Frames | No Frames |
Classes derived from java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of byte primitives
to represent each of its banks.
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of double primitives
to represent each of its banks.
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of float primitives
to represent each of its banks.
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of int primitives
to represent each of its banks.
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of short primitives
to represent each of its banks.
class | A DataBuffer that uses an array of short primitives
to represent each of its banks.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
Creates a new raster.
| |
Raster.Raster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point sampleModelTranslate, Raster parent) Creates a new raster.
| |
Creates a new WritableRaster instance.
| |
WritableRaster.WritableRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point sampleModelTranslate, WritableRaster parent) Creates a new WritableRaster instance.
Fields of type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
DataBuffer | The data buffer used to store the pixel values. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
WritableRaster | Raster.createBandedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int[] bankIndices, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates a new banded raster.
WritableRaster | Raster.createInterleavedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int pixelStride, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates a new interleaved raster.
WritableRaster | Raster.createPackedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int[] bandMasks, Point location) Creates a new packed raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new packed raster.
Raster | Creates a new raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new writable raster.
Object | |
Object | Extract all samples of one pixel and return in an array of transfer type.
Object | Returns the samples for the pixel at location (x, y) in
a primitive array (the array type is determined by the data type for
this model). |
Object | Extract one pixel and return in an array of transfer type.
Object |
This method is provided as a faster alternative to getPixel(),
that can be used when there is no need to decode the pixel into
separate sample values.
Object | |
double[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer. |
float[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer. |
int[] | Returns all the samples for the pixel at location (x, y)
stored in the specified data buffer.
int[] | Returns all the samples for the pixel at location (x, y)
stored in the specified data buffer.
int[] | Returns an array (of length 1) containing the sample for the pixel at
(x, y) in the specified data buffer. |
int[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer. |
int[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer. |
double[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
float[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
int[] | Copy pixels from a region into an array.
int[] | Returns the samples for all the pixels in a rectangular region.
int[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
int[] | Returns an array containing the samples for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
int | Returns a sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
int | Returns the sample for band b of the pixel at
(x, y) that is stored in the specified data buffer.
int | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
int | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
int | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
double | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
double | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
float | Returns a sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
float | Returns the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
double[] | Returns an array containing the samples from one band for the pixels in
the region specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
float[] | Returns an array containing the samples from one band for the pixels in
the region specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
int[] | Copy one band's samples from a region into an array.
int[] | Returns an array containing the samples from one band for the pixels in
the region specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
void | |
void | Set the pixel at x, y to the value in the first element of the primitive
array obj.
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at location (x, y) from the
supplied primitive array (the array type must be consistent with the data
type for this model).
void | Set the pixel at x, y to the value in the first element of the primitive
array obj.
void | |
void | |
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data buffer to
the specified values.
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data buffer to
the specified values.
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data buffer to
the specified values.
void | Sets the sample values for the pixel at location (x, y)
stored in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data
buffer to the specified value.
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data buffer to
the specified values.
void | Sets the samples for the pixel at (x, y) in the specified data buffer to
the specified values.
void | Sets the sample values for the pixels in the region specified by
(x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
void | Sets the sample values for the pixels in the region specified by
(x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
void | Sets the sample values for the pixels in the region specified by
(x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
void | Sets the sample values for the pixels in the region specified by
(x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer. |
void | This method implements a more efficient way to set pixels than the default
implementation of the super class. |
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for band b of the pixel at location
(x, y) in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for band b of the pixel at location
(x, y) in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample value for a band for the pixel at (x, y) in the
specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample values for one band for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample values for one band for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample values for one band for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer.
void | Sets the sample values for one band for the pixels in the region
specified by (x, y, w, h) in the specified data buffer.
Methods with return type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
DataBuffer | Creates a new data buffer that is compatible with this sample model.
DataBuffer | Creates a new data buffer that is compatible with this sample model.
DataBuffer | Creates a DataBuffer for holding pixel data in the format and
layout described by this SampleModel. |
DataBuffer | Creates a new DataBuffer of the correct type and size for this
SampleModel .
DataBuffer | Creates a DataBuffer for holding pixel data in the format and
layout described by this SampleModel. |
DataBuffer | Returns the data buffer that stores the pixel data for this raster.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
Object | Return the data array of a data buffer, regardless of the data
Object | Copy data from array contained in data buffer, much like
System.arraycopy. |
Methods with return type java.awt.image.DataBuffer | |
DataBuffer | Buffers.createBuffer(int dataType, int size) Create a data buffer of a particular type.
DataBuffer | Buffers.createBuffer(int dataType, int size, int numBanks) Create a data buffer of a particular type.
DataBuffer | Create a data buffer of a particular type.
DataBuffer | Create a data buffer of a particular type.