Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type javax.xml.validation.Schema | |
Schema | Creates a special schema.
Schema | Parses the specified sources, and combine them into a single schema.
Methods with return type javax.xml.validation.Schema | |
Schema | Creates a special schema.
Schema | Returns a schema based on the specified source file.
Schema | Returns a schema based on the specified URL.
Schema | Returns a schema based on the specified source resource.
Schema | Parses the specified sources, and combine them into a single schema.
Methods with return type javax.xml.validation.Schema | |
Schema | |
Schema |
Methods with parameter type javax.xml.validation.Schema | |
void | Sets the schema.
void | Sets the schema.
Methods with return type javax.xml.validation.Schema | |
Schema | Returns the schema in use by the XML processor.
Schema | Returns the schema.
Schema | Returns the schema in use by this parser.
Schema | Returns the schema.