Prev Package | Next Package | Frames | No Frames |
Interface Summary | |
AbstractDocument.AttributeContext | Defines a set of methods for managing text attributes for one or more
Document s.
AbstractDocument.Content | A sequence of data that can be edited. |
AttributeSet | A set of attributes. |
AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute | Used as keys to identify character-run attributes. |
AttributeSet.ColorAttribute | Used as keys to identify color attributes. |
AttributeSet.FontAttribute | Used as keys to identify font attributes. |
AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute | Used as keys to identify paragraph level attributes. |
Caret | Defines the method to be implemented by a caret that can be used in Swing text components. |
Document | A Document is the model that backs up all text components in Swing. |
Element | |
Highlighter | |
Highlighter.Highlight | |
Highlighter.HighlightPainter | |
Keymap | |
MutableAttributeSet | An AttributeSet that supports modification of the stored
Position | |
Style | |
StyledDocument | StyledDocument |
TabableView | |
TabExpander | |
ViewFactory |
Class Summary | |
AbstractDocument | An abstract base implementation for the Document interface.
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement | An abstract base implementation of the Element interface.
AbstractDocument.BranchElement | An implementation of Element to represent composite
Element s that contain other Element s.
AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent | Stores the changes when a Document is beeing modified.
AbstractDocument.ElementEdit | An implementation of DocumentEvent.ElementChange to be added
to AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent s.
AbstractDocument.LeafElement | An implementation of Element that represents a leaf in the
document structure. |
AbstractWriter | This is an abstract base class for writing Document instances to a Writer. |
AsyncBoxView | A View implementation that lays out its child views in a box, either
vertically or horizontally. |
AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator | Manages the effective position of child views. |
AsyncBoxView.ChildState | Represents the layout state of a child view. |
BoxView | An implementation of CompositeView that arranges its children in
a box along one axis. |
ComponentView | A View implementation that is able to render arbitrary
Component s. |
CompositeView | An abstract base implementation of View that manages child
View s.
DateFormatter | DateFormatter is an InternationalFormatter
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of DateFormat .
DefaultCaret | The default implementation of the Caret interface.
DefaultEditorKit | The default implementation of EditorKit . |
DefaultEditorKit.BeepAction | Creates a beep on the PC speaker. |
DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard. |
DefaultEditorKit.CutAction | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard and deletes the selection. |
DefaultEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction | This action is executed as default action when a KEY_TYPED event is received and no keymap entry exists for that. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertBreakAction | This action inserts a newline character into the document of the text component. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertContentAction | Places content into the associated editor. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertTabAction | Inserts a TAB character into the text editor. |
DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction | Copies content from the system clipboard into the editor. |
DefaultFormatter | The DefaultFormatter is a concrete formatter for use in
JFormattedTextField s.
DefaultFormatterFactory | This class is Swing's only concrete implementation of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory. |
DefaultHighlighter | The default highlight for Swing text components. |
DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter | |
DefaultStyledDocument | The default implementation of StyledDocument . |
DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit | An UndoableEdit that can undo attribute changes to an element.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer | Performs all structural changes to the Element
hierarchy. |
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec | Carries specification information for new Element s that should be
created in DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer . |
DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement | An element type for sections. |
DefaultTextUI | This class is deprecated and should not be used anymore. |
DocumentFilter | |
DocumentFilter.FilterBypass | |
EditorKit | |
ElementIterator | This class can be used to iterate over the Element tree of
a Document or an Element . |
FieldView | |
FlowView | A View that can flows it's children into it's layout space.
FlowView.FlowStrategy | A strategy for translating the logical views of a FlowView
into the real views.
GapContent | This implementation of AbstractDocument.Content uses a gapped buffer.
GlyphView | Renders a run of styled text. |
GlyphView.GlyphPainter | An abstract base implementation for a glyph painter for
GlyphView .
IconView | A View that can render an icon. |
InternationalFormatter | This extends DefaultFormatter so that the value to string
conversion is done via a Format object. |
JTextComponent | |
JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent | AccessibleJTextComponent implements accessibility hooks for JTextComponent. |
JTextComponent.KeyBinding | |
LabelView | A GlyphView that caches the textattributes for most effective
LayeredHighlighter | |
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter | |
LayoutQueue | This is a queue which holds Runnable objects. |
MaskFormatter | |
NavigationFilter | |
NavigationFilter.FilterBypass | |
NumberFormatter | NumberFormatter is an InternationalFormatter
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of NumberFormat .
ParagraphView | A FlowView that flows it's children horizontally and boxes the rows
PasswordView | |
PlainDocument | A simple document class which maps lines to Element s.
PlainView | |
Position.Bias | |
Segment | A text fragment represented by a sequence of characters stored in an array. |
SimpleAttributeSet | A set of attributes. |
StringContent | An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content
interface useful for small documents or debugging. |
StyleConstants | Represents standard attribute keys. |
StyleConstants.CharacterConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to characters. |
StyleConstants.ColorConstants | A set of keys for attributes that relate to colors. |
StyleConstants.FontConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to fonts. |
StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to paragraphs. |
StyleContext | |
StyleContext.NamedStyle | |
StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet | |
StyledEditorKit | An EditorKit that supports editing styled text.
StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction | Sets the alignment attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.BoldAction | Toggles the bold attribute for the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction | Sets the font family attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction | Sets the font size attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction | Sets the foreground color attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction | Toggles the italic attribute for the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction | The abstract superclass of all styled TextActions. |
StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction | Toggles the underline attribute for the selected text. |
TableView | A View implementation for rendering tables inside styled text.
TableView.TableCell | This class is deprecated and not used anymore. |
TableView.TableRow | A view implementation that renders a row of a TableView .
TabSet | A set of tab stops. |
TabStop | Represents a tab position in some text. |
TextAction | TextAction |
Utilities | A set of utilities to deal with text. |
View | |
WrappedPlainView | |
ZoneView | A View implementation that delays loading of sub views until they are needed for display or internal transformations. |
Exception Summary | |
BadLocationException | Indicates that an invalid location within a Document has been
ChangedCharSetException | The exception is thrown when the document charset is changed. |