRANSIENT | Means that the ORB cannot reach the object. |
UnknownUserException | A wrapper against an unknown user exception that has been thrown on remote side and returned by the server. |
UNKNOWN | Means that the operation implementation has thrown a non-CORBA exception. |
UserException | The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions. |
WrongTransaction | Thrown when the transaction scope mismatches. |