Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults | Returns the UI defaults of this look and feel.
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults |
Methods with parameter type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
void | Populates the defaults table with mappings between class IDs
and fully qualified class names for the UI delegates.
void | Populates the defaults table with UI default values for
colors, fonts, keybindings and much more.
void | Populates the defaults table with system color defaults.
void | Populates the defaults table with the system colors. |
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults | Creates and returns a new instance of the default resources for this look
and feel.
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults | Creates and returns the UI defaults for this look and feel.
Methods with parameter type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
void | Adds custom entries to the UI defaults table. |
void | Adds customized entries to the UIDefaults table.
void | Sets the ComponentUI classes for all Swing components to the Metal
void | Initializes the component defaults for the Metal Look & Feel.
void | Initializes the system color defaults.
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults | Creates and returns a look-and-feel specific defaults table. |
Methods with parameter type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
Object | |
Object | |
Object | |
Object |
Methods with return type javax.swing.UIDefaults | |
UIDefaults | Creates and returns a look-and-feel specific defaults table. |
UIDefaults | Returns the default values for this look and feel.
UIDefaults | Returns the UIDefaults table of the currently active
look and feel.