Frames | No Frames |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown by dynamic any operations when a bad DynAny or Any is passed as a parameter.
class | This exception is thrown by by dynamic any operations when a bad sequence is passed as a parameter.
class | This expception in response to insert the inapproriate value into dynamic Any, usually by the DynAny.insert_*(value) method group.
class | This exception is thrown by dynamic any accessor methods when type of the actual contents do not match what is trying to be accessed.
Classes implementing | |
class | A DOM LS exception incorporating a cause.
Classes implementing | |
class | SslRMIClientSocketFactory
This class implements an RMIClientSocketFactory for SSL sockets.
Classes implementing | |
class | An abstract base implementation for the Document interface.
class | An abstract base implementation of the Element interface.
class | |
class | Stores the changes when a Document is beeing modified.
class | An implementation of DocumentEvent.ElementChange to be added
to AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent s.
class | An implementation of Element that represents a leaf in the
document structure. |
class | Indicates that an invalid location within a Document has been
class | The exception is thrown when the document charset is changed.
class | DateFormatter is an InternationalFormatter
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of DateFormat .
class | The default implementation of the Caret interface.
class | The default implementation of EditorKit . |
class | Creates a beep on the PC speaker.
class | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard.
class | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard and deletes the
class | This action is executed as default action when a KEY_TYPED
event is received and no keymap entry exists for that. |
class | This action inserts a newline character into the document
of the text component. |
class | Places content into the associated editor. |
class | Inserts a TAB character into the text editor.
class | Copies content from the system clipboard into the editor.
class | The DefaultFormatter is a concrete formatter for use in
JFormattedTextField s.
class | This class is Swing's only concrete implementation of
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory. |
class | The default implementation of StyledDocument . |
class | An UndoableEdit that can undo attribute changes to an element.
class | Performs all structural changes to the Element
hierarchy. |
class | An element type for sections. |
class | |
class | This implementation of AbstractDocument.Content uses a gapped buffer.
class | This extends DefaultFormatter so that the value to string
conversion is done via a Format object. |
class | |
class | AccessibleJTextComponent implements accessibility hooks for
JTextComponent. |
class | |
class | NumberFormatter is an InternationalFormatter
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of NumberFormat .
class | A simple document class which maps lines to Element s.
class | A set of attributes.
class | An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content
interface useful for small documents or debugging. |
class | |
class | |
class | An EditorKit that supports editing styled text.
class | Sets the alignment attribute on the selected text.
class | Toggles the bold attribute for the selected text.
class | Sets the font family attribute on the selected text.
class | Sets the font size attribute on the selected text.
class | Sets the foreground color attribute on the selected text.
class | Toggles the italic attribute for the selected text.
class | The abstract superclass of all styled TextActions. |
class | Toggles the underline attribute for the selected text.
class | A set of tab stops. |
class | Represents a tab position in some text.
class | TextAction
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This class is used as a marker to indicate that a given method
is merely a stub, requiring implementation. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Raised when the current operation is not applicable for the system
because the POA manager is in an inactive State .
class | Defines the possible states of the POA manager.
Classes implementing | |
class | An exception occurred during configuration of the transformer.
class | An exception occurred during the transformation process.
class | An error occurred during configuration of the transformer factory.
Classes implementing | |
class | DocFlavor provides a description of the format in which the
print data will be supplied in a print job to the print service.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a byte array for the print data representation.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a char array for the print data representation.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use an InputStream to retrieve the print data.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use an Reader to retrieve the print data.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use service formatted print data.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a String for the print data representation.
class | Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which have an URL where to retrieve the print data.
class | PrintException is used to report exceptions during the
usage of a print service implementation.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | IppException signals exception thrown by
the IPP implementation for various things like a failed
ipp request or a wrapped io exception.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown whenever a fatal GSS-API error occurs
including mechanism specific errors. |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A checked exception that indicates that a padding algorithm did not find the
expected padding bytes when unpadding some data.
Classes implementing | |
class | AbstractColorChooserPanel
class | This is the default implementation of the ColorSelectionModel interface
that JColorChoosers use.
Classes implementing | |
class | HTTP date formatter and parser.
Classes implementing | |
class | Exception thrown when compressed data is corrupt.
class | Thrown during the creation or input of a zip file.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | STUBBED
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | Thrown when a method in the java.awt.dnd package is unable to perform a
requested operation, usually because the underlying DnD system is in the
wrong state.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Provides a stub for Remote type.
Classes implementing | |
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
ChoiceCallback to the handle() method of a
CallbackHandler to display a list of choices and to retrieve the
selected choice(s).
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
ConfirmationCallback to the handle() method of a
CallbackHandler to ask for YES/NO, OK/CANCEL, YES/NO/CANCEL or other
similar confirmations.
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a LanguageCallback
to the handle() method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve
the Locale used for localizing text.
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a NameCallback
to the handle() method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve
name information.
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a PasswordCallback
to the handle() method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve
password information.
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a TextInputCallback
to the handle() method of a CallbackHandler to retrieve
generic text information.
class | Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
TextOutputCallback to the handle() method of a
CallbackHandler to display information messages, warning messages and
error messages.
class | Signals that a CallbackHandler does not recognize a particular
Callback .
Classes implementing | |
class | Client request info. |
class | Supports the "Interceptor current" concept, providing the slot value
information for the current thread. |
class | Implements IORInfo.
class | Implementation of the ServerRequestInfo, associacted with gnuServantObject.
class | Collects interceptors, references and factories into arrays during
registration. |
Classes implementing | |
class | An implementation of X.509 certificates.
class | A certificate path (or certificate chain) of X509Certificates.
Classes implementing | |
class |
The class is derived from gnu.javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD
making structure creation methods public. |
class | This parser delegator uses the different DTD ( HTML_401Swing ).
class | A set, adapted to store HTML attributes.
class | This class represents the java implementation of the HTML 4.01
( -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN ) Frameset version. |
class | Small fixed HTML attribute set. |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | RefAddr that uses a byte array as content.
class | Binding represents the name-object mapping of a
binding in a context.
class | |
class | |
class | Represents names that may span over several namespaces. |
class | Represents hierarchical names from the single namespace. |
class | |
class | This exception is thrown in response to the attempt to destroy the non
empty context. |
class | |
class | |
class | Exception indicating an invalid component or Name .
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | NameClassPair represents the name-classname mapping pair
of a binding in a context.
class | |
class | Superclass of all naming Exceptions.
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | Thrown from the NamingEnumeration , this exception
indicates that the enumeration represents only part of the existing
elements that would be an answer to the specified request.
class | Abstract superclass of addresses used in References.
class | This class represents a reference to an object that is located outside of the
naming/directory system.
class | |
class | |
class | Thrown from the NamingEnumeration , this exception
indicates that there are more elements than the previously specified
size limit. |
class | RefAddr that uses a String as content.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | The DGC implementation is used for the server side during the distributed
garbage collection. |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | The GIOP 1.0 request message.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when the AccessController denies
an attempt to perform an operation. |
class | This class is a permission that implies all other permissions. |
class | This class implements a simple model for named permissions without an
associated action list. |
class | This class represents a location from which code is loaded (as
represented by a URL), and the list of certificates that are used to
check the signatures of signed code loaded from this source.
class | This exception indicates that a generic message digest exception has
class | This class is the common superclass of all security exceptions. |
class | This class is an object that is guarded by a Guard object.
class | The Identity class is used to represent people and companies
that can be authenticated using public key encryption. |
class | IdentityScope represents a scope of an identity.
class | Thrown for an invalid security algorithm parameter.
class | Thrown for an invalid key.
class | Thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a method of the JCA/JCE
engine classes.
class | This exception is thrown when there is a problem with a key.
class | This exception is thrown whenever a problem related to the management of
security keys is encountered.
class | KeyPair serves as a simple container for public and private keys.
class | Indicates a problem with the key store.
class | This exception is thrown when the requested security algorithm is
not available
class | This exception is thrown when the requested security provider is
not available.
class | This class is the abstract superclass of all classes that implement
the concept of a permission. |
class | This class models a group of Java permissions. |
class | This class is a heterogeneous collection of permissions. |
class | This exception is thrown when an exception is thrown during a
privileged action being performed with the
AccessController.doPrivileged() method. |
class | This class represents a Java security architecture service provider. |
class | This exception indicates that a runtime problem was encounterd with
a security provider.
class | An interface to a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number
generator (PRNG). |
class | SecureRandomSpi is the Service Provider Interface for SecureRandom
providers. |
class | This class provides a mechanism for specified named permissions
related to the Java security framework. |
class | This exception is thrown when a problem is encountered with a
digital signature.
class | SignedObject is used for storing runtime objects whose
integrity cannot be compromised without being detected.
class | Signer is a subclass of Identity . |
class | This exception is thrown when a key cannot be recovered from the key
class | This class is used to hold instances of all permissions that cannot
be resolved to available permission classes when the security
Policy object is instantiated. |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Constructs a new instance of SignedObject from a
Serializable object. |
Classes implementing | |
class | A generic XPath exception.
class | An exception in an XPath expression.
class | A configuration exception in an XPath factory environment.
class | An exception in an XPath function.
Classes implementing | |
class | When representing the information about a request,
defines a one of the arguments for the operation being invoked.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when a requested access control list (ACL) is
not found.
class | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to delete the last owner
of an access control list (ACL)
class | This exception is thrown whenever an operation is attempted that requires
the caller to be the owner of the access control list (ACL) when the caller
is in fact not the owner of the ACL.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | An implementation of a password-based encryption key.
class | A secret key composed of a sequence of raw, unformatted octets. |
class | A generic exception indicating that an unexpected condition has been detected
during the setup and/or processing of a key agreement protocol exchange.
Classes implementing | |
class | DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e.,
when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons,
because data is lost, or because the implementation has become unstable).
Classes implementing | |
class | Thrown when there is an error in the native CMM.
class | ICC_ColorSpace - an implementation of ColorSpace
While an ICC_Profile class abstracts the data in an ICC profile file
an ICC_ColorSpace performs the color space conversions defined by
an ICC_Profile instance.
class | ICC Profile - represents an ICC Color profile.
class | ICC_ProfileGray - a special case of ICC_Profiles.
class | ICC_ProfileRGB - a special case of ICC_Profiles.
class | Thrown when there is an error accessing or processing an
ICC_Profile .
Classes implementing | |
class | A class for indicating logging levels. |
class | |
class | A LogRecord contains the state for an individual
event to be logged.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | RE provides the user interface for compiling and matching regular
class | This is the regular expression exception class. |
class | An instance of this class represents a match
completed by a gnu.regexp matching function. |
class | An REMatchEnumeration enumerates regular expression matches over a
given input text. |
class | An RESyntax specifies the way a regular expression will be compiled.
class | UncheckedRE is a subclass of RE that allows programmers an easier means
of programmatically precompiling regular expressions. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Raised when the operation on DynAny cannot be performed because one of
the parameters, while having the correct type, has the invalid value.
class | Raised when the operation cannot be performed because the involved
data structure has the mismatching typecode. |
Classes implementing | |
class | A look and feel that can be customized either by providing a file to
load(InputStream,Class>) or by setting a SynthStyleFactory using
setStyleFactory(SynthStyleFactory) .
Classes implementing | |
class | CopiesDefault provides the default value
for the copies attribute.
class | DocumentFormatDefault specifies the default document
format of a printer.
class | The FinishingsDefault attribute provides the supported
values for finishings of a job.
class | JobHoldUntilDefault attribute provides the default value
for the attribute type job-hold-until.
class | JobPriorityDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the job-priority attribute.
class | JobSheetsDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the job-sheets attribute.
class | MediaDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the media attribute.
class | MultipleDocumentHandlingDefault provides the
default value for the MultipleDocumentHandling attribute.
class | NumberUpDefault attribute provides the default value of
the numper up attribute.
class | The OrientationRequestedDefault attribute provides
the default value for the job attribute orientation-requested.
class | The PrinterResolutionDefault attribute provides
the default value for the job attribute printer-resolution.
class | PrintQualityDefault provides the
default value for the print-quality attribute.
class | SidesDefault provides the
default for the sides attribute.
Classes implementing | |
class | This class is based on java.lang.AbstractStringBuffer but
without the copying of the string by toString.
Classes implementing | |
class | Thrown when an annotation found in a class file is
malformed. |
class | Thrown when accessing an element within an annotation for
which the type has changed, since compilation or serialization
took place. |
class | Thrown when accessing an element within an annotation which
was added since compilation or serialization took place, and
does not have a default value.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception indicates that an error occurred while attempting to bind
socket to a particular port.
class | This exception indicates that an error occurred while attempting to
connect to a remote host. |
class | |
class | |
class | This class models an Internet address. |
class | InetSocketAddress instances represent socket addresses
in the java.nio package. |
class | This exception indicates that a URL passed to an object was not in a
valid format.
class | This class is used to model miscellaneous network permissions. |
class | This exception indicates that there is no TCP/IP route to the requested
host. |
class | This exception signals that an ICMP port unreachable datagram has been
class | This exception indicates that some sort of low level protocol
exception occurred. |
class | Abstract base class for InetSocketAddress.
class | This exception indicates that a generic error occurred related to an
operation on a socket. |
class | This class models a specific set of permssions for connecting to a
host. |
class | This exception signals that a socket read or accept timed out.
class | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to reference a hostname
or IP address that is not valid. |
class | Contrary to what you might think, this does not indicate that the
TCP/IP service name specified was invalid. |
class |
A URI instance represents that defined by
with some deviations.
class | This exception is thrown when a String cannot be parsed as a URI.
class | This final class represents an Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Classes implementing | |
class | Indicates a failure in the lexical analyser of the CSS parser.
class | This exception is raised when the CSS parser hits a syntax error.
Classes implementing | |
class | A checked security exception to denote an unexpected problem while unwrapping
key material with a Key Wrapping Algorithm.
Classes implementing | |
class | Stores the partial resolution of the name. |
Classes implementing | |
class | A simple CORBA CDR (common data representation) input stream, reading data
from the given InputStream . |
class | A simple CORBA CDR (common data representation)
output stream, writing data into the
given OutputStream .
class | A CORBA output stream, writing data into the internal buffer ( ByteArrayOutputStream ).
class | The CDR input stream that reads data from the byte buffer.
class | The encapsulated data, as they are defined by CORBA specification.
class | Our implementation of the sending context runtime.
class | Substitutes the main stream in factories when the header is already behind.
Fields of type | |
Serializable | The pre-created instance of the object being written (avoid
Methods with parameter type | |
Serializable | Try to read when having an unitialised value.
void | Write the value base into the given stream.
void | Write the value base into the given stream, stating that it is an instance
of the given class.
void | Write value when its repository Id is explicitly given. |
void | Write the value base into the given stream, supplementing it with an array
of the provided repository ids plus the repository id, derived from the
passed value.
void | Write standard value type header, followed by contents, produced by the
boxed value helper.
void | |
void | Write the instance to the stream.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream. |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream when the value base class
is available. |
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream. |
Serializable | Read using provided boxed value helper. |
Serializable | Vio.readValue(InputStream input, int position, Object value, BoxedValueHelper helper, String id, String[] ids, String codebase) Read the value (the header must be behind).
Serializable | Read a value type structure from the stream.
Serializable | Delegates functionality to read_value.
Serializable | Delegates functionality to the underlying stream.
Serializable | Try to read when having an unitialised value.
Serializable | Try to read when having an unitialised value.
Serializable | Tries to locate a factory using repository id.
Serializable | Tries to read using boxed value helper.
Serializable | Read an instance from the stream.
Classes implementing | |
class | Indicates that something went wrong with the connection to an X11
class | Runtime exception that occurred during an Xlib operation.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when BufferedImageOp or
RasterOp filters cannot process an image.
class | This exception is thrown when there is invalid layout information in
Classes implementing | |
class | Defines the encoding format of the Codec , including the major
and minor version numbers. |
class |
The object IOR contains sufficient information for finding local or
remote CORBA object. |
class | The ServiceContext structure contains the service data, being passed in the
CORBA message. |
class | The tagged component in a part of the TaggedProfile .
class | The TaggedProfile if part of the IOR , defining a single specific
aspect of the object related information. |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown by a SASL mechanism implementation to indicate
that the SASL exchange has failed due to reasons related to authentication,
such as an invalid identity, passphrase, or key.
Note that the lack of an AuthenticationException does not
mean that the failure was not due to an authentication error. |
class | This callback is used by SaslServer to determine whether one entity
(identified by an authenticated authentication ID) can act on behalf of
another entity (identified by an authorization ID).
class | This callback is used by SaslClient and SaslServer to
retrieve realm information.
class | This callback is used by SaslClient and SaslServer to obtain
a realm given a list of realm choices.
class | This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL.
Classes implementing | |
class | This is the base applet class. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for Applets, and is the
runtime type returned by getAccessibleContext() .
Classes implementing | |
class | The type code that is an alias of another type code.
class | A TypeCode for arrays.
class | A typecode for CORBA fixed
class | A typecode for types, requiring to provide various additional
properties but still not requiring to store the
members of the structure. |
class | An information about a primitive CORBA data type
(boolean, char, wchar, octet and also signed or unsigned short, long,
long long, float and double).
class | The type code that also has the member property getters
class | The typecode, serving as a placeholder in defining
typecodes, containing recursion.
class | The typecode for string and wide string.
Classes implementing | |
class | Exception wrapper for CORBA.ACTIVITY_COMPLETED.
class | Exception wrapper for CORBA.ACTIVITY_REQUIRED
class | Exception wrapper for CORBA.INVALID_ACTIVITY.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when we encounter bad MIDI data.
class | This exception is thrown when MIDI resources are not available.
Classes implementing | |
class | The activatable reference works like UnicastRef, but if the remote object
appears to be not accessible, it tries to reactivate it before reporting
any errors. |
class | The activatable server reference works like UnicastServerReference, but it
additionally activates the associated object on demand, during the first
incoming call. |
class | |
class | |
class | This class connects the local, remotely available (exported) object to
the local RMI server that accepts the remote calls.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A class which implements Map.Entry. |
class | A class containing an immutable key and value. |
class | An array-backed implementation of the List interface. |
class | This class can be thought of in two ways. |
class | This class is an abstract base class for Calendars, which can be
used to convert between Date objects and a set of
integer fields which represent YEAR ,
MONTH , DAY , etc. |
class | Exception that is thrown by the collections classes when it is detected that
a modification has been made to a data structure when this is not allowed,
such as when a collection is structurally modified while an Iterator is
operating over it. |
class | Representation of a currency for a particular locale. |
class |
This class represents a specific time in milliseconds since the epoch.
class | Thrown when the flags supplied to the Formatter.format()
method of a Formatter contain duplicates.
class | This exception is thrown by the Stack class when an attempt is made to pop
or otherwise access elements from an empty stack.
class | |
class |
Provides an efficient mechanism for recording a set of enumeration
constants. |
class | Represents Events fired by Objects.
class | Thrown when the flags supplied to the Formatter.format()
method of a Formatter contains a flag that does not match
the conversion character specified for it.
class | Thrown when a method is called on a Formatter but
it has already been closed.
class |
This class represents the Gregorian calendar, that is used in most
countries all over the world. |
class | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface.
class | This class provides a HashMap-backed implementation of the Set interface.
class | A class which implements a hashtable data structure.
class | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface, but uses object identity to do its hashing. |
class | Thrown when a Formatter receives a character with an
invalid Unicode codepoint, as defined by
Character.isValidCodePoint(int) .
class | Thrown when the type of an argument supplied to the
Formatter.format() method of a Formatter
does not match the conversion character specified for it.
class | A general exception thrown when a format string is supplied
to a Formatter that contains either invalid syntax
or a mismatch between the format specification and the
supplied arguments. |
class | Thrown when the flags supplied to the Formatter.format()
method of a Formatter form an illegal combination.
class | Thrown when the specified precision for a Formatter
argument is illegal. |
class | Thrown when the specified width for a Formatter
argument is illegal. |
class | Thrown when a Scanner instance encounters a mismatch
between the input data and the pattern it is trying to match it
against. |
class | |
class | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Map interface, with predictable traversal order.
class | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the
Set interface, with predictable traversal order.
class | Linked list implementation of the List interface. |
class | Locales represent a specific country and culture. |
class | Thrown when the a format specification for a Formatter
refers to an argument that is non-existent, or an argument index
references a non-existent argument.
class | Thrown when the a format specification for a Formatter
does not include a width for a value where one is required.
class | This exception is thrown when a resource is missing.
class | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to access an element that does not
exist. |
class | |
class | A set of persistent properties, which can be saved or loaded from a stream.
class | This class represents the permission to access and modify a property. The name is the name of the property, e.g. xxx. |
class | This class generates pseudorandom numbers. |
class |
An error thrown when a problem occurs during the loading
of a service provider by a ServiceLoader . |
class | This class represents a simple time zone offset and handles
daylight savings. |
class | |
class | This class represents a time zone offset and handles daylight savings.
class | This exception is part of the java event model. |
class | This class provides a red-black tree implementation of the SortedMap
interface. |
class | This class provides a TreeMap-backed implementation of the SortedSet
interface. |
class | Thrown when a Formatter is supplied with an
unknown conversion.
class | Thrown when a Formatter is supplied with an
unknown flag.
class | This class represents a 128-bit UUID value.
class | The Vector classes implements growable arrays of Objects.
Classes implementing | |
class | The exception is thrown
in response of the attempt to create the dynamic
with an unmatching type code.
class | The exception is thrown by
in response of passing a name for
which there is no initial reference.
Classes implementing | |
class | This is like a PropertyChangeEvent, but also carries with it the
index of the property which changed.
class | IntrospectionException is thrown when the Introspector fails. |
class | PropertyChangeEvents are fired in the PropertyChange and VetoableChange
event classes. |
class | PropertyChangeSupport makes it easy to fire property change events and
handle listeners. |
class | PropertyVetoException is thrown when a VetoableChangeListener doesn't
like the proposed change.
class | VetoableChangeSupport makes it easy to fire vetoable change events and
handle listeners. |
Classes implementing | |
class | An AbstractMethodError is thrown when an application attempts
to access an abstract method. |
class | Thrown when a math error has occured, such as trying to divide an
integer by zero. |
class | Thrown when attempting to access a position outside the valid range of
an array. |
class | Thrown when trying to store an object of the wrong runtime type in an
array. |
class | An assertion error normally occurs as a result of the assert
statement added in JDK 1.4, to indicate that an assertion failed. |
class | Instances of class Boolean represent primitive
boolean values.
class | Instances of class Byte represent primitive byte
class | Wrapper class for the primitive char data type. |
class | A Class represents a Java type. |
class | Thrown when an attempt is made to cast an object which is not of the
appropriate runtime type. |
class | A ClassCircularityError is thrown when a circular dependency
has been detected while initializing a class. |
class | A ClassFormatError is thrown when a Java Virtual Machine
unable to read a class file because the file is corrupted or cannot be
interpreted as a class file.
class | Thrown when a class is requested by reflection, but the class definition
cannot be found. |
class | Thrown to indicate an object should not or could not be cloned. |
class | Instances of class Double represent primitive
double values.
class | This class represents a Java enumeration. |
class | An exception of this type is thrown when a symbolic reference is
made to an enum constant which does not exist.
class | Applications should not try to catch errors since they indicate
abnormal conditions. |
class | The root class of all exceptions worth catching in a program. |
class | An ExceptionInInitializerError is thrown when an uncaught
exception has occurred in a static initializer or the initializer for a
static variable. |
class | Instances of class Float represent primitive
float values.
class | An IllegalAccessError is thrown when an attempt is made to
call a method, or access or modify a field that the application does not
have access to. |
class | Thrown whenever a reflective method tries to do something that the
compiler would not allow. |
class | Thrown when a method is passed an illegal or inappropriate argument. |
class | Thrown when a thread attempts to wait or notify on a monitor that it
does not own (ie. it has not synchronized on the object). |
class | Thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time. |
class | Thrown When trying to manipulate a Thread which is in an inappropriate
state. |
class | An IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown when the definition
of a class used by the currently executing method has changed in an
incompatible way.
class | This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an
index which is out of bounds on objects like String, Array, or Vector.
class | An InstantiationError is thrown when an attempt is made to
create an instance of an abstract class or an interface. |
class | Thrown when an attempt is made to use reflection to build a
non-instantiable class (an interface or abstract class).
class | Instances of class Integer represent primitive
int values.
class | An InternalError is thrown when a mystical error has
occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
class | Thrown when a thread interrupts another thread which was previously
sleeping, waiting, or paused in some other way. |
class | Subclasses of LinkageError are thrown to indicate that two
classes which were compatible at separate compilation times cannot be
linked to one another.
class | Instances of class Long represent primitive
long values.
class | Thrown when an attempt is made to create an array with a negative
size. |
class | A NoClassDefFoundError is thrown when a classloader or the
Java Virtual Machine tries to load a class and no definition of the class
can be found. |
class | A NoSuchFieldError is thrown if an application attempts
to access a field of a class, and that class no longer has that field.
class | Thrown to indicate the class does not have the specified field. |
class | A NoSuchMethodError is thrown if an application attempts
to access a method of a class, and that class no longer has that method.
class | Thrown to indicate the class does not have the specified method. |
class | Thrown when attempting to use null where an object
is required. |
class | |
class | Can be thrown when attempting to convert a String to
one of the numeric types, but the operation fails because the string
has the wrong format.
class | Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine is unable to allocate an object
because it is out of memory and no more memory could be made available
by the garbage collector.
class | This exception is thrown when reflective operations fail.
class | All exceptions which are subclasses of RuntimeException
can be thrown at any time during the execution of a Java virtual machine.
class | A RuntimePermission contains a permission name, but no
actions list. |
class | The security manager will throw this exception to indicate a security
violation. |
class | Instances of class Short represent primitive
short values.
class | A StackOverflowError is thrown when the execution stack
overflow occurs. |
class | One function call or stack trace element. |
class | Strings represent an immutable set of characters. |
class | StringBuffer represents a changeable String .
class | StringBuilder represents a changeable String .
class | This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an index
which is out of bounds of a String. |
class | ThreadDeath is thrown in a thread when someone calls stop()
on that thread. |
class | Throwable is the superclass of all exceptions that can be raised.
class |
Thrown when a type is accessed using a String -based
representation, but no definition of the supplied type is found.
class | An UnknownError is thrown when a serious but unknown
problem has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
class | A UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown if an appropriate
native language definition of a method declared native
cannot be found by the Java Virtual Machine.
class | An UnsupportedClassVersionError is thrown when the
Java Virtual Machine determines it does not support the major and minor
version numbers in the class file it is attempting to read.
class | This exception is thrown by an object when an operation is
requested of it that it does not support.
class | A VerifyError is thrown if there is a security problem or
internal inconsistency in a class file as detected by the "verifier."
class | A VirtualMachineError or its subclasses are thrown to
indicate there is something wrong with the Java Virtual Machine or that
it does not have the resources needed for it to continue execution.
Classes implementing | |
class | Provides CSS attributes to be used by the HTML view classes. |
class | The event fired on form submit.
class | Represents an unknown HTML tag.
class | Represents the HTML document that is constructed by defining the text and
other components (images, buttons, etc) in HTML language. |
class | |
class | RunElement represents a section of text that has a set of
HTML character level attributes assigned to it.
class | |
class | Abstract Action class that helps inserting HTML into an existing document.
class | This class is used to insert a string of HTML into an existing
document. |
class | Fires the hyperlink events on the associated component
when needed.
class | HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent transfers information about the link that was
activated in a frame.
class | This class adds support for defining the visual characteristics of HTML views
being rendered. |
class | This class carries out some of the duties of CSS formatting. |
class | This class carries out some of the CSS list formatting duties. |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Methods with parameter type | |
Serializable | No replacement, returns the passed parameter.
void | Write data to the CORBA output stream. |
void | Write value using the given stream format version.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | RmiUtilities.readValue(InputStream in, int offset, Class<T> clz, String repositoryID, RunTime sender) Read value from the input stream in the case when the value is not
Streamable or CustomMarshalled.
Serializable | No replacement, returns the passed parameter.
Classes implementing | |
class | Range operations may throw a RangeException as specified in
their method descriptions.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception may be thrown by methods in
if they are invoked outside the context of a POA-dispatched operation.
Classes implementing | |
class | DateTimeSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having a date and a time as value.
class | EnumSyntax is the abstract base class of all enumeration
classes in the Java Print Service API.
class | HashAttributeSet provides an implementation of
AttributeSet .
class | HashDocAttributeSet provides an implementation of
DocAttributeSet .
class | HashPrintJobAttributeSet provides an implementation of
PrintJobAttributeSet .
class | HashPrintRequestAttributeSet provides an implementation of
PrintRequestAttributeSet .
class | HashPrintServiceAttributeSet provides an implementation of
PrintServiceAttributeSet .
class | IntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having an integer as value.
class | ResolutionSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a resolution as value (e.g. printer resolution).
class | SetOfIntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a set of non-negative integers as value (e.g. the
page ranges to print) represented as single values or ranges of values.
class | Size2DSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a two dimensional size as value (e.g. the size of
a media like Letter or A4).
class | TextSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a string as value (e.g. the location of the printer).
class | Exception which is thrown if an operation on an unmodifiable set
is invoked.
class | URISyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having an Uniform Resource Identifier URI as value.
Classes implementing | |
class | The ForwardRequest is thrown by interceptors to forward the request to
another target. |
class | The InvalidSlot is thrown when the slot identifier, passed in one of the
methods, related to Current , does not define a valid slot.
Classes implementing | |
class | CharsetSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a charset (US-ASCII) string as value.
class | DetailedStatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides a short description of the status of the operation.
class | DocumentAccessError attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides additional information for document access errors.
class | NaturalLanguageSyntax is the abstract base class of all
attribute classes which provide a natural language (US-ASCII)
string as value.
class | RequestedAttributes specifies the requested
attributes in an IPP request operation.
class | StatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides a short description of the status of the operation.
class | UnknownAttribute holds all the parsed Attribute information.
Classes implementing | |
class | The Fortuna continuously-seeded pseudo-random number generator. |
Classes implementing | |
class | An ActionMap that implements the UIResource
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
class | A wrapper for Border that also
implements the UIResource marker interface. |
class | A BevelBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | A CompoundBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | An EmptyBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | An EtchedBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | A LineBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | A MatteBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | A TitledBorder that also implements the
UIResource marker interface. |
class | A Color that is marked as UIResource , which indicates that
the color has been installed by a pluggable LookAndFeel. |
class | A ComponentInputMap that implements the UIResource
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
class | A Dimension that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
class | A font that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
class | An icon that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
class | An InputMap that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
class | An Insets that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
Classes implementing | |
class | CharsetSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.18 provides the charset which are supported by the
IPP implementation to be used in the name and text syntax
attribute types.
class | CompressionSupported provides the values which are
supported for the compression attribute.
class | DocumentFormatSupported specifies the supported document
formats of a printer. |
class | The FinishingsSupported attribute provides the supported
values for finishings of a job.
class | GeneratedNaturalLanguageSupported attribute as described
in RFC 2911 section 4.4.20 provides the natural languages
which are supported by the IPP implementation to be used
in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | IppVersionsSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.14 provides the value(s) (implemented as EnumSyntax)
of the supported IPP versions.
class | JobHoldUntilSupported attribute provides the supported
values for the attribute type job-hold-until.
class | JobSheetsSupported attribute provides the supported values
of the job-sheets attribute.
class | MediaSupported attribute provides the keyword values
of the media types supported by the printer object.
class | MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported provides the
supported values for the MultipleDocumentHandling attribute.
class | MultipleDocumentJobsSupported specifies if a printer
supported multiple documents in one job.
class | OperationsSupported specifies the enums of the operations
supported by a given printer or job object. |
class | The OrientationRequestedSupported attribute provides
the supported values for the job attribute orientation-requested.
class | PageRangesSupported is a boolean typed
attribute indicating (as EnumSyntax) if page ranges
are supported.
class | The PrinterResolutionSupported attribute provides
the supported values for the job attribute printer-resolution.
class | PrinterUriSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.1 contains one of the URIs the printer supported for
job processing (e.g. one with authentication).
class | PrintQualitySupported provides the
supported values for the print-quality attribute.
class | SidesSupported provides the
supported values for the sides attribute.
class | UriAuthenticationSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.2 provides the keywords (implemented as EnumSyntax) which
authentication methods are supported by the printer object. |
class | UriSecuritySupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.3 provides the keywords (implemented as EnumSyntax) for
the security mechanisms supported by the corresponding uri's
supported (same place in setOf).
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown to indicate an problem with a jar file.
Classes implementing | |
class | The additional GNU algorithm implementation as a Java Cryptographic Extension
(JCE) Provider.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This is the base class for various account-related exceptions.
class | An exception that signals that an attempt was made to login to an account
that has expired.
class | An exception indicating that an account is locked.
class | An exception indicating that an account was not found.
class | This is the base class for various credential-related exceptions.
class | An exception that signals an attempt to login with a credential that
has expired.
class | An exception that indicates that a credential was not found.
class | An exception that signals that an attempt to login was unsuccessful.
class | A general exception during authentication and authorization.
Classes implementing | |
class | A common ancestor for the implementations of the activatable objects. |
class | Thrown when activation fails on a remote call to an activatable object.
class | Contains the information, necessary to activate the object. |
class | General exception class for java.rmi.activation .
class | The entity that receives the request to activate object and activates it.
class | Contains information, necessary to create of recreate the activation objects.
class | Contains the startup options for the ActivationGroup
implementations. |
class | This identifier identifies the activation group inside the scope of its
activation system. |
class | A stub class for ActivationGroup implementations.
class | Denotes the object that can be activated over time. |
class | Thrown when an ActivationGroupID parameter is invalid or
class | Thrown when an ActivationID parameter is invalid or unknown.
Classes implementing | |
class | The implementation of the BindingIterator .
class | This naming context that adds the the string based extensions,
defined by NamingContextExt . |
class | This class implements the transient naming service, defined by
NamingContext . |
Classes implementing | |
class | Part of the internal representation of the content model.
class | Part of the internal representation of the content model.
class | Disallows a single given tag at the current content level only.
class | The model, allowing only PCDATA in it (like for element OPTION).
class | Transforms the standard ContentModel tree into the internal representation,
used in this implementation.
class | Table row content model.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This class helps the people writing protocols to report URL parse
errors in parseUrl as this method cannot report other exceptions
than Errors.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Defines the binding with the given name and type.
class | Specifies the binding type (how the binding has been created).
class | The name component, a node in the multi-comonent name.
class | The binding iterator implementation base.
class | The binding interator stub (proxy), used on the client side.
class | The extended naming context implementation base.
class | The extended naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.
class | The naming context implementation base.
class | The naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.
Classes implementing | |
class | An error occurred during configuration of the parser factory.
class | An exception occurred during configuration of the XML parser.
Classes implementing | |
class | This immutable class represents an object identifier, or OID.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown during decryption when the decrypted input
does not have the proper padding bytes that are expected by the padding
class | Signals a general exception in an ExemptionMechanism .
class | This exception is thrown when finishing encryption without padding or
decryption and the input is not a multiple of the cipher's block
class | This exception is thrown when a particular padding scheme is
requested but is not available.
class | This class allows any Serializable object to be
stored in an encrypted form.
class | This exception is thrown on an attempt to transform bytes into a
buffer that is too short to contain the data.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Create a new sealed object from a Serializable
object and a cipher.
Classes implementing | |
class | This event is generated when an action on a component (such as a
button press) occurs.
class | This class represents an event that is generated when an adjustable
value is changed.
class | This class is for events generated when a component is moved, resized,
hidden, or shown. |
class | This event is generated when a component is added or removed from a
container. |
class | This class represents an event generated when a focus change occurs for a
component. |
class | This class represents an event generated for an ancestor component which
may affect this component. |
class | This is the common superclass for all component input classes. |
class | This class is for event generated by change in a text input method.
class | This event executes of a target object when it is
dispatched. |
class | This event is generated when a selection item changes state. |
class | This event is generated when a key is pressed or released. |
class | This event is generated for a mouse event. |
class | This event is generated for a mouse wheel rotation. |
class | This event is generated when an area of the screen needs to be painted.
class | This event is generated when a text box changes contents. |
class | This event is generated when there is a change in a window. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Signals Datatype related exceptions.
Classes implementing | |
class | A base asbtract class for both public and private RSA keys.
class | An object that embodies an RSA private key.
class | An object that encapsulates an RSA public key.
Classes implementing | |
class | A base asbtract class for both public and private Diffie-Hellman keys. |
class | An implementation of the Diffie-Hellman private key.
class | An implementation of the Diffie-Hellman public key.
Classes implementing | |
class | The ACTIVITY_COMPLETED indicates that the Activity context in which the
method call was made has been completed due to a timeout of either the
Activity itself or a transaction that encompasses the Activity. |
class | The ACTIVITY_REQUIRED system exception indicates that an Activity context was
necessary to perform the invoked operation, but one was not found
associated with the calling thread.
class | A container that can store a value of either user defined or
primitive IDL type.
class | Means that the operation is invoked by a client but the passed
context has no values required by this operation.
class | Means that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order.
class | Means that the object exists but does not support the operation that was
invoked on it.
class | The exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered
class | The BAD_QOS is raised when the object cannot support the quality of
service required by an invocation parameter.
class | Means that the some TypeCode has been realized to be invalid
(for example, has an invalid TCKind value).
class | Thrown when a parameter is outside the bounds for a particular
object a method is trying to access.
class | Defines the method completion status, usually for the time moment,
when the exception has been thrown.
class | Raised when client and server are unable to reach any consensus on which
code set should be used to represent the characters. |
class | Means that the communication has been lost while an operation
was in progress
class | Means that the ORB cannot convert between the marshalled and
native data representation.
class | This class indicates the kind of the definition, stored in the interface
class | Means errors, related to freeing the allocated memory.
class | Means that the server has reached some implementation limit
(too many clients, too many references, too long parameters and so on).
class | Means that the server cannot be initialized because of the some reason.
class | Means an internal failure in the ORB.
class | Means errors, related to the interface repository.
class | Raised when the transaction or Activity is resumed in a different context
than from which it was suspended. |
class | Means that request carried an invalid transaction context.
class | Means invalid flag, passed during operation.
class | Means that some IDL identifier has a wrong syntax.
class | Means that some object reference is internally malformed.
class | This exception is thrown when an invocation cannot be made because of
an incompatibility between Policy overrides that apply to the
particular invocation.
class | Means that some request or reply from the network has a wrong size or is
structurally invalid. |
class | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
class | Means that while the operation being invoked does exists, no
implementation for it exists.
class | Means that the server has runned out of memory.
class | Means that the caller has no rights to invoke the operation.
class | Means that the ORB has reached some general resource limitation like maximal
number of the opened connections.
class | Means that the client attempts to retrieve the result that is not
yet available.
class | Means an attempt to perform some operation on a deleted object.
class | This exception typically indicates an administrative mismatch.
class | Defines the parameter modes (the ways in that a method parameter
is used during invocation).
class | Indicates a persistent storage failure like database crash.
class | The exception is thrown when a policy error occurs.
class | Raised on the failure of the requested or implied attempt to
rebind an object reference.
class | An object, representing one of the additional details about the
particular ORB service.
class | Stores information about the CORBA service, available from some ORB.
class | Defines the instruction, how the newly specified policies can be
taken into consideration. |
class | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL struct .
class | The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions.
class | Raised when no delivery has been made during the specified timeout duration.
class | Raised when the TransactionPolicy in the IOR is not the same as the current
transaction mode.
class | Means that request carried a null transaction context, but an
active transaction is required.
class | Means that transaction associated with the request has already
been rolled back or marked to roll back.
class | Raised in response to the abnormal termination of the transaction
class | Means that the ORB cannot reach the object. |
class | An information about a CORBA data type.
class | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL union .
class | A wrapper against an unknown user exception that has been thrown
on remote side and returned by the server. |
class | Means that the operation implementation has thrown a non-CORBA exception.
class | The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.
class | The class, defining properties of the value member.
class | Thrown when the transaction scope mismatches.
class | The stub for the IDL type. |
class | The Policy stub (proxy), used on the client side.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Create an instance, initialised into the given value.
Fields of type | |
Serializable | A stored value of the value base type.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Insert the value base that is Serializable into
the given Any.
void | Insert the CORBA Value into this Any .
void | Insert the CORBA Value into this Any .
void | Insert the value into the enclosed
Any inside this DynAny
void | Write the value base into the given stream.
void | Write value type to the output stream.
void | Write the given string value into the output stream.
void | Write the given wide string value into the output stream.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Extract the value type from the given Any.
Serializable | Extract the CORBA Value from this Any
Serializable | Extract the value that is expected to be
stored in this DynAny.
Serializable | Read the value base from the given input stream.
Serializable | Read the CORBA value type.
Serializable | Read the string value from the input stream.
Serializable | Read the wide string value from the input stream.
Classes implementing | |
class | A border used for JButton components.
This Border implementation can handle only instances of
AbstractButton and their subclasses.
If the Metal Look and Feel's current theme is 'Ocean' the border
will be painted with a special highlight when the mouse cursor if
over the button (ie. the property rollover of the
button's model is true ) and is not a direct
child of a JToolBar .
class | A simple 3D border.
class | A border used for the JInternalFrame component.
class | A border used for JMenuBar components.
class | |
class | A border used for JInternalFrame components that are
presented as dialogs (by the JOptionPane class).
class | A border used for a JInternalFrame when it is being used as a
class | A border implementation for popup menus.
class | A button border that is only visible when the mouse pointer is within
the button's bounds.
class | A border for JScrollPane components.
class | A border for table header cells.
class | A border used for the JTextField component.
class | A border used for the JToggleButton component.
class | A border used for the JToolBar component.
class | An Icon used by the MetalCheckBoxUI class.
class | A button used by the MetalComboBoxUI class.
class | An icon used by the MetalComboBoxUI class.
class | A popup menu for the combo-box.
class | Handles changes to the selection in the directory combo box.
class | A combo box model containing the selected directory and all its parent
class | A renderer for the files and directories in the file chooser.
class | A combo box model for the file selection filters.
class | A renderer for the items in the file filter combo box.
class | Creates icons for the MetalLookAndFeel .
class | An icon representing a file (drawn as a piece of paper with the top-right
corner turned down).
class | An icon representing a folder.
class | An icon used by the MetalInternalFrameUI class when the frame
is displayed as a palette.
class | A tree control icon. |
class | A tree folder icon.
class | A tree leaf icon.
class | The title pane for a JInternalFrame (see
MetalInternalFrameUI.createNorthPane(JInternalFrame) ). |
class | A custom look and feel that is designed to look similar across different
operating systems. |
class | A button used by the MetalScrollBarUI . |
Classes implementing | |
class | Thrown on encountering a syntactically malformed signature in
a reflective method. |
class | InvocationTargetException is sort of a way to "wrap" whatever exception
comes up when a method or constructor is called via Reflection. |
class | This exception class is thrown when one of the reflection
methods encountered an invalid parameterized type within
the metadata of a class. |
class | This class allows you to dynamically create an instance of any (or
even multiple) interfaces by reflection, and decide at runtime
how that instance will behave by giving it an appropriate
InvocationHandler . |
class | This class implements permissions for reflection. |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Implementation of the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for
the ARCFOUR keystream generator.
class | The implementation of the continuously-seeded SecureRandom Service
Provider Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | |
class | An Adapter class around ICMGenerator to allow using this
algorithm as a JCE SecureRandom .
class | An Adapter class around UMacGenerator to allow using this
algorithm as a JCE SecureRandom .
Classes implementing | |
class |
Represents the permission to view or modify the data
which forms part of the system management interfaces.
Classes implementing | |
class | A default implementation of the MutableTreeNode interface.
class | The default text field, used in the editing sessions.
class | This container that appears on the tree during editing session.
class | A default implementation of the TreeCellRenderer interface.
class | DefaultTreeModel
class | The implementation of the default tree selection model. |
class | ExpandVetoException
class | A TreePath represents a sequence of tree elements that form
a path starting from the root of a tree. |
Classes implementing | |
class | This class represents an affine transformation between two coordinate
spaces in 2 dimensions. |
class | Thrown when an operation on a path is in an illegal state, such as appending
a segment to a GeneralPath without an initial moveto.
class | Thrown if an operation requires an inverse of an
AffineTransform , but the transform is in a non-invertible
Classes implementing | |
class | The tree path with additional data. |
Classes implementing | |
class | The open type descriptor for arrays of open data values.
class | Provides an implementation of the CompositeData
class | The open type descriptor for instances of the
CompositeData class.
class | Thrown when an invalid key (a field name or row index) is
passed to a method of the CompositeData or
TabularData classes.
class | Thrown when a open data value has an erroneous open
class | Thrown when a key (a field name or row index) is passed to a method
of the CompositeData or TabularData classes and it
is found to already be in use.
class | Thrown when an instance of one of the open types, open
data objects or open metadata information objects could
not be created due to invalid construction parameters.
class | Describes an attribute of an open management bean.
class | Describes a constructor for an open management bean.
class | Describes an open management bean.
class | Describes a operation for an open management bean.
class | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated
with an open management bean.
class | The superclass of all open types, which describe the
applicable data values for open MBeans. |
class | The open type descriptor for data values that are members
of one of the simple types (such as an integer or a string).
class | Provides an implementation of the TabularData
interface using a HashMap .
class | The open type descriptor for instances of the
TabularData class.
Classes implementing | |
class | Simple wrapper for custom Cursor.
Classes implementing | |
class | Activation-specific DataFlavor with improved MIME parsing.
class | A MIME content type, as defined in RFCs 2045 and 2046.
class | Exception thrown to indicate a malformed MIME content type.
class | Exception indicating that the requested method doesn't support the
specified data type.
Classes implementing | |
class | Compiled regular expression ready to be applied.
class | Indicates illegal pattern for regular expression.
Classes implementing | |
class | The explicit command to close the connection.
class | The code set service context. |
class | The error message is sent in response to the message, encoded
in the unsupported version of the format or otherwise invalid.
class | The GIOP message header.
class | The GIOP request message.
class | Contains the ORB service data being passed.
Classes implementing | |
class | Signals a problem when encoding certificates.
This class is deprecated in favor of the CertificateEncodingException class. |
class | Signals a generic problem with certificates.
This class is deprecated in favor of the CertificateException class. |
class | Signals that a certificate has expired.
This class is deprecated in favor of the CertificateExpiredException class. |
class | Signals that a certificate is not yet valid.
This class is deprecated in favor of the CertificateNotYetValidException class. |
class | Signals a parsing error when decoding a certificate.
This class is deprecated. |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is raised by CodecOperations.decode(byte[])
or CodecOperations.decode_value(byte[],TypeCode) when the data in the
octet sequence cannot be decoded into Any .
class | This exception is raised by CodecOperations.encode(Any) or
CodecOperations.encode_value(Any) when the type is not
valid for the encoding. |
class | The TypeMismatch may be thrown by various methods in org.omg.DynamicAny
package when the operation is not applicable due unexpected
TypeCode .
Classes implementing | |
class | Thrown to indicate that the caller does not have permission to access
certain data, such as bind in an ActivationSystem.
class | Thrown on an attempt to bind an object in the registry that is already
class | Thrown if a connection is refused for a remote call.
class | Wraps an I/O Exception thrown while connecting for a remote call.
class | Thrown if an exception occurs while marshalling data to send in a remote
call. |
class | A MarshalledObject consists of a serialized object which is
marshalled according to the RMI specification.
class | Thrown on an attempt to invoke a call on an object that no longer exists
in the remote Virtual Machine. |
class | Thrown on an attempt to lookup or unbind a registry name that has no
associated binding.
class | The superclass of exceptions related to RMI (remote method invocation).
class | Never thrown, but originally intended to wrap a
SecurityException in the case of RMI.
class | Wraps any error thrown while processing the server of a remote call.
class | Wraps any exception thrown while processing the server of a remote call.
class | Wraps any runtime exception thrown while processing the server of a
remote call. |
class | Thrown if a valid stub class is not found for an object when it is exported.
class | Thrown if an unexpected checked exception was received in a remote
procedure call.
class | Thrown if a occurs during a remote
procedure call.
class | Thrown if an exception occurs while unmarshalling parameters or results
of a remote method call. |
Classes implementing | |
class | The top of our DynAny implementation, this class provides ORB that is
required to create anys and factory that is required to initialise DynAnys.
class | Provides a base for DynAnys, having multiple components.
class | The primitive dynamic Any holds the value basic final_type that cannot be
class | This class is returned by ORB when resolving
initial reference "DynAnyFactory".
class | Provides support for dynamic array or sequence, where all members have the
same final_type.
class | Our implementation of dynamic enumeration.
class | Implements DynAny, holding CORBA fixed . |
class | |
class | Implementation of the DynStruct.
class | Implementation of DynUnion.
class | Implementation of DynValue.
class | Implementation of the DynValueBox.
class | A shared base for both dynamic structure an dynamic value final_type.
class | Represent DynAny that has no internal components (DynEnum and so on). |
Methods with parameter type | |
void | |
void | |
void | |
void | |
void | Not in use.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | |
Serializable | |
Serializable | |
Serializable | |
Serializable | Not in use.
Classes implementing | |
class | Contains the two combined attribute sets what are searched subsequently.
class | This icon reflects the general concept (sheet of paper with image), but is
currently not pixel to pixel identical with the Sun's implementation.
class | This icon reflects the general concept (broken sheet of paper with
image), but is currently not pixel to pixel identical with the Sun's
Classes implementing | |
class | Used by mechanisms that offer a security services layer, this checked
exception is thrown to indicate that a violation has occured during the
processing of a confidentiality protection filter.
class | A checked exception thrown to indicate that an operation that should be
invoked on a completed mechanism was invoked but the authentication phase of
that mechanism was not completed yet, or that an operation that should be
invoked on incomplete mechanisms was invoked but the authentication phase of
that mechanism was already completed.
class | Used by mechanisms that offer a security services layer, this checked
exception is thrown to indicate that a violation has occured during the
processing of an integrity protection filter, including replay
class | A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated SASL mechanism
implementation was not found.
class | A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated user is unknown to
the authentication layer.
class | A checked exception, thrown when an exception occurs while decoding a SASL
buffer and/or a SASL data element from/to a buffer.
class | A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated user is already
known to the the authentication layer.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | An exception thrown when the requested information is not available.
class | An exception thrown by the JDWP back-end when an invalid reference
type id is used by the debugger.
class | An exception thrown when the debugger uses an invalid class loader
class | An exception thrown when a count filter is given an invalid count.
class | An exception thrown when the debugger asks for an event request
for a non-existant event
class | An exception thrown when an invalid field id is used by the
class | An exception thrown when the debugger requests an invalid frame in the call
class | An exception thrown when the debugger specifies an invalid location
class | An exception thrown when an invalid method id is used
by the debugger
class | An exception thrown when an invalid object id is used by
the debugger
class | An exception thrown when an invalid Slot id is used by the debugger
(i.e. when trying to access a variable slot which doesn't exist).
class | An exception thrown when the debugger uses an invalid String.
class | An exception thrown when an invalid tag is used by
the debugger
class | An exception thrown when an invalid thread is used
by the debugger
class | An exception thrown when an invalid thread group is used
by the debugger
class | A base class exception for all JDWP back-end exceptions
class | An illegal argument exception for JDWP.
class | An exception thrown by the JDWP back-end when an unusual runtime
error occurs internally
class | An exception thrown when the debugger attempts to invoke
an unsupported command on a native method (like setting a breakpoint).
class | An exception thrown by virtual machines when functionality
or features are not implemented
class | An exception throw when attempting to access a local variable of the wrong
class | An exception thrown when the virtual machine is dead
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on
a TypeCode object.
class | The TypeCode.member_name(int) ,
TypeCode.member_type(int) and
TypeCode.member_label(int) raise Bounds when
the parameter is larger than the index of the last member,
constituting the type.
Classes implementing | |
class | Support for creating a BeanContextChild .
class | Generic superclass for events fired by BeanContext s.
class | Event fired when children are added to or removed from a BeanContext .
class | Event fired when new services become available through a BeanContextServices .
class | Event fired when services are revoked from a BeanContextServices .
class | This is a helper class for implementing a bean context which
supplies services. |
class | |
class | |
class | This is a helper class for implementing a bean context. |
class |
Methods with return type | |
Serializable |
Classes implementing | |
class | The implementation of the Name .
Classes implementing | |
class | An event raised by a SSLSocket and passed to the HandshakeCompletedListener.handshakeCompleted(HandshakeCompletedEvent)
method of all registered listeners when a SSL handshake in a SSL
protocol is completed.
class | The superclass of all possible SSL exceptions. |
class | An exception that signals an error in the SSL handshake phase.
class | An exception signaling a problem using a public or private key in
an SSL communication.
class | An exception thrown when the remote peer could not be verified.
class | A permission used for accessing SSL classes.
class | An exception thrown when a fatal protocol error is encountered. |
class | An event raised by SSLSession objects when objects are bound to
Classes implementing | |
class | Provides support for RTF data for use in
JEditorPane s.
Classes implementing | |
class | A concrete implementation of the SSLSession interface. |
class | An SSL or TLS session ID.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A new exception has been created for exceptions specific to these XPath
Classes implementing | |
class | The implementation of the HAVAL-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the MD2-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the MD4-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the MD5-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the RIPEMD128-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the RIPEMD160-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of a generic SecureRandom adapter
class to wrap gnu.crypto prng instances based on Message Digest algorithms.
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for
the SecureRandom class, which provides the
functionality of a cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator.
All the abstract methods in the SecureRandomSpi class are
implemented by this class and all its sub-classes.
class | The implementation of the SHA1-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the SHA-256 based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the SHA-384 based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the SHA-512 based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the Tiger based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
class | The implementation of the Whirlpool-based SecureRandom Service Provider
Interface (SPI) adapter.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | Written using on-line Java Platform 1.2 API Specification, as well
as "The Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and
"Applied Cryptography, Second Edition" by Bruce Schneier (Wiley, 1996).
class | Immutable objects describing settings such as rounding mode and digit
precision for numerical operations such as those in the BigDecimal class.
Classes implementing | |
class | The Chromaticity printing attribute specifies if print data
should be printed in monochrome or color.
class | The ColorSupported printing attribute specifies if a
printing device is capable of color printing.
class | The Compression printing attribute specifies if and how the
supplied print data is compressed.
class | The Copies printing attribute specifies the number
of copies to be printed.
class | The CopiesSupported attribute specifies the supported
value or range of values for the
Copies attribute.
class | The DateTimeAtCompleted attribute specifies the date and
the time at which a print job completed (or was canceled or aborted).
class | The DateTimeAtCreation attribute specifies the
date and the time at which a print job was created.
class | The DateTimeAtProcessing attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job started processing.
class | The Destination attribute provides a URI for an alternate
destination of the printing output.
class | The DocumentName printing attribute specifies a document name.
class | The Fidelity attribute specifies how a print job is handled
if the supplied attributes are not fully supported.
class | The Finishings attribute specifies the finishing operations
that the Printer applies to every copy of each printed document in the Job.
class | The JobHoldUntil attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job must become a candidate
for printing.
class | The JobImpressions printing attribute specifies
the total size in number of impressions of the documents
of a a print job.
class | The JobImpressionsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of impressions already processed.
class | The JobImpressionsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobImpressions attribute.
class | The JobKOctets printing attribute specifies
the total size of all the documents of a print job in K octets.
class | The JobKOctetsProcessed printing attribute reports
the total number of octets already processed in K octets units.
class | The JobKOctetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobKOctets attribute.
class | The JobMediaSheets printing attribute specifies
the total number of media sheets needed by a job.
class | The JobMediaSheetsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of media sheets already processed.
class | The JobMediaSheetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobMediaSheets attribute.
class | The JobMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
print job. |
class | The JobName printing attribute provides the name of a
print job for identification.
class | The JobOriginatingUserName attribute specifies the name of
the user which submitted the print job.
class | The JobPriority printing attribute specifies
the priority for scheduling a job on the print service.
class | The JobPrioritySupported printing attribute provides
the supported values for the JobPriority attribute.
class | The JobSheets printing attribute specifies if a
job start/end sheets should be printed.
class | The JobState printing attribute reports
the current state of a job.
class | The JobStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of a job. |
class | The JobStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of a print job.
class | The Media printing attribute specifies which
type of media should be used for printing.
class | MediaName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined names. |
class | The MediaPrintableArea attribute specifies the area
of a media sheet which is available for printing.
class | The MediaSize printing attribute class specifies the size
of a printing media. |
class | MediaSizeName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined size names. |
class | MediaTray is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of the
input tray of the printer. |
class | The MultipleDocumentHandling printing attribute controls
how certain printing attributes affect printing in case of multiple
documents in a print job. |
class | The NumberOfDocuments printing attribute specifies
the number of documents in a job.
class | The NumberOfInterveningJobs printing attribute provides
the number of jobs ahead in the print service queue before the
requested job.
class | The NumberUp printing attribute specifies the number of pages
to be arranged upon a single media sheet.
class | The NumberUpSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported value or range of values for the
NumberUp attribute.
class | The OrientationRequested printing attribute specifies
the desired orientation of the print data on the media sheet.
class | The OutputDeviceAssigned printing attribute specifies the
output printer device assigned by a print service to a print job.
class | The PageRanges printing attribute specifies the
range(s) of pages to be printed in a print job.
class | The PagesPerMinute printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed
by the printer.
class | The PagesPerMinuteColor printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed in
color by the printer.
class | The PDLOverrideSupported printing attribute specifies
if a print services is capable of attempting to override document data
instructions with IPP attributesc.
class | The PresentationDirection attribute specifies
a value to be used together with the NumberUp attribute
to indicate the layout of multiple pages on a single media sheet.
class | The PrinterInfo printing attribute provides
informations about a printer device.
class | The PrinterIsAcceptingJobs printing attribute signals
if a print services is currently accepting jobs.
class | The PrinterLocation printing attribute provides the location
of a printer device. |
class | The PrinterMakeAndModel printing attribute provides the name
of the maker and the model of the printer.
class | The PrinterMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
printer. |
class | The PrinterMoreInfo attribute provides a URI that can be used
to obtain more information about the printer.
class | The PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer attribute provides a URI that
can be used to obtain more information about the printer device type and
its manufacturer.
class | The PrinterName printing attribute provides the name of a
print service. |
class | The PrinterResolution printing attribute specifies a
resolution supported by a print service or to be used by a print job.
class | The PrinterState printing attribute reports
the current state of the printer device.
class | The PrinterStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of the printer device. |
class | The PrinterStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of the printer
class | The PrinterURI attribute provides the URI of a printer.
class | The PrintQuality printing attribute specifies the
print quality that should be used by the print services for a job.
class | The QueuedJobCount printing attribute reports
the number of jobs currently in the queue. |
class | The ReferenceUriSchemesSupported attribute provides
the supported URI schemes (e.g. ftp) which are supported by the
printer service to be used as uri reference for document data.
class | The RequestingUserName attribute provides the name of
the user which requests the printing of the given job.
class | The Severity printing attribute specifies the severity
for a PrinterStateReason attribute.
class | The SheetCollate printing attribute specifies
whether or not the sheets of each copy in a print job have to be
in sequence.
class | The Sides printing attribute specifies how consecutive
printing pages are arranged on the media sheet.
Classes implementing | |
class | Chained exception thrown when backing store fails. |
class | Indicates reading prefs from stream failed. |
class | ObjectEvent fired when a Preference node is added/removed.
class | ObjectEvent fired when a Preferences entry changes.
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is raised on an attempt to register a second
org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Interceptor with the same name.
class | This exception is raised by methods in
ORBInitInfoOperations on the attempt to
register or resolve an invalid name like empty string. |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A button that displays an arrow (triangle) that points SwingConstants.NORTH ,
SwingConstants.SOUTH , SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST . |
class | A border whose appearance depends on the state of
the enclosed button.
class | A border that makes its enclosed component appear as lowered
into the surface. |
class | An invisible, but spacing border whose margin is determined
by calling the getMargin() method of the enclosed
component. |
class | A border for drawing a separator line below JMenuBar.
class | A border for drawing radio buttons in the Basic look and feel.
class | A one-pixel thick border for rollover buttons, for example in
tool bars.
class | A border for toggle buttons in the Basic look and feel.
class | A renderer for a JComboBox .
class | A subclass of BasicComboBoxRenderer that implements the
UIResource interface.
class | UI Delegate for ComboPopup
class | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames
to be closed.
class | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames
to be maximized.
class | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames
to be minimized.
class | This helper class is used to handle key events that pass the SELECTED
property to the next JInternalFrame in the JDesktopPane's list of
class | This helper class is used to restore the JInternalFrame to its original
size before maximizing or iconifying.
class | Implements an AbstractListModel for directories where the source
of the files is a JFileChooser object.
class | Handles a user action to approve the dialog selection.
class | Handles an action to cancel the file chooser.
class | An action to handle changes to the parent directory (for example, via
a click on the "up folder" button).
class | An action that changes the file chooser to display the user's home
class | An action that handles the creation of a new folder/directory.
class | DOCUMENT ME!
class | Creates icons for the BasicLookAndFeel .
class | This class acts as a titlebar for JInternalFrames.
class | The Action responsible for closing the JInternalFrame.
class | This Action is responsible for iconifying the JInternalFrame.
class | This Action is responsible for maximizing the JInternalFrame.
class | This Action is responsible for dragging the JInternalFrame.
class | This Action is responsible for restoring the JInternalFrame. |
class | This action is responsible for sizing the JInternalFrame.
class | This class acts as the MenuBar for the TitlePane. |
class | A basic implementation of Swing's Look and Feel framework. |
class | This class is no longer used as of JDK1.3.
class | The divider that separates the two parts of a JSplitPane in the Basic look
and feel.
class | A DefaultCaret that implements UIResource .
class | This is the window that appears when the JToolBar is being dragged
class | The action to cancel editing on this tree.
class | TreeHomeAction is used to handle end/home actions. |
class | TreeIncrementAction is used to handle up/down actions. |
class | TreePageAction handles page up and page down events.
class | For the first selected row expandedness will be toggled.
class | TreeTraverseAction is the action used for left/right keys. |
class | The LayoutManager that is used in PopupMenus. |
Classes implementing | |
class | AttributesCharset attribute as described in RFC 2911 chapter
3.1.4 Character Set and Natural Language Operation Attributes.
class | AttributesNaturalLanguage attribute as described in RFC 2911 chapter
3.1.4 Character Set and Natural Language Operation Attributes.
class | JobDetailedStatusMessages provides additional detailed and
technical job informations.
class | JobDocumentAccessErrors provides additional information
for each access error for print-uri or document-uri jobs.
class | The JobId attribute contains the ID of a
print job created or currently being processed.
class | JobMoreInfo attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.4 contains the URI where more information about a job
(e.g. through a HTML page) can be found.
class | JobPrinterUri attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.3 contains the URI of the printer which created and
processes a job.
class | JobStateMessage attribute describes information about the
job-state and job-state-reasons in human readable form.
class | JobUri attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.1 contains the URI for a job generated by the printer
after a create request.
Classes implementing | |
class | This class handles numeric shaping. |
class | Attributes (and associated values) that can be used to define an
AttributedString .
class | This class provides a mechanism for using an AffineTransform as
an immutable attribute (for example, in the
AttributedString class). |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | This class represents a Kerberos key. |
class | This represents a Kerberos principal. |
class | This class represents a Kerberos ticket. |
class | This represents permission to access to a Kerberos service principal.
Methods with parameter type | |
Serializable | Read a value type structure content, when the unitialised
instance is passed as a parameter. |
void | Writes a value type into the output stream.
void | Writes a value type into the output stream, stating it has the given
repository id.
void | Write value to the stream using the boxed value helper.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Read a value type structure, extracting the repository id
from the input stream itself. |
Serializable | Read a value type structure content, when the unitialised
instance is passed as a parameter. |
Serializable | Read a value type structure, having the given repository id.
Serializable | Use the provided boxed value helper to read the value.
Classes implementing | |
class | A lease object is used to request and grant leases for the remote objects. |
class | An identifier that is unique accross the all virtual machines. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Represents an MBean attribute, having the name and the assigned value. |
class | Defines the notification used to let listeners know of
an attribute change. |
class | Performs filtering of AttributeChangeNotification s
based on a list of attribute names.
class | Represents a list of MBean Attribute s, with their
names and values. |
class | Thrown when a attribute is requested but can not be
class | Represents an attribute value being used as an argument
to a relational constraint.
class | Thrown when the value of an a attribute passed to a query proves to
be invalid. |
class | Thrown when the expression passed to a method for constructing a
query proves to be invalid. |
class | Thrown when a string-based operation passed to a query proves to
be invalid. |
class | Thrown when an attempt to register a bean is made, and
the bean is already registered.
class | Thrown when an attempt to locate a bean is made, and
the bean does not exist in the repository.
class | A general for all exceptions thrown during introspection
operations on management beans. |
class | Thrown when a query or attribute is applied to a management bean
which is of the wrong class. |
class | Thrown when a value is given for an attribute which
is invalid.
class | A general superclass for all non-runtime management
class | A general superclass for all runtime management
class | Thrown when a requested listener does not exist.
class | Thrown when a string used as an ObjectName
is invalid.
class | Describes the attributes of a management bean.
class | Describes the constructors of a management bean.
class | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown by a management
bean. |
class | A general superclass for the description of features
of management beans. |
class |
Describes the interface of a management bean. |
class |
Describes the notifications emitted by a management bean.
class | Describes the operations of a management bean.
class | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated
with a management bean. |
class |
Represents the permissions required to perform
operations using the MBeanServer . |
class | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown during registration of a
management bean. |
class | The notification emitted by a management server on a registration
or de-registration event. |
class |
Represents the permissions required to perform
operations provided by the MBeanServerFactory .
class | Represents the permission held by a trusted source of
management beans. |
class | Thrown when a management bean is passed to a method
(e.g. to an MBean server to be registered) and it
fails to comply with the specifications for such
a bean.
class |
A notification message that may be emitted by a bean.
class | Performs filtering of Notification s
based on a list of type prefixes. |
class | A simple class used to link a bean instance to its class name.
class |
An ObjectName instance represents the name of a management
bean, or a pattern which may match the name of one or more
management beans. |
class | A general superclass for all exceptions thrown by
operations on management beans.
class | Represents the evaluation context of a MBeanServer
query by retaining the server used on a thread-by-thread
class | Represents one of the reflection exceptions thrown by a
management bean. |
class | Represents an arbitrary error thrown by a management
bean. |
class | Represents an arbitrary runtime exception thrown by a management
bean. |
class | Represents a runtime exception thrown by a management
bean operation. |
class | Thrown when a requested service is unsupported.
class | Represents a string being used as an argument
to a relational constraint.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Generic exception used by GIFFile to report decoding errors.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A serious error during datatype configuration.
Classes implementing | |
class | The exception is thrown if the passed address is empty or otherwise invalid.
Classes implementing | |
class | The Certificate class is an abstract class used to manage
identity certificates. |
class | Certificate.CertificateRep is an inner class used to provide an alternate
storage mechanism for serialized Certificates.
class | Exception for a Certificate Encoding.
class | Exception for a Certificate.
class | Exception for a Certificate Expiring.
class | Exception for a Certificate that is not yet valid.
class | Exception for parsing a DER-encoded Certificate.
class | This class represents an immutable sequence, or path, of security
certificates. |
class | The serialized representation of a path.
class | Indicates a problem while using a CertPathBuilder , wrapping
the lower exception. |
class | Indicates a problem while validating a certification path. |
class | Indicates a problem while retrieving certificates and CRLs from
CertStore , wrapping the lower exception. |
class | Exception for a Certificate Revocation List.
class | X509Certificate is the abstract class for X.509 certificates.
Classes implementing | |
class | Simple image display component.
class | Simple text editor component.
class | Simple text display component.
Classes implementing | |
class | This is used to update the AWT's knowledge about a Window's size when
the user changes the window bounds.
class | Represents an AWT window that can be embedded into another
Classes implementing | |
class | This represents the permission to use an audio device.
class | This class holds information about a state change of a Line.
class | |
class | An exception of this type is thrown when an operation is attempted
on a file whose format is unrecognized.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A base asbtract class for both public and private DSS (Digital Signature
Standard) keys. |
class | An object that embodies a DSS (Digital Signature Standard) private key.
class | An object that embodies a DSS (Digital Signature Standard) public key.
Classes implementing | |
class | An abstract representation of a base SRP ephemeral key.
class | A representation of an SRP ephemeral private key.
class | A representation of an SRP ephemeral public key.
Classes implementing | |
class | A transport configury or initialization exception thrown by
JDWP transports. |
Classes implementing | |
class | This expection is thrown if the application throws an exception,
defined as a part of its remote method definition.
class | This exception is thrown when reading from the ORBs input streams
certain specific data layouts (object recursive references to itself).
class | This is exception is potentially thrown by the _invoke()
method of the object implementation, requiring to write the method
parameters repeatedly. |
class | The wrapper of the arbitrary exception into the System exception.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Write this value type to the CDR stream.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Read this value type from the CDR stream.
Serializable | Read the value type. |
Classes implementing | |
class | DOMException implementation. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Error indicating that a factory could not be configured.
class | Exception indicating an XML stream processing error.
Classes implementing | |
class | Defines attribute keys that are used as text attributes.
class | This class allows a format to be specified based on a range of numbers.
class | |
class | |
class | This class acts as container for locale specific date/time formatting
information such as the days of the week and the months of the year.
class | This class is a concrete implementation of NumberFormat used to format
decimal numbers. |
class | This class is a container for the symbols used by
DecimalFormat to format numbers and currency
for a particular locale. |
class | This class is the abstract superclass of classes that format and parse
data to/from Strings . |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | This is the abstract superclass of all classes which format and
parse numeric values such as decimal numbers, integers, currency values,
and percentages. |
class | |
class | This exception is thrown when an unexpected error occurs during parsing.
class | SimpleDateFormat provides convenient methods for parsing and formatting
dates using Gregorian calendars (see java.util.GregorianCalendar).
Classes implementing | |
class | This class is used to marshal java.lang.Class objects over IIOP.
class | A Stub descendants provide access to the object on the client side. |
Methods with parameter type | |
Serializable | When the value provides the writeReplace method, the result of this method
is written. |
void | Write value to CORBA output stream using java senmatics.
void | Write the value type to the output stream using the given format version.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | ValueHandler.readValue(InputStream in, int offset, Class<T> clz, String repositoryID, RunTime sender) Read value from the CORBA input stream in the case when the value is not
Streamable or CustomMarshall'ed. |
Serializable | When the value provides the writeReplace method, the result of this method
is written. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Signals a malformed ASN.1 sequence.
Classes implementing | |
class | An invisible zero-width border, serving as a base class for
implementing more interesting borders.
class | A rectangular, two pixel thick border that causes the enclosed area
to appear as if it was raising out of or lowered into the screen. |
class | A Border that is composed of an interior and an exterior border,
where the interior border is tightly nested into the exterior.
class | A border for leaving a specifiable number of pixels empty around
the enclosed component. |
class | A border that looks like an engraving etched into the background
surface, or (in its raised variant) coming out of the surface
plane. |
class | A border that consists of a line whose thickness and color can be
specified. |
class | A border that is filled with either a solid color or with repeated
icon tiles.
class | A rectangular, three pixel thick border that looks like a BevelBorder
with slightly softened corners.
class | A border that paints a title on top of another border.
Classes implementing | |
class | A Callback for confirming whether or
not a certificate may be used. |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown to indicate that a problem occurred with
an attempted character conversion.
class | This exception is thrown when the end of the file or stream was
encountered unexpectedly. |
class | This class represents a file or directory on a local disk. |
class | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that
does not exist, or is inaccessible for some other reason (such as writing
a read-only file).
class | |
class | This exception is thrown when a in process I/O operation is interrupted
for some reason. |
class | This exception is thrown when there is some sort of problem with a
class during a serialization operation. |
class | This exception is thrown when an object fails a validation test
during serialization.
class | Throw when unrecoverable I/O error happens.
class | This exception is thrown to indicate an I/O problem of some sort
occurred. |
class | This exception is thrown when a problem occurs due to the fact that
serialization is not active.
class | This exception is thrown when a class implements Serializable because
of a superclass, but should not be serialized. |
class | |
class | This exception is thrown when a problem occurs during serialization.
class | This exception is thrown when unexpected data appears in the input
stream from which a serialized object is being read. |
class | This class models permissions related to serialization. |
class | This exception is thrown when there is an error in the data that is
read from a stream during de-serialization.
class | Thrown when a file synchronization fails.
class | This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is
not supported.
class | When reading a UTF string from an input stream, this exception is thrown
to indicate that the data read is invalid.
class | This exception is thrown when another ObjectStreamException occurs during
a serialization read or write. |
Classes implementing | |
class | Raised if the target POA already has a child POA with the specified name
(during creation of the new POA as a child of the target POA).
class | The AdapterNonExistent is thrown if the parent POA cannot locate
the required child POA.
class | Raised if any of the policy objects specified is not supported by this
ORB implementation, if conflicting policy objects are specified,
or if any of the specified policy objects require prior administrative
action that has not been performed.
class | Raised when trying to get the default servant, when no default servant
has been associated with POA.
class | Raised in response to activate the already active object.
class | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the
activated object, but the current object is not active.
class | Raised in response to activate the already active object when
the UNIQUE_ID (single ID per object, default) policy is active. |
class | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the
activated servant, but the current object is not active.
class | Raised when invoking POA operations, requiring that the target
object would be created by this POA, if this condition is not
class | Raised when invoking the operation that is not allowed by the current
combination of the used policies.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | CaretEvent
class | An event used to signal a state change for an object.
class | A utility class for keeping track of EventListener s.
class | |
class | An event that indicates a change to a JInternalFrame component.
class | An event that contains information about a modification to the content of
a list.
class | An event that indicates a change to a list selection, including the source
of the change (a ListSelectionModel ) and the range of items in the
list that have potentially changed their selection status.
class | MenuDragMouseEvent
class | MenuEvent
class | MenuKeyEvent
class | PopupMenuEvent
class | Provides a mechanism for registering PropertyChangeListener s and
forwarding PropertyChangeEvent s to those listeners.
class | TableColumnModelEvent
class | An event that describes changes to a TableModel .
class | TreeExpansionEvent
class | TreeModelEvent
class | An event that carries information about a change to a
TreeSelectionModel .
class | UndoableEditEvent
Classes implementing | |
class | This is a helper class that produces an empty Enumerations. |
class | A least recently used cache, based on LinkedHashMap.
class | This class represents more advanced variant of java.util.SimpleTimeZone.
Classes implementing | |
class | A PrintException further refining the exception
cause by providing an implementation of the print exception
interface AttributeException .
class | Implementation of the PrinterDialog used by
ServiceUI for visual selection
of print services and its attributes.
class | A PrintException further refining the exception
cause by providing an implementation of the print exception
interface FlavorException .
class | A PrintException further refining the exception
cause by providing an implementation of the print exception
interface URIException .
Classes implementing | |
class | This class represents a particular data format used for transferring
data via the clipboard.
class | Event indicating a Clipboard has different flavors available.
class | MIME string couldn't be parsed correctly.
class | The data flavor requested is not supported for the transfer data.
Classes implementing | |
class | A base class for implementing the Action interface.
class | Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour,
data model and look & feel.
class | A Java Accessibility extension of the AbstractButton.
class | An extension of ChangeListener to be serializable.
class | An abstract superclass for table and tree cell editors. |
class | Provides standard implementations of some methods in ListModel .
class | Maps arbitrary keys (usually Strings) to Action instances. |
class | A component that uses a BoxLayout as Layout Manager.
class | Provides accessibility support for Box es.
class | A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers.
class | Provides accessibility support for Box.Filler .
class | A layout that stacks the children of a container in a Box, either
horizontally or vertically.
class | Logically groups a set of buttons, so that only one of the buttons in
a ButtonGroup can be selected at the same time. |
class | Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree.
class | Provides accessibility support for CellRendererPanes.
class | An InputMap that is associated with a particular JComponent .
class | The default implementation of BoundedRangeModel .
class | The default implementation of ButtonModel .
class | The default implementation of TableCellEditor and
TreeCellEditor . |
class | This changeable module access the editor component in the component
specific way. |
class | A model that stores a list of elements and a selected item (which may be
null ). |
class | The default implementation of DesktopManager for
Swing. |
class | The default implementation ListCellRenderer . |
class | Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements
UIResource . |
class | The default implementation of AbstractListModel , used by
JList and similar objects as the model of a list of
values. |
class | The default implementation of ListSelectionModel ,
which is used by JList and
similar classes to manage the selection status of a number of data
class | |
class | |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the ImageIcon
class | Maps KeyStroke s to arbitrary objects, usually Strings. |
class | A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers.
class | Provides accessibility support for JApplet .
class | A general purpose push button. |
class | Accessibility support for JButtons.
class | A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's
selected state. |
class | Provides accessibility support for JCheckBox .
class | A menu item that displays a checkbox. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JCheckBoxMenuItem
class | A Swing widget that offers users different ways to
select a color. |
class | Accessibility support for JColorChooser .
class | A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and
displays the selected item to the user. |
class | Accessibility support for JComboBox .
class | The base class of all Swing components.
class | Basic accessibility support for JComponent derived
class | JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a
desktop. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopPane
class | A dialog window. |
class | Provides accessibility support for JDialog s.
class | A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of
class | Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane .
class | Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane s, when the
editor kit is an instance of HTMLEditorKit .
class | This is the accessible text that is returned by
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML.getAccessibleText() .
class | A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a
filesystem and choose one or more files or directories.
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JFileChooser
class | A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific
type of data. |
class | An abstract base implementation for a formatter that can be used by
a JTextField. |
class | A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders).
class | Provides accessibility support for JFrame s.
class | This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native
frame. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JInternalFrame
class | This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified.
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopIcon
class | A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon.
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JLabel
class | A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
class | Provides accessibility support for JLayeredPane .
class | |
class | Provides accessibility support for JList .
class | This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or
can be a submenu in some other menu. |
class | Implements support for assisitive technologies for JMenu .
class | |
class | JMenuBar is a container for menu's. |
class | Provides accessibility support for JMenuBar .
class | JMenuItem represents element in the menu. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JMenuItem
class | This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can
ask users for input or pass on information. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JOptionPane
class | An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc
class | Provides accessibility support for JPanel .
class | class JPasswordField
class | AccessibleJPasswordField
class | JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu
items. |
class | |
class | This is the separator that can be used in popup menu.
class | A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JProgressBar
class | The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable
button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup .
class | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button.
class | This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the
JRadioButtonMenuItem component.
class | This class is where JComponents are added to. |
class | |
class | |
class | The JScrollBar. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JScrollBar
class | A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled
both in horizontal and vertical direction.
class | Provides accessibility support for the JScrollPane .
class | |
class | The JSeparator. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JSeparator
class | A visual component that allows selection of a value within a
range by adjusting a thumb in a track. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JSlider
class | A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from
a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the
previous and next values in the sequence. |
class | An editor class for a JSpinner that is used
for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses
SpinnerDateModel as model).
class | The base class for the editor used by the JSpinner component.
class | A JSpinner editor used for the SpinnerListModel .
class | A panel containing a JFormattedTextField that is configured for
displaying and editing numbers. |
class | This class implements JSplitPane. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JSplitPane
class | This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at
a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on
class | Accessibility support for JTabbedPane .
class | A helper class that listens for changes to the model.
class | The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns.
class | Provides accessibility support for JTable .
class | The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying
and editing plain text. |
class | Provides accessibility support for JTextArea .
class | |
class | AccessibleJTextField
class | A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as
embedding images and components. |
class | The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button,
which can be either selected or unselected. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button.
class | The model handles the storage and maintenance of the state of
the toggle button. |
class | JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JToolBar
class | This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
class | This class is used to display ToolTips. |
class | Provides the accessibility features for the JToolTip
class | |
class | This class implements accessibility support for the JTree class. |
class | |
class | A TreeModel that does not allow anything to be selected.
class | This redirects TreeSelectionEvents and rewrites the source of it to be
this JTree. |
class | _ +-------------------------------+ ...........Y1 \ | view | . |
class | Provides accessibility support for JViewport .
class | A ComponentListener that listens for
changes of the view's size. |
class | Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from
java.awt.Window. |
class | Provides accessibility support for JWindow .
class | |
class | |
class | A layout manager that lays out the components of a container one over
class | ScrollPaneLayout
class | |
class | This class calculates information about the size and position requirements
of components.
class | A date model used by the JSpinner component. |
class | An implementation of SpinnerModel which uses the values
contained within a list or an array. |
class | A model used by the JSpinner component.
class | Fires one or more action events after the specified delay. |
class | |
class | UIDefaults is a database where all settings and interface bindings are
stored into. |
class | Manages the current LookAndFeel and any auxiliary LookAndFeel
class | Thrown by the UIManager.setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) method when the
specified look and feel is not supported on the current platform.
class | The default layout for JViewport . |
Classes implementing | |
class | An FTP control exception.
Classes implementing | |
class | A thread-safe implementation of an ArrayList. |
Classes implementing | |
class | The CodecFactoryOperations.create_codec(Encoding) raises
UnknownEncoding if that factory cannot create a
Codec of the given encoding.
Classes implementing | |
class | A permission controlling access to authentication service. |
class | An exception thrown when the Destroyable.destroy() method
fails for a credential.
class | A permission governing access to a private credential. |
class | A signal that a call to Refreshable.refresh() failed.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Thrown if an attempt to export a remote object fails.
class | Represents the object identifier, unique for the host that generated it.
class | |
class | Together with dynamic proxy instance, this class replaces the generated RMI
stub (*_Stub) classes that (following 1.5 specification) should be no longer
required. |
class | A common superclass for the server implementations.
class | This is a base class for the automatically generated RMI stubs.
class | Thrown if a remote exception occurs during the cloning process of a
UnicastRemoteObject .
class | Thrown during RemoteServer.getClientHost if the host is
not servicing a remote method call.
class | Thrown if a call is received that does not match a Skeleton. |
class | Thrown if a Skeleton corresponding to the remote object is not found.
class | Thrown during remote object export if the code does not have permission
to create a on the specified port.
class | Represents the unique identifier over time for the host which has generated
it. |
class | This class obtains stub that communicates with the remote object.
Classes implementing | |
class | Defines a simple adapter activator.
class | The class, indicating that the request should be forwarded to another
target. |
class | Implementation of the id assignment policy.
class | Implementation of the id uniqueness policy.
class | Implementation of the implicit activation policy.
class | The implementation of the life span policy.
class | Supports the "Poa current" concept, providing the id and poa of
the object currently being served. |
class | Our POA implementation.
class | The implementation of the POA manager. |
class | The implementation of the request processing policy.
class | The implementation of the servant retention policy.
class | The implementation of the thread policy.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | The GIOP 1.2 request header. |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Stores the attribute information, obtained by parsing SGML (DTD) tag
<! |
class | A representation of the element content. |
class |
Stores the element information, obtained by parsing SGML DTD
tag <! |
class | This class instantiates and starts the working instance of
html parser, being responsible for providing the default DTD.
Classes implementing | |
class | The default activation group class. |
Classes implementing | |
class | A runtime exception to indicate image reading and writing failures.
Classes implementing | |
class | An XML
qualified name.
Classes implementing | |
class | This class extends SQLException to count the successful
updates in each statement in a batch that was successfully updated prior
to the error.
class | This exception is thrown when a piece of data is unexpectedly
truncated in JDBC.
class | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC
driver to identify the value as a SQL Date.
class | This exception is thrown when a database error occurs.
class | |
class | This exception is thrown when a database warning occurs.
class | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC
driver to identify the value as a SQL Time.
class | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC
driver to identify the value as a SQL Timestamp. |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | A default implementation of UndoableEdit that can be
used as a base for implementing editing operations.
class | An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be
class | An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be
class | An editing action that consists of multiple
UndoableEdits .
class | A helper class, making it easy to support undo and redo.
class | A manager for providing an application’s undo/redo
Classes implementing | |
class | An exception generated by an SSL alert.
class | This is the security provider for Jessie. |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Event operations may throw an EventException as specified in
their method descriptions.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Parser or write operations may throw an LSException if the
processing is stopped. |
Classes implementing | |
class | The InconsistentTypeCode is thrown on the attempt to create
an DynAny for Principal
or native data types. |
Classes implementing | |
class | This exception is thrown when the print job is aborted, either by the
user or by the application.
class | This is the generic toplevel exception for printing errors. |
class | This exception is thrown when the print job encounters an I/O problem
of some kind.
Classes implementing | |
class | Superclass of all events in the Java Print Service API.
class | PrintJobAttributeEvent s are generated by a
PrintService to inform registered listeners that attributes
associated with a DocPrintJob instance have changed.
class | PrintJobEvent s are generated by a print job during
print job processing to inform registered listeners about the state
of processing.
class | PrintServiceAttributeEvent s are generated by a
PrintService to inform registered listeners that
its associated attributes have changed.
Classes implementing | |
class | Stores the named value, representing the name by string and the value by
DynAny .
class | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on
DynAnyFactory. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynAny. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynArray. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynEnum. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynFixed. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynSequence. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynStruct. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynUnion. |
class | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynValue. |
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Insert the value into the enclosed Any inside this DynAny
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Extract the value that is expected to be stored in this DynAny.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Serializable | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Classes implementing | |
class | CharsetConfigured attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.17 provides the charset which is configured by the
server to be used in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | DocumentFormatSupported specifies the supported document
formats of a printer. |
class | MultipleOperationTimeOut attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.31 provides the minimum time ins second a printer object waits
before time out and recovery. |
class | NaturalLanguageConfigured attribute as described in RFC 2911
section 4.4.19 provides the natural language which is configured
by the server to be used in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | PrinterCurrentTime attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.30 provides the current time of the print service.
class | PrinterDriverInstaller attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.81 provides the URI where a printer driver installer
can be found.
class | PrinterStateMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.13 provides a textual representation of the attributes
printer-state and printer-state-reasons for consumption by
class | PrinterUpTime attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.29 provides the uptime of the printer object. |
Classes implementing | |
class | thrown for irrecoverable syntax errors and stack overflow.
Classes implementing | |
class |
This exception is raised by ServantManager to indicate that the
invocation target has moved to another known location. |
class | Specifies the Object Id assignment policy.
class | Specifies the Object Id uniqueness policy.
class | Specifies the implicit activation policy.
class | Specifies the object life span policy.
class | Specifies the behaviour in the case when the
requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map
is not in use. |
class | Specifies the servant retention policy.
class | Defines the possible values for the POA thread policy.
class | This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the
servant activators. |
class | The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the
servant locators. |
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Encapsulate a general SAX error or warning.
class | Exception class for an unrecognized identifier.
class | Exception class for an unsupported operation.
class | Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.
Classes implementing | |
class | A base class that can be used to create implementations of the
TableModel interface.
class | Class to display every cells.
class | |
class | A model that stores information about the columns used in a JTable .
class | A two dimensional data structure used to store Object
instances, usually for display in a JTable component.
class | Represents the table header. |
class | |
class | Represents the attributes of a column in a table, including the column index,
width, minimum width, preferred width and maximum width.
Classes implementing | |
class | The local Codec implementation for ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS
encoding. |
class | This class is used to store array lists. |
class | The implementation of Any .
class | A simple implementation of the Codec factory, able to return the
standard Codec's. |
class | A stream, additionally holding the gnu request.
class | Contains the static method to throw an error in the case
when the execution should never get into the current point.
class | A version number, represented by the major version number
and the minor version number.
class | The server side implementation base for the Policy .
Constructors with parameter type | |
Create a new instance for the given value and given type.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | |
void |
Methods with return type | |
Serializable | Extract the stored value type.
Classes implementing | |
class | A checked exception that indicates that a pseudo random number generated has
reached its theoretical limit in generating random bytes.
class | A type for entropy accumulators that will be notified of random events.
Classes implementing | |
class | This can be thrown from various parsing methods.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Wraps the result of a query for buffered notifications. |
class | Wraps a notification with an identifier that specifies
the listener which received it.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Checked exception thrown to indicate that a weak key has been generated and
or specified instead of a valid non-weak value.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This error is thrown when a critical Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) error
class | AWTEvent is the root event class for all AWT events in the JDK 1.1 event
model. |
class | This is a generic exception that indicates an exception occurred in the
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) system.
class | This class mirrors KeyEvents, representing both low-level key presses and
key releases, and high level key typed inputs. |
class | This class implements permissions for AWT. |
class | This class implements a layout manager that positions components
in certain sectors of the parent container.
class | This class provides a button widget for the AWT.
class | |
class | The Canvas component provides a blank rectangular
area, which the client application can use for drawing and for
capturing events. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for the canvas.
class | This class implements a card-based layout scheme. |
class | This class implements a component which has an on/off state. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for the
class | This class if for combining checkboxes into groups so that only
one checkbox in the group can be selected at any one time.
class | This class implements a menu item that has a checkbox on it indicating
the selected state of some option.
class | |
class | This class implements a drop down choice list.
class | This class provides accessibility support for the
combo box.
class | This class represents a color value in the AWT system. |
class | The root of all evil. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for subclasses of container.
class | This class is used to differentiate different orientations for text layout.
class | A generic window toolkit object that acts as a container for other objects.
class | This class provides accessibility support for subclasses of container.
class | ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy defines a focus traversal order
based on the order in which Components were packed in a Container.
class | This class represents various predefined cursor types.
class | DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy is the default focus traversal policy
used by Containers.
class | Dialog provides a top-level window normally used to receive
user input in applications.
class | Accessibility support for Dialog .
class | This class holds a width and height value pair. |
class | Written using on-line Java Platform 1.2 API Specification, as well
as "The Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998).
class | This class implements a file selection dialog box widget.
class | This class implements a flow-based layout. |
class | This class represents a windowing system font.
class | Thrown when a specified font is bad.
class | This class returns information about the display characteristics of
a font. |
class | This class is a top-level window with a title bar and window
class | Accessibility support for Frame .
class | This allows filtering an array of GraphicsConfigurations for the best
one based on various requirements. |
class | This specifies the constraints for a component managed by the
GridBagLayout layout manager.
class | |
class | This class implements a grid-based layout scheme. |
class | This exception is thrown when code dependent on a keyboard, mouse, or
display is executed in a headless environment.
class | This exception is thrown when the requested operation failed because
a component was not in the proper state.
class | This class represents the "margin" or space around a container.
class | This component is used for displaying simple text strings that cannot
be edited by the user.
class | This class provides accessibility support for the label.
class | Class that implements a listbox widget
class | |
class | |
class | This class is used for keeping track of the status of various media
class | This class represents a pull down or tear off menu in Java's AWT.
class | Basic Accessibility class for Menu. |
class | This class implements a menu bar in the AWT system.
class | This class provides accessibility support for AWT menu bars.
class | This is the superclass of all menu AWT widgets.
class | This class provides a base for the accessibility support of menu
class | This class represents an item in a menu.
class | |
class | This class implements a keyboard accelerator for a menu item.
class | A panel is a simple container class. |
class | This class provides accessibility support for Panels, and is the
runtime type returned by getAccessibleContext() .
class | This class represents a point on the screen using cartesian coordinates.
class | This class represents a polygon, a closed, two-dimensional region in a
coordinate space. |
class | This class implement an AWT popup menu widget
class | |
class | This class represents a rectangle and all the interesting things you
might want to do with it. |
class | This class implements a scrollbar widget.
class | This class provides accessibility support for the
class | This widget provides a scrollable region that allows a single
subcomponent to be viewed through a smaller window.
class | |
class | Need this class since the serialization spec for ScrollPane
uses it.
class | This class contains the various "system colors" in use by the native
windowing system. |
class | A TextArea is a text component capable of displaying multiple lines
of user-editable text. |
class | |
class | This class provides common functionality for widgets than
contain text.
class | |
class | This class implements a single line text entry field widget
class | |
class | This class represents a top-level window with no decorations.
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | The exception is thrown in response to bind the same object
into the same context repeatedly under the different name.
class | The exception is raised when the naming service has
given up for some reason.
class | The exception is thrown if the name has the zero length or is otherwise
class | This exception is thrown in response to the attemt to destroy
the non tempty context. |
class | The exception is thrown when the binding being searched does not exist
or has the wrong type
class | Represents the reason (explanation), why the binding cannot be found.
Classes implementing | |
class | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | Exception for an invalid key specification.
class | Exception for an invalid algorithm specification.
Classes implementing | |
class |
Classes implementing | |
class | This is a simple wrapper around a raw byte array, for ciphers that do
not require any key parameters other than the bytes themselves.