
Interface Summary

Closeable A Closeable class represents a stream of data, which can be closed when it is no longer needed.
DataInput This interface is implemented by classes that can data from streams into Java primitive types.
DataOutput This interface is implemented by classes that can wrte data to streams from Java primitive types.
Externalizable This interface provides a way that classes can completely control how the data of their object instances are written and read to and from streams.
FileFilter This interface has one method which is used for filtering pathnames returned in a pathname listing.
FilenameFilter This interface has one method which is used for filtering filenames returned in a directory listing.
Flushable A Flushable class represents a stream of data, for which internally buffered data can be `flushed'.
ObjectInput This interface extends the DataInput interface to provide a facility to read objects as well as primitive types from a stream.
ObjectInputValidation This class allows an object to validate that it is valid after deserialization has run completely for it and all dependent objects.
ObjectOutput This interface extends DataOutput to provide the additional facility of writing object instances to a stream.
ObjectStreamConstants This interface contains constants that are used in object serialization.
Serializable This interface has no methods.

Class Summary

BufferedInputStream This subclass of FilterInputStream buffers input from an underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read mechanism.
BufferedOutputStream This class accumulates bytes written in a buffer instead of immediately writing the data to the underlying output sink.
BufferedReader This subclass of FilterReader buffers input from an underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read mechanism.
BufferedWriter This class accumulates chars written in a buffer instead of immediately writing the data to the underlying output sink.
ByteArrayInputStream This class permits an array of bytes to be read as an input stream.
ByteArrayOutputStream This class allows data to be written to a byte array buffer and and then retrieved by an application.
CharArrayReader This class permits an array of chars to be read as an input stream.
CharArrayWriter This class allows data to be written to a char array buffer and and then retrieved by an application.
DataInputStream This subclass of FilteredInputStream implements the DataInput interface that provides method for reading primitive Java data types from a stream.
DataOutputStream This class provides a mechanism for writing primitive Java datatypes to an OutputStream in a portable way.
File This class represents a file or directory on a local disk.
FileDescriptor This class represents an opaque file handle as a Java class.
FileInputStream This class is a stream that reads its bytes from a file.
FileOutputStream This classes allows a stream of data to be written to a disk file or any open FileDescriptor.
FileReader This class provides a convenient way to set up a Reader to read from a file.
FileWriter This is a convenience class for writing to files.
FilterInputStream This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter input.
FilterOutputStream This class is the common superclass of output stream classes that filter the output they write.
FilterReader This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter input.
FilterWriter This class is the common superclass of output character stream classes that filter the output they write.
InputStream This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that read input as a stream of bytes.
InputStreamReader This class reads characters from a byte input stream.
LineNumberInputStream This class functions like a standard InputStream except that it counts line numbers, and canonicalizes newline characters.
LineNumberReader This class functions like a standard Reader except that it counts line numbers, and canonicalizes newline characters.
ObjectInputStream.GetField This class allows a class to specify exactly which fields should be read, and what values should be read for these fields.
ObjectOutputStream An ObjectOutputStream can be used to write objects as well as primitive data in a platform-independent manner to an OutputStream.
ObjectOutputStream.PutField This class allows a class to specify exactly which fields should be written, and what values should be written for these fields.
ObjectStreamField This class intends to describe the field of a class for the serialization subsystem.
OutputStream This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that write output as a stream of bytes.
OutputStreamWriter This class writes characters to an output stream that is byte oriented It converts the chars that are written to bytes using an encoding layer, which is specific to a particular encoding standard.
PipedInputStream An input stream that reads its bytes from an output stream to which it is connected.
PipedOutputStream This class writes its bytes to a PipedInputStream to which it is connected.
PipedReader An input stream that reads characters from a piped writer to which it is connected.
PipedWriter This class writes its chars to a PipedReader to which it is connected.
PrintStream This class prints Java primitive values and object to a stream as text.
PrintWriter This class prints Java primitive values and objects to a stream as text.
PushbackInputStream This subclass of FilterInputStream provides the ability to unread data from a stream.
PushbackReader This subclass of FilterReader provides the ability to unread data from a stream.
RandomAccessFile This class allows reading and writing of files at random locations.
Reader This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that read input as a stream of characters.
SequenceInputStream This class merges a sequence of multiple InputStream's in order to form a single logical stream that can be read by applications that expect only one stream.
SerializablePermission This class models permissions related to serialization.
StreamTokenizer This class parses streams of characters into tokens.
StringBufferInputStream This class permits a String to be read as an input stream.
StringReader This class permits a String to be read as a character input stream.
StringWriter This class writes chars to an internal StringBuffer that can then be used to retrieve a String.
Writer This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that write output as a stream of chars.

Exception Summary

CharConversionException This exception is thrown to indicate that a problem occurred with an attempted character conversion.
EOFException This exception is thrown when the end of the file or stream was encountered unexpectedly.
FileNotFoundException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that does not exist, or is inaccessible for some other reason (such as writing a read-only file).
InterruptedIOException This exception is thrown when a in process I/O operation is interrupted for some reason.
InvalidClassException This exception is thrown when there is some sort of problem with a class during a serialization operation.
InvalidObjectException This exception is thrown when an object fails a validation test during serialization.
IOException This exception is thrown to indicate an I/O problem of some sort occurred.
NotActiveException This exception is thrown when a problem occurs due to the fact that serialization is not active.
NotSerializableException This exception is thrown when a class implements Serializable because of a superclass, but should not be serialized.
ObjectStreamException This exception is thrown when a problem occurs during serialization.
OptionalDataException This exception is thrown when unexpected data appears in the input stream from which a serialized object is being read.
StreamCorruptedException This exception is thrown when there is an error in the data that is read from a stream during de-serialization.
SyncFailedException Thrown when a file synchronization fails.
UnsupportedEncodingException This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is not supported.
UTFDataFormatException When reading a UTF string from an input stream, this exception is thrown to indicate that the data read is invalid.
WriteAbortedException This exception is thrown when another ObjectStreamException occurs during a serialization read or write.

Error Summary

IOError Throw when unrecoverable I/O error happens.