
Interface Summary

Checksum Interface to compute a data checksum used by checked input/output streams.

Class Summary

Adler32 Computes Adler32 checksum for a stream of data.
CheckedInputStream InputStream that computes a checksum of the data being read using a supplied Checksum object.
CheckedOutputStream OutputStream that computes a checksum of data being written using a supplied Checksum object.
CRC32 Computes CRC32 data checksum of a data stream.
Deflater This is the Deflater class.
DeflaterOutputStream This is a special FilterOutputStream deflating the bytes that are written through it.
GZIPInputStream This filter stream is used to decompress a "GZIP" format stream.
GZIPOutputStream This filter stream is used to compress a stream into a "GZIP" stream.
Inflater Inflater is used to decompress data that has been compressed according to the "deflate" standard described in rfc1950.
InflaterInputStream This filter stream is used to decompress data compressed in the "deflate" format.
ZipEntry This class represents a member of a zip archive.
ZipFile This class represents a Zip archive.
ZipInputStream This is a FilterInputStream that reads the files in an zip archive one after another.
ZipOutputStream This is a FilterOutputStream that writes the files into a zip archive one after another.

Exception Summary

DataFormatException Exception thrown when compressed data is corrupt.
ZipException Thrown during the creation or input of a zip file.