Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | XFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) Returns the line metrics for this font and the specified string and
font render context.
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | XFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) Implementation of Font.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator,int,int,FontRenderContext)
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | OpenTypeFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) Implementation of Font.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator,int,int,FontRenderContext)
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | QtFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) |
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | GdkFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) Implementation of Font.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator,int,int,FontRenderContext)
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the
specified text and the FontRenderContext of the Graphics
object when it is an instance of Graphics2D or a generic
FontRenderContext with a null transform, not anti-aliased and not
using fractional metrics.
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the specified
text and FontRenderContext .
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the
specified text and the FontRenderContext of the Graphics
object when it is an instance of Graphics2D or a generic
FontRenderContext with a null transform, not anti-aliased and not
using fractional metrics.
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the specified
text and FontRenderContext .
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the
specified text and the FontRenderContext of the Graphics
object when it is an instance of Graphics2D or a generic
FontRenderContext with a null transform, not anti-aliased and not
using fractional metrics.
LineMetrics | Determines the line metrics for a run of text.
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the
specified text and the FontRenderContext of the Graphics
object when it is an instance of Graphics2D or a generic
FontRenderContext with a null transform, not anti-aliased and not
using fractional metrics.
LineMetrics | Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the specified
text and FontRenderContext .
Methods with return type java.awt.font.LineMetrics | |
LineMetrics | ClasspathFontPeer.getLineMetrics(Font font, CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc) Implementation of Font.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator,int,int,FontRenderContext)