Frames | No Frames |
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | A Stub descendants provide access to the object on the client side. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Get the object that delegates calls to this tie.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Get the interface repository defintion
InterfaceDef for this Object.
Object | Obtains the CORBA object reference that is an invocation target for the
given servant.
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Create the ForwardRequest with explaining
message and all fields initialised to the given values.
| |
Create the ForwardRequest without explaining
message and all fields initialised to the given values.
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | The field forward.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Current | Cast the passed object into the Current.
IORInterceptor_3_0 | Narrow the passed object into the IORInterceptor_3_0. |
void | Register the initial reference. |
Current | Narrow the given object to the Current. |
IORInterceptor_3_0 | Narrow the passed object into the IORInterceptor_3_0. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Returns the object on that the operation will be invoked after handling the
possible forwarding.
Object | If the request contains forwarding information (the reply_status attribute
being LOCATION_FORWARD), return the forwarding target.
Object | Create an object with the given repository and object ids. |
Object | Identical to ORB.resolve_initial_references(String) .
Object | Returns the object on that the client has invoked the the operation. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Should return a defintion of the value type as described
in the interface repository.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Defines a simple adapter activator.
class | Implementation of the id assignment policy.
class | Implementation of the id uniqueness policy.
class | Implementation of the implicit activation policy.
class | The implementation of the life span policy.
class | Supports the "Poa current" concept, providing the id and poa of
the object currently being served. |
class | Our POA implementation.
class | The implementation of the POA manager. |
class | The implementation of the request processing policy.
class | Represents a CORBA object, being locally served by the associated servant.
class | The implementation of the servant retention policy.
class | The implementation of the thread policy.
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Create the ForwardRequest with explaining message and
initialising the object reference to the given value.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
boolean | Checks if this object is equivalent to another instance. |
void | Connect the given delegate object to orb.
Servant | Create an instance of the forwarded servant.
Request | LocalDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String method, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create request for using with DII.
Request | LocalDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String method, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create request for using with DII.
Object | Return this .
AOM.Obj | Get the record of the stored object. |
AOM.Obj | Recursively searches for the given object in the POA tree.
byte[] | Generate the object key, unique in the currently
running java virtual machine. |
Object | Not in use.
int | Get hash code.
InputStream | Make an invocation.
boolean | Check if this object could be named by the given repository id.
boolean | |
boolean | Always return false.
String | If the super method detects that the object is not connected to this ORB,
try to find and activate the object.
ORB | Return the ORB of the associated POA. |
byte[] | Returns the Object Id, encapsulated in the given object reference.
Servant | Returns the servant that is serving this object.
void | |
void | |
Request | |
OutputStream | Create a request to invoke the method of this CORBA object.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | The POAs cannot be created by this method.
Object | Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and
the Object Id, generated by this POA. |
Object |
Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and
the given Object Id. |
Object | Return this .
Object | Not in use.
Object | Not supported.
Object | gnuPOA.id_to_reference(byte[] the_Object_Id) Returns the reference to the active object with the given Id.
Object | Create the object (needed by the factory interface).
Object |
Converts the given servant to the object reference. |
Object | Get the object, exposing the servant.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | The basic implementation of the CORBA Object. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
boolean | Return true if the other object references are equivalent, so far as
it is possible to determine this easily.
Request | Delegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create a request to invoke the method of this object.
Request | Delegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create a request to invoke the method of this object, specifying
context list and the list of the expected exception.
Object | Duplicate the object reference. |
boolean | Compares two objects for equality. |
DomainManager[] | Retrieve the domain managers for this object.
Object | |
Policy | Returns the Policy , applying to this object.
int | Get the hashcode this object reference. |
int | Return the hashcode for this CORBA object. |
InputStream | Invoke the operation.
boolean | Check if this object can be referenced by the given repository id.
boolean | Return true if the other object references are equivalent, so far as
it is possible to determine this easily.
boolean | Returns true if the object is local.
boolean | Determines if the server object for this reference has already
been destroyed.
ORB | Provides the reference to ORB.
void | Free resoureces, occupied by this reference. |
void | Release the reply stream back to ORB after finishing reading the data
from it.
Request | Create a request to invoke the method of this CORBA object.
OutputStream | Create a request to invoke the method of this CORBA object.
void | This method is always called after invoking the operation on the
local servant.
Object | Returns a new object with the new policies either replacing or
extending the current policies, depending on the second parameter.
String | Return a string representation of the passed object.
void | Write CORBA (not java) Object.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Duplicate the object reference. |
Object | Get the InterfaceDef for this Object.
Object | Returns a new object with the new policies either replacing or
extending the current policies, depending on the second parameter.
Object | Duplicate the object reference. |
Object | |
Object | Read a CORBA (not java) object
Object | Returns a new object with the new policies either replacing or
extending the current policies, depending on the second parameter.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on
DynAnyFactory. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynAny. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynArray. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynEnum. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynFixed. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynSequence. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynStruct. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynUnion. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynValue. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | Insert the object reference into the enclosed Any inside this
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
DynAnyFactory | Cast the passed object into the DynAnyFactory. |
DynAny | Cast the passed object into the DynAny. |
DynArray | Cast the passed object into the DynArray. |
DynEnum | Cast the passed object into the DynEnum. |
DynFixed | Cast the passed object into the DynFixed. |
DynSequence | Cast the passed object into the DynSequence. |
DynStruct | Cast the passed object into the DynStruct. |
DynUnion | Cast the passed object into the DynUnion. |
DynValue | Cast the passed object into the DynValue. |
DynAnyFactory | Narrow the given object to the DynAnyFactory. |
DynAny | Narrow the given object to the DynAny. |
DynArray | Narrow the given object to the DynArray. |
DynEnum | Narrow the given object to the DynEnum. |
DynFixed | Narrow the given object to the DynFixed. |
DynSequence | Narrow the given object to the DynSequence. |
DynStruct | Narrow the given object to the DynStruct. |
DynUnion | Narrow the given object to the DynUnion. |
DynValue | Narrow the given object to the DynValue. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Extract the CORBA object reference that is expected to be stored in this
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Object | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | The implementation of the BindingIterator .
class | This naming context that adds the the string based extensions,
defined by NamingContextExt . |
class | This class implements the transient naming service, defined by
NamingContext . |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | Put the given GIOP object, specifying the given name as a key.
void | |
void | Gives the object a name, valid in this context.
boolean | Checks if this map contains the definition of the given object.
void | Put the given GIOP object, specifying the given name as a key.
void | |
void | Names or renames the object.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Parse CORBALOC.
Object | Get the CORBA object, associated with the given name.
Object | |
Object | Get the object, bound to the specified name in this
context. |
Object | Resolves the name, represented in the form of the string. |
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the
servant activators. |
class | The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the
servant locators. |
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Create the ForwardRequest with explaining message and
initialising the object reference to the given value.
| |
Create the ForwardRequest without explaining
message and initialising the object reference to the given value.
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | The object reference, indicating the new location of the invocation target.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Current | Cast the passed object into the POA Current.
POA | Cast the passed object into the POA. |
ServantActivator | Casts the passed object into the ServantActivator.
ServantLocator | Cast the passed object into the ServantLocator.
byte[] | Returns the Object Id, encapsulated in the given object reference.
Servant | Returns the servant that is serving this object.
ServantActivator | Narrow the given object to the ServantActivator. |
ServantLocator | Narrow the given object to the ServantLocator. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Get the interface repository definition InterfaceDef for this
Object. |
Object | Obtains the CORBA object reference that is a current invocation target for
the given servant. |
Object | Obtains the CORBA object reference that is a current invocation target for
the given servant. |
Object | Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and
the Object Id, generated by this POA. |
Object | Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and
the given Object Id. |
Object | POAOperations.id_to_reference(byte[] the_Object_Id) Returns the reference to the active object with the given Id.
Object | Converts the given servant to the object reference.
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
ContextContinuation.ContextContinuation(Object nsObject, Hashtable<K,V> props, ORB anOrb, GiopNamingServiceFactory aFactory) Creates a new naming context that uses naming service, represented by the
given CORBA object.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Provides a stub for Remote type.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | The top of our DynAny implementation, this class provides ORB that is
required to create anys and factory that is required to initialise DynAnys.
class | Provides a base for DynAnys, having multiple components.
class | The primitive dynamic Any holds the value basic final_type that cannot be
class | This class is returned by ORB when resolving
initial reference "DynAnyFactory".
class | Provides support for dynamic array or sequence, where all members have the
same final_type.
class | Our implementation of dynamic enumeration.
class | Implements DynAny, holding CORBA fixed . |
class | |
class | Implementation of the DynStruct.
class | Implementation of DynUnion.
class | Implementation of DynValue.
class | Implementation of the DynValueBox.
class | A shared base for both dynamic structure an dynamic value final_type.
class | Represent DynAny that has no internal components (DynEnum and so on). |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | |
void | |
void | Not in use.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | |
Object | |
Object | Not in use.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | This class was probably originally thinked as a base of all CORBA
object implementations. |
class | An object, formally implementing the CORBA Object , but actually
handling all invocations locally.
class | The stub for the IDL type. |
class | The Policy stub (proxy), used on the client side.
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Constructs an instance of ObjectHolder,
initializing value to the given org.omg.CORBA.Object .
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | The org.omg.CORBA.Object (CORBA Object ) value,
held by this ObjectHolder.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
boolean | Determines if the object is equal to another object, so far as it is
possible to determine easily.
boolean | Return true if the other object references are equivalent, so far as
it is possible to determine this easily.
void | Connect the given CORBA object to this ORB. |
NVList | This should create the list, initialised with the argument descriptions
for the given operation definition (CORBA OperationDef ).
void | Disconnect the given CORBA object from this ORB. |
void | Insert the object into the given Any .
void | Insert the CORBA Object into this Any
void | Insert the CORBA Object into this Any
void | Insert the object reference into the enclosed
Any inside this DynAny
Current | Cast the passed object into the Current. |
IDLType | Narrows the CORBA object into the IDL type.
Policy | Cast the passed object into the Policy. |
String | Get the IOR reference string for the given object.
void | Write the object into the given CDR output stream.
void | Write CORBA object reference to the output stream.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Object | Duplicate the object reference. |
Object | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Object | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Object | Get the InterfaceDef for this Object.
Object | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Object | Returns a new object with the new policies either replacing or
extending the current policies, depending on the second parameter.
Object | Extract the array of object from the given Any .
Object | Extract the CORBA Object from this Any
Object | Extract the CORBA object reference that is expected to be
stored in this DynAny.
Object | Read the object from the given CDR input stream.
Object | Read CORBA object.
Object | Find and return the easily accessible CORBA object, addressed
by name. |
Object | Find and return the CORBA object, addressed by the given
string representation. |
Object | Return the CORBA object on that the method would be invoked.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
CodecFactory | Cast the passed object into the CodecFactory. |
CodecFactory | Narrow the given object to the CodecFactory. |
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Our implementation of the sending context runtime.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | Read the CORBA object. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Read the CORBA object. |
Object | Delegates functionality to the underlying stream.
Object | Read the object that is an instance of the given class. |
Object | Delegates functionality to the underlying stream.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Client request info. |
class | Supports the "Interceptor current" concept, providing the slot value
information for the current thread. |
class | Implements IORInfo.
class | Implementation of the ServerRequestInfo, associacted with gnuServantObject.
class | Collects interceptors, references and factories into arrays during
registration. |
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | The forward reference, if applicable.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | Register reference.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | |
Object | |
Object | |
Object | Delegates to ORB.
Object |
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | Extends the previous version of the CORBA object by one additional method,
defined in CORBA 2_3 . |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
String | Returns the codebase for the provided object reference.
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | The local Codec implementation for ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS
encoding. |
class | A simple implementation of the Codec factory, able to return the
standard Codec's. |
class | Implements an object, constructed from an IOR reference.
class | The server side implementation base for the Policy .
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Is set when object, and not IOR is directly available.
Object | The invocation target.
Object | The object.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Connected_objects.cObject | Add the new object to the repository.
Connected_objects.cObject | Add the new object to the repository. |
void | Connect the given CORBA object to this ORB. |
void | Connect the given CORBA object to this ORB, explicitly specifying the
object key.
void | Connect the given CORBA object to this ORB, explicitly specifying the
object key and the identity of the thread (and port), where the object must
be served. |
void | Connect the given CORBA object to this ORB, explicitly specifying the
object key and the identity of the thread (and port), where the object must
be served. |
Request | IorDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Creates the request to invoke the method on this object.
Request | SimpleDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create the request for the local call
Request | IorDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Creates the request to invoke the method on this object.
Request | SimpleDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create the request for the local call.
void | Disconnect the given CORBA object from this ORB. |
Object | Not implemented.
boolean | Performs direct comparison ('==').
byte[] | Generate the object key, unique in the currently
running java virtual machine.
Connected_objects.cObject | Get the record of the stored object.
IOR | Get the local IOR for the given object, null if the object is not local.
gnuRequest | Get the instance of request.
Object | Not implemented.
int | Return the hashcode (0 <= hashcode <32maximum).
int | Delegates functionality to java.lang.Object.hashCode();
void | Inserts the CORBA object.
void | Inserts the CORBA object and sets the typecode to the given type.
InputStream | Invoke operation on the given object, als handling temproray and permanent
redirections. |
boolean | Check if this object can be referenced by the given repository id.
boolean | Returns true if the objects are the same or have the same delegate set. |
boolean | Checks if the ior is local so far it is easy.
boolean | Returns true by default.
boolean | Returns true if the target is null.
String | Get the IOR reference string for the given object. |
String | This method is not allowed for a RestrictedORB.
ORB | Returns the ORB, passed in constructor,
regardless of the argument. |
void | Prepare object for connecting it to this ORB.
void | If there is an opened cache socket to access this object, close that
void | Returns without action.
void | Remove the given object.
Request | Create a request to invoke the method of this CORBA object.
Request | This method assumes that the target is local and connected to the ORB.
OutputStream | Create a request to invoke the method of this CORBA object.
void | Set the invocation target.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Not implemented.
Object | Return either target or forwarded targed.
Object | Extract the previously stored object.
Object | OrbFunctional.find_connected_object(byte[] key, int port) Find and return the object, that must be previously connected to this ORB.
Object | Find the local object, connected to this ORB.
Object | Return the forwarded reference, null if none.
Object | Get the default naming service for the case when there no NameService
Object | Not implemented.
Object | Convert ior reference to CORBA object.
Object | Find and return the easily accessible CORBA object, addressed by name.
Object | This method is not allowed for a RestrictedORB.
Object | Find and return the CORBA object, addressed by the given IOR string
representation. |
Object | This method is not allowed for a RestrictedORB.
Object |
Classes implementing org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
class | The binding iterator implementation base.
class | The binding interator stub (proxy), used on the client side.
class | The extended naming context implementation base.
class | The extended naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.
class | The naming context implementation base.
class | The naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
void | Gives the object a name, valid in this context.
void | Gives the object a name, valid in this context.
void | |
BindingIterator | Narrow the given object to the BindingIterator. |
NamingContextExt | Cast the passed object into the NamingContextExt. |
NamingContext | Cast the passed object into the NamingContext. |
void | Names or renames the object.
void | Names or renames the object.
void | |
BindingIterator | Narrow the given object to the BindingIterator. |
NamingContextExt | Narrow the given object to the NamingContextExt. |
NamingContext | Narrow the given object to the NamingContext. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Object | |
Object | Get the object, bound to the specified name in this
Object | Get the object, bound to the specified name in this
Object | |
Object | Resolve the name, represented in the form of the string.
Object |