Package java.awt.image

Interface Summary

BufferedImageOp An operation that is performed on one BufferedImage (the source) producing a new BufferedImage (the destination).
ImageConsumer An object implementing the ImageProducer interface can use objects implementing this interface to deliver the image data.
ImageObserver An object implementing the ImageObserver interface can receive updates on image construction from an ImageProducer asynchronously.
ImageProducer An object implementing the ImageProducer interface can produce data for images.
RasterOp An operation that is performed on one raster (the source) producing a new raster (the destination).

Class Summary

AffineTransformOp AffineTransformOp performs matrix-based transformations (translations, scales, flips, rotations, and shears).
AreaAveragingScaleFilter This filter should produce images which do not have image artifacts like broken lines which were originally unbroken.
BandCombineOp Filter Raster pixels by applying a matrix.
BandedSampleModel A sample model that reads each sample value from a separate band in the DataBuffer.
BufferedImage A buffered image always starts at coordinates (0, 0).
BufferedImageFilter The BufferedImageFilter class wraps BufferedImageOp objects in a Filter.
BufferStrategy This class describes a strategy for managing image buffering resources on a Canvas or Window.
ByteLookupTable ByteLookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values.
ColorConvertOp ColorConvertOp is a filter for converting images or rasters between colorspaces, either through a sequence of colorspaces or just from source to destination.
ColorModel A color model operates with colors in several formats:
  • normalized: component samples are in range [0.0, 1.0].
  • color model pixel value: all the color component samples for a sigle pixel packed/encoded in a way natural for the color model.
  • color model pixel int value: only makes sense if the natural encoding of a single pixel can fit in a single int value.
  • array of transferType containing a single pixel: the pixel is encoded in the natural way of the color model, taking up as many array elements as needed.
  • sRGB pixel int value: a pixel in sRGB color space, encoded in default 0xAARRGGBB format, assumed not alpha premultiplied.
  • single [0, 255] scaled int samples from default sRGB color space.
ComponentSampleModel ComponentSampleModel supports a flexible organization of pixel samples in memory, permitting pixel samples to be interleaved by band, by scanline, and by pixel.
ConvolveOp Convolution filter.
CropImageFilter Currently this filter does almost nothing and needs to be implemented.
DataBuffer Class that manages arrays of data elements.
DataBufferByte A DataBuffer that uses an array of byte primitives to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferDouble A DataBuffer that uses an array of double primitives to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferFloat A DataBuffer that uses an array of float primitives to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferInt A DataBuffer that uses an array of int primitives to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferShort A DataBuffer that uses an array of short primitives to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferUShort A DataBuffer that uses an array of short primitives to represent each of its banks.
ImageFilter The ImageFilter class is a base class which can be extended to provide different types of filters for an image.
IndexColorModel Color model similar to pseudo visual in X11.
Kernel Kernel represents an image processing kernel.
LookupOp LookupOp is a filter that converts each pixel using a lookup table.
LookupTable LookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values.
MemoryImageSource An image producer that delivers image data from an array.
MultiPixelPackedSampleModel MultiPixelPackedSampleModel provides a single band model that supports multiple pixels in a single unit.
PixelGrabber PixelGrabber is an ImageConsumer that extracts a rectangular region of pixels from an Image.
PixelInterleavedSampleModel A SampleModel that uses exactly one element of the raster’s DataBuffer per pixel, holds all bands in a single bank, and stores band data in pixel-interleaved manner.
Raster A rectangular collection of pixels composed from a DataBuffer which stores the pixel values, and a SampleModel which is used to retrieve the pixel values.
ReplicateScaleFilter This filter should be used for fast scaling of images where the result does not need to ensure straight lines are still straight, etc.
RescaleOp RescaleOp is a filter that changes each pixel by a scaling factor and offset.
RGBImageFilter A filter designed to filter images in the default RGBColorModel regardless of the ImageProducer's ColorModel.
SampleModel A SampleModel is used to access pixel data from a DataBuffer.
ShortLookupTable ShortLookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values.
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel A SampleModel used when all samples are stored in a single data element in the DataBuffer, and each data element contains samples for one pixel only.
VolatileImage VolatileImage represents a hardware-accelerated graphics buffer.
WritableRaster A raster with methods to support updating pixel values.

Exception Summary

ImagingOpException This exception is thrown when BufferedImageOp or RasterOp filters cannot process an image.
RasterFormatException This exception is thrown when there is invalid layout information in Raster