Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type java.nio.IntBuffer | |
int | Compares two IntBuffer objects.
IntBuffer | Writes the content of the the IntBUFFER src
into the buffer. |
Methods with return type java.nio.IntBuffer | |
IntBuffer | Allocates a new IntBuffer object with a given capacity.
IntBuffer | Creates a view of this byte buffer as an integer buffer.
IntBuffer | Creates a new read-only IntBuffer that shares this
buffer's content.
IntBuffer | Compacts this buffer.
IntBuffer | Creates a new IntBuffer that shares this buffer's
IntBuffer | This method transfers int s from this buffer into the given
destination array.
IntBuffer | This method transfers int s from this buffer into the given
destination array. |
IntBuffer | Writes the int at this buffer's current position,
and then increments the position.
IntBuffer | Absolute put method.
IntBuffer | Writes the content of the the int array src
into the buffer.
IntBuffer | Writes the content of the the int array src
into the buffer. |
IntBuffer | Writes the content of the the IntBUFFER src
into the buffer. |
IntBuffer | Creates a new IntBuffer whose content is a shared
subsequence of this buffer's content.
IntBuffer | Wraps a int array into a IntBuffer
IntBuffer | Wraps a int array into a IntBuffer