Frames | No Frames |
Classes derived from | |
class | MidiDataInputStream is simply a DataInputStream with the addition
of special variable length int reading as defined by the MIDI spec.
Classes derived from | |
class | As java uses Big Endian by default, this class is directly derived
form DataInputStream.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Reads DTD from an archived format. |
Methods with parameter type | |
AuthenticatedEntry | |
BinaryDataEntry | |
CertificateEntry | |
CertPathEntry | |
CompressedEntry | |
EncryptedEntry | |
PasswordAuthenticatedEntry | |
PasswordEncryptedEntry | |
PrivateKeyEntry | |
void | Decodes a set of properties from the given input stream.
PublicKeyEntry | |
PasswordAuthenticatedEntry | |
PasswordEncryptedEntry | |
void | |
void | Generic decoding method, which simply decodes the properties field
and reads the payload field.