
Interface Summary

ClassLoadingMXBean Provides access to information about the class loading behaviour of the current invocation of the virtual machine.
CompilationMXBean Provides access to information about the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler provided by the virtual machine, if one exists.
GarbageCollectorMXBean Provides access to information about the garbage collectors of the virtual machine.
MemoryManagerMXBean Provides access to information about the memory managers of the virtual machine.
MemoryMXBean Provides access to information about the memory used by the virtual machine.
MemoryPoolMXBean Provides access to information about one of the memory resources or pools used by the virtual machine.
OperatingSystemMXBean Provides access to information about the underlying operating system.
RuntimeMXBean Provides access to information about the underlying virtual machine.
ThreadMXBean Provides access to information about the threads of the virtual machine.

Class Summary

LockInfo Provides information on a lock held by a thread.
ManagementFactory Provides access to the system's management beans via a series of static methods.
ManagementPermission Represents the permission to view or modify the data which forms part of the system management interfaces.
MemoryNotificationInfo Represents the content of a notification emitted by the MemoryMXBean.
MemoryType Enumerates the possible types of memory pools.
MemoryUsage Retains information on the usage of a particular memory pool, or heap/non-heap memory as a whole.
MonitorInfo Provides information on a monitor lock held by a thread.
ThreadInfo A class which maintains information about a particular thread.