Frames | No Frames |
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | Decrypt a record, storing the decrypted fragment into the given growable
int | Decrypt a record, storing the decrypted fragment into the given array
of byte buffers.
int[] | OutputSecurityParameters.encrypt(ByteBuffer[] input, int offset, int length, ContentType contentType, ByteBuffer output) Encrypt a record, storing the result in the given output buffer.
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | DiffieHellmanImpl.engineGenerateSecret(byte[] secret, int offset) |
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | BaseKeyWrappingAlgorithm.unwrap(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Unwraps the designated cipher text bytes.
int | IKeyWrappingAlgorithm.unwrap(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Unwraps the designated cipher text bytes.
int | BaseKeyWrappingAlgorithm.wrap(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Wraps the designated plain text bytes.
int | IKeyWrappingAlgorithm.wrap(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Wraps the designated plain text bytes.
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | ARCFourSpi.engineDoFinal(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Finishes a multi-part transformation or transforms a portion of a
byte array, and stores the transformed bytes in the supplied array.
int | ARCFourSpi.engineUpdate(byte[] in, int inOffset, int length, byte[] out, int outOffset) Continue with a multi-part transformation, storing the transformed
bytes into the specified array.
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | RSACipherImpl.engineDoFinal(byte[] out, int offset) |
int | RSACipherImpl.engineDoFinal(byte[] input, int offset, int length, byte[] output, int outputOffset) |
Methods which throw type javax.crypto.ShortBufferException | |
int | Finishes a multi-part transformation and stores the transformed
bytes into the given array.
void | Finishes the computation of a MAC and places the result into the
given array.
int | |
int | Finishes a multi-part transformation or transforms a portion of a
byte array, and stores the result in the given byte array.
int | Finishes a multi-part transformation with, or completely
transforms, a byte buffer, and stores the result into the output
int | CipherSpi.engineDoFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset) Finishes a multi-part transformation or transforms a portion of a
byte array, and stores the transformed bytes in the supplied array.
int | |
int | ExemptionMechanismSpi.engineGenExemptionBlob(byte[] output, int outputOffset) Generate a key blob for the key that this mechanism was initialized
with, storing it into the given byte array.
int | KeyAgreementSpi.engineGenerateSecret(byte[] sharedSecret, int offset) Generate the shared secret, storing it into the specified array.
int | CipherSpi.engineUpdate(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset) Continue with a multi-part transformation, storing the transformed
bytes into the specified array.
int | |
int | ExemptionMechanism.genExemptionBlob(byte[] output) |
int | ExemptionMechanism.genExemptionBlob(byte[] output, int outputOffset) |
int | KeyAgreement.generateSecret(byte[] sharedSecret, int offset) Generate the shared secret and store it into the supplied array.
int | Continue a multi-part transformation on part of a byte array,
placing the transformed bytes into the given array.
int | Continue a multi-part transformation on part of a byte array,
placing the transformed bytes into the given array.
int | Continue a multi-part transformation on a byte buffer, storing
the transformed bytes into another buffer.