Frames | No Frames |
Methods which throw type | |
void | Consumes an event.
XMLEvent | Allocates an event based on the current state of the stream reader.
void | Allocates one or more events based on the current state of the stream
reader and adds those events to the specified consumer.
void | Free any resources associated with this parser.
void | Frees any resources used by this parser.
String | Reads the text context of an element.
String | Returns the text content of a text-only element.
int | StreamReaderDelegate.getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) Copies the string value of the current event into the specified
character array.
boolean | Indicates whether there are any remaining events to be read.
int | Returns the next parsing event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next XML event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next element event.
int | Skips any ignorable whitespace, comments, and processing instructions
until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event is encountered.
XMLEvent | Looks at the next XML event without advancing the cursor in the stream.
void | Tests whether the current event is of the given type and namespace.
Methods which throw type | |
void | Adds the specified XML stream to this writer.
void | Adds the specified event to this writer.
XMLEvent | |
void | |
void | Free any resources associated with this parser.
void | Frees any resources used by this writer.
void | Frees any resources used by this parser.
void | Frees any resources used by this writer.
XMLEventReader | Create a new filtered reader.
XMLStreamReader | Create a new filtered reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventWriter | |
XMLEventWriter | |
XMLEventWriter | |
XMLEventWriter | |
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamWriter | |
XMLStreamWriter | |
XMLStreamWriter | |
XMLStreamWriter | |
void | Ensures that any cached events are written to the underlying output
void | Flushes any cached information to the underlying output sink.
String | Reads the text context of an element.
String | Returns the text content of a text-only element.
InputStream | |
String | Returns the namespace prefix the specified URI is currently associated
String | Returns the prefix associated with the given namespace URI.
int | XMLParser.getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) Copies the string value of the current event into the specified
character array.
boolean | Indicates whether there are any remaining events to be read.
int | Returns the next parsing event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next XML event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next element event.
int | Skips any ignorable whitespace, comments, and processing instructions
until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event is encountered.
XMLEvent | Looks at the next XML event without advancing the cursor in the stream.
void | |
void | Tests whether the current event is of the given type and namespace.
XMLEventReader | |
XMLStreamReader | |
Object | Returns an input source from which the specified external entity can be
read. |
void | Sets the current default namespace URI.
void | Sets the URI for the default namespace.
void | Sets the namespace context for managing namespace prefixes and URIs.
void | Sets the namespace context for namespace resolution.
void | Associates the given namespace prefix and URI.
void | Sets the prefix for the given namespace URI.
void | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.
void | |
void | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.
void | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.
void | |
void | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.
void | |
void | |
void | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.
void | Write an attribute.
void | Write an attribute.
void | XMLStreamWriterImpl.writeAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) Write an attribute.
void | Write a CDATA section.
void | XMLStreamWriterImpl.writeCharacters(char[] text, int start, int len) Write the specified text.
void | Write the specified text.
void | Write a comment.
void | Write a DOCTYPE declaration.
void | Write a default namespace declaration.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Closes any currently open tags.
void | Closes the currently open tag.
void | Write an entity reference.
void | Write a namespace declaration.
void | Write a processing instruction.
void | Write a processing instruction.
void | Write an XML declaration.
void | Write an XML declaration with the specified XML version.
void | Write an XML declaration with the specifed XML version and encoding.
void | Write the start of a tag.
void | Write the start of a tag.
void | Write the start of a tag.
Methods which throw type | |
void | Adds the specified XML stream to this writer.
void | Adds the specified event to this writer.
void | Free any resources associated with this parser.
void | Frees any resources used by this writer.
void | Frees any resources used by this parser.
void | Frees any resources used by this writer.
XMLEventReader | Create a new filtered reader.
XMLStreamReader | Create a new filtered reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventReader | Creates a new event reader.
XMLEventWriter | Creates a new event writer.
XMLEventWriter | Creates a new event writer.
XMLEventWriter | Creates a new event writer.
XMLEventWriter | Creates a new event writer.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamReader | Creates a new stream reader.
XMLStreamWriter | Creates a new stream writer.
XMLStreamWriter | Creates a new stream writer.
XMLStreamWriter | Creates a new stream writer.
XMLStreamWriter | Creates a new stream writer.
void | Ensures that any cached events are written to the underlying output
void | Flushes any cached information to the underlying output sink.
String | Reads the text context of an element.
String | Returns the text content of a text-only element.
String | Returns the namespace prefix the specified URI is currently associated
String | Returns the prefix associated with the given namespace URI.
int | XMLStreamReader.getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) Copies the string value of the current event into the specified
character array.
boolean | Indicates whether there are any remaining events to be read.
int | Returns the next parsing event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next XML event.
XMLEvent | Returns the next element event.
int | Skips any ignorable whitespace, comments, and processing instructions
until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event is encountered.
XMLEvent | Looks at the next XML event without advancing the cursor in the stream.
void | Reports an error.
void | Tests whether the current event is of the given type and namespace.
Object | Returns an input source from which the specified external entity can be
read. |
void | Sets the current default namespace URI.
void | Sets the URI for the default namespace.
void | Sets the namespace context for managing namespace prefixes and URIs.
void | Sets the namespace context for namespace resolution.
void | Associates the given namespace prefix and URI.
void | Sets the prefix for the given namespace URI.
void | Write an attribute.
void | Write an attribute.
void | Write an attribute.
void | Write a CDATA section.
void | XMLStreamWriter.writeCharacters(char[] text, int start, int len) Write the specified text.
void | Write the specified text.
void | Write a comment.
void | Write a DOCTYPE declaration.
void | Write a default namespace declaration.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Write an empty tag.
void | Closes any currently open tags.
void | Closes the currently open tag.
void | Write an entity reference.
void | Write a namespace declaration.
void | Write a processing instruction.
void | Write a processing instruction.
void | Write an XML declaration.
void | Write an XML declaration with the specified XML version.
void | Write an XML declaration with the specifed XML version and encoding.
void | Write the start of a tag.
void | Write the start of a tag.
void | Write the start of a tag.
Methods which throw type | |
void | Writes this event to the specified writer.