Uses of Class javax.swing.JSpinner

Uses in package javax.swing.plaf.basic

Fields of type javax.swing.JSpinner

The spinner for this UI

Uses in package javax.swing

Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.JSpinner

Creates a new instance of DateEditor for the specified JSpinner.
JSpinner.DateEditor.DateEditor(JSpinner spinner, String dateFormatPattern)
Creates a new instance of DateEditor for the specified JSpinner using the specified date format pattern.
Creates a new DefaultEditor object.
Creates a new instance of ListEditor.
Creates a new NumberEditor object for the specified spinner.
JSpinner.NumberEditor.NumberEditor(JSpinner spinner, String decimalFormatPattern)
Creates a new NumberEditor object.

Methods with parameter type javax.swing.JSpinner

Removes the editor from the ChangeListener list maintained by the specified spinner.

Methods with return type javax.swing.JSpinner

Returns the JSpinner component that the editor is assigned to.