AbstractCollection<E> | A basic implementation of most of the methods in the Collection interface to
make it easier to create a collection. |
AbstractList<E> | A basic implementation of most of the methods in the List interface to make
it easier to create a List based on a random-access data structure. |
AbstractMap<K,V> | An abstract implementation of Map to make it easier to create your own
implementations. |
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V> | A class which implements Map.Entry. |
AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V> | A class containing an immutable key and value. |
AbstractSequentialList<E> | Abstract superclass to make it easier to implement the List interface when
backed by a sequential-access store, such as a linked list. |
AbstractSet<E> | An abstract implementation of Set to make it easier to create your own
implementations. |
ArrayList<E> | An array-backed implementation of the List interface. |
Arrays | This class contains various static utility methods performing operations on
arrays, and a method to provide a List "view" of an array to facilitate
using arrays with Collection-based APIs. |
BitSet | This class can be thought of in two ways. |
Calendar | This class is an abstract base class for Calendars, which can be
used to convert between Date objects and a set of
integer fields which represent YEAR ,
MONTH , DAY , etc. |
Collections | Utility class consisting of static methods that operate on, or return
Collections. |
Currency | Representation of a currency for a particular locale. |
Date |
This class represents a specific time in milliseconds since the epoch.
Dictionary<K,V> | A Dictionary maps keys to values; how it does that is
EnumMap<K,extends,Enum,K,V> | |
EnumSet<T,extends,Enum,T> |
Provides an efficient mechanism for recording a set of enumeration
constants. |
EventListenerProxy | An abstract wrapper for event listeners. |
EventObject | Represents Events fired by Objects.
FormattableFlags | This class contains a set of flags used
by the Formattable.formatTo() method.
Formatter |
A Java formatter for printf -style format strings,
as seen in the C programming language. |
Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm | The type of numeric output format for a BigDecimal .
GregorianCalendar |
This class represents the Gregorian calendar, that is used in most
countries all over the world. |
HashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface.
HashSet<T> | This class provides a HashMap-backed implementation of the Set interface.
Hashtable<K,V> | A class which implements a hashtable data structure.
IdentityHashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface, but uses object identity to do its hashing. |
LinkedHashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface, with predictable traversal order.
LinkedHashSet<T> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Set interface, with predictable traversal order.
LinkedList<T> | Linked list implementation of the List interface. |
ListResourceBundle | A ListResouceBundle provides an easy way, to create your own
resource bundle. |
Locale | Locales represent a specific country and culture. |
Observable | This class represents an object which is observable. |
PriorityQueue<E> | |
Properties | A set of persistent properties, which can be saved or loaded from a stream.
PropertyPermission | This class represents the permission to access and modify a property.
The name is the name of the property, e.g. xxx. |
PropertyResourceBundle | This class is a concrete ResourceBundle that gets it
resources from a property file. |
Random | This class generates pseudorandom numbers. |
ResourceBundle | A resource bundle contains locale-specific data. |
Scanner | |
ServiceLoader<S> |
Facilities for loading service providers. |
SimpleTimeZone | This class represents a simple time zone offset and handles
daylight savings. |
Stack<T> | |
StringTokenizer | This class splits a string into tokens. |
Timer | Timer that can run TimerTasks at a later time.
TimerTask | Task that can be run at a later time if given to a Timer.
TimeZone | This class represents a time zone offset and handles daylight savings.
TreeMap<K,V> | This class provides a red-black tree implementation of the SortedMap
interface. |
TreeSet<T> | This class provides a TreeMap-backed implementation of the SortedSet
interface. |
UUID | This class represents a 128-bit UUID value.
Vector<T> | The Vector classes implements growable arrays of Objects.
WeakHashMap<K,V> | A weak hash map has only weak references to the key. |