Uses of Class java.math.RoundingMode

Uses in package java.math

Constructors with parameter type java.math.RoundingMode

MathContext.MathContext(int setPrecision, RoundingMode setRoundingMode)
Constructs a new MathContext with the specified precision and rounding mode.

Methods with parameter type java.math.RoundingMode

BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal val, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this / val), with the specified scale and rounding according to the RoundingMode
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this / val) rounded according to the RoundingMode
BigDecimal.setScale(int newScale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is the same as this BigDecimal but whose representation has a scale of newScale.

Methods with return type java.math.RoundingMode

Returns the rounding mode setting.