Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Notifies the input context that a client component has been removed from
its containment hierarchy, or that input method support has been disabled
for the component. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | The RAD tool calls this to grab the component that can edit this type.
Component | Returns a custom component to edit the value.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Paints the icon using colors from the MetalLookAndFeel .
void | Paints the icon using colors from the MetalLookAndFeel .
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Repaint the given line range. |
void | Adds a component attribute to the specified set.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Creates the Component that this View is
rendering. |
Component | Returns the Component that is rendered by this
ComponentView .
Component | Returns the component specified in the given attributes, or
null if no component is specified.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | This class provides a button widget for the AWT.
class | The Canvas component provides a blank rectangular
area, which the client application can use for drawing and for
capturing events. |
class | This class implements a component which has an on/off state. |
class | This class implements a drop down choice list.
class | A generic window toolkit object that acts as a container for other objects.
class | Dialog provides a top-level window normally used to receive
user input in applications.
class | This class implements a file selection dialog box widget.
class | This class is a top-level window with a title bar and window
class | This component is used for displaying simple text strings that cannot
be edited by the user.
class | Class that implements a listbox widget
class | A panel is a simple container class. |
class | This class implements a scrollbar widget.
class | This widget provides a scrollable region that allows a single
subcomponent to be viewed through a smaller window.
class | A TextArea is a text component capable of displaying multiple lines
of user-editable text. |
class | This class provides common functionality for widgets than
contain text.
class | This class implements a single line text entry field widget
class | This class represents a top-level window with no decorations.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Constructs a new MediaTracker for the component c . |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
boolean | Check whether the given Component is an acceptable target for the
keyboard input focus.
boolean | Check whether a given Component would be acceptable as a focus
owner. |
Component | Adds the specified component to this container at the end of the
component list.
Component | Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index
in the component list.
void | Adds the specified component to this container at the end of the
component list. |
void | Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index
in the component list. |
Component | Adds the specified component to the container at the end of the
component list. |
void | This method is called by all the add() methods to perform
the actual adding of the component. |
void | Adds the specified child component to this container. |
void | Adds a component to the layout in the specified constraint position,
which must be one of the string constants defined in this class.
void | Add a new component to the layout. |
void | |
void | Adds the specified component to the layout, with the specified
constraints object.
void | Adds a component to the layout in the specified constraint position,
which must be one of the string constants defined in this class.
void | Add a new component to the layout. |
void | Add a new component to the layout. |
void | |
void | Add a new component to the layout. |
void | Adds the specified component to the layout group.
LightweightPeer | Creates a peer object for the specified Component . |
void | |
void | Removes the key event block specified by the supplied timestamp and component.
void | |
void | Discards all key event blocks relating to focus requirements for
the supplied component, regardless of timestamp.
void | |
void | Delays all key events following the specified timestamp until the
supplied component has focus. |
Toolkit.extends DragGestureRecognizer> T
createDragGestureRecognizer(Class | |
void | |
void | Moves the current focus to the next component following
comp, based on the current focus traversal policy. |
void | |
void | Moves the current focus to the previous component, prior to
comp, based on the current focus traversal policy. |
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after current.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after a Component.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before
current . |
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before a Component.
int | Returns the Z ordering index of comp . |
Object | Return the constraint corresponding to a component in this layout.
GridBagConstraints | |
Container | Returns the native container object of the specified component. |
boolean | Tests whether or not the specified component is contained within
this components subtree.
GridBagConstraints | |
void | |
void | Handles focus traversal operations for key events which
represent focus traversal keys in relation to the supplied
component. |
void | Handles redispatching of an event so that recursion of
dispatch requests does not occur. |
void | Removes the specified component from this container.
void | Removes the specified component from the layout.
void | Remove the indicated component from this layout manager.
void | Remove the indicated component from this layout manager.
void | |
void | Remove the indicated component from this layout manager.
void | Removes the specified component from the layout group.
void | Sets the Z ordering for the component comp to
index . |
void | |
void | Set the Component that will be returned by getFocusOwner() (when it is called from the current ThreadGroup ) and getGlobalFocusOwner() . |
void | Set the Component that will be returned by getPermanentFocusOwner() (when it is called from the current
ThreadGroup ) and getGlobalPermanentFocusOwner() . |
void | |
void | Displays this popup menu at the specified coordinates relative to
the specified component.
void | |
void | Moves the current focus upwards by one focus cycle.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Adds the specified component to this container at the end of the
component list.
Component | Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index
in the component list.
Component | Adds the specified component to the container at the end of the
component list. |
Component | Container.findComponentAt(int x, int y) Locates the visible child component that contains the specified position.
Component | Locates the visible child component that contains the specified position.
Component | Container.getComponent(int n) Returns the component at the specified index.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after current.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after a Component.
Component | Component.getComponentAt(int x, int y) Returns the component occupying the position (x,y). |
Component | Container.getComponentAt(int x, int y) Returns the component located at the specified point. |
Component | Returns the component occupying the position (x,y). |
Component | Returns the component located at the specified point. |
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before
current . |
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before a Component.
Component[] | Returns an array of the components in this container.
Component | Returns the default Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the default Component to focus.
Component | Returns the first Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the first Component in the traversal cycle.
Component | Retrieve the Component that has the keyboard focus, or
null if the focus owner was not set by a thread in the current
ThreadGroup .
Component | Returns the child window that has focus if this window is active.
Component | Retrieve the Component that has the keyboard focus,
regardless of whether or not it was set by a thread in the
current ThreadGroup . |
Component | Retrieve the Component that has the permanent keyboard
focus, regardless of whether or not it was set by a thread in the
current ThreadGroup .
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus when a Window is made
visible for the first time.
Component | Returns the last Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the last Component in the traversal cycle.
Component | Return the component at the specified location, which must be one
of the absolute constants such as CENTER or SOUTH. |
Component | Return the component at the indicated location, or null if no component
is at that location. |
Component | Returns the child component of this window that would receive
focus if this window were to become focused. |
Component | Retrieve the Component that has the permanent keyboard
focus, or null if the focus owner was not set by a thread in the
current ThreadGroup .
Component | Returns the component occupying the position (x,y). |
Component | Returns the component located at the specified point. |
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | AbstractColorChooserPanel
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
DragGestureRecognizer.DragGestureRecognizer(DragSource ds, Component c, int sa, DragGestureListener dgl) | |
Creates a DropTarget object.
| |
Creates a DropTarget object.
| |
Creates a DropTarget object.
| |
Creates a DropTarget object.
| |
Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
| |
Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
| |
MouseDragGestureRecognizer.MouseDragGestureRecognizer(DragSource ds, Component c, int act, DragGestureListener dgl) Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
DragGestureRecognizer | |
DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller | |
DragSource.extends DragGestureRecognizer> T
createDragGestureRecognizer(Class | |
void | |
void | Sets the component associated with this drop target object.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Returns the Component corresponding to this.
Component | |
Component | Returns the component associated with this.
Component | Returns the component associated with this drop target object.
Component |
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | Implementation of the PrinterDialog used by
ServiceUI for visual selection
of print services and its attributes.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
MenuDragMouseEvent.MenuDragMouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager) Constructor MenuDragMouseEvent
| |
MenuKeyEvent.MenuKeyEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int keyCode, char keyChar, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager manager) Constructor MenuKeyEvent
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
boolean | Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | GLightweightPeer.requestFocus(Component lightweightChild, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) Requests the focus on the component.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Updates all style information of the component and it's children.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | Simple image display component.
class | Simple text editor component.
class | Simple text display component.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Get the Component associated with this BeanContextChild .
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
GtkToolkit.extends DragGestureRecognizer> T
createDragGestureRecognizer(Class | |
boolean | Returns true if the component is a direct (== no intermediate
heavyweights) lightweight descendant of this peer's component.
boolean | GtkComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component request, boolean temporary, boolean allowWindowFocus, long time) Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | GtkWindowPeer.requestFocus(Component request, boolean temporary, boolean allowWindowFocus, long time) Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | GtkComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component lightweightChild, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) Requests the focus on the component.
void | |
void | Part of the older API, replaced by event version instead.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Creates the correct AWT component for rendering the form element.
Component | Creates a component based on the specification in the element of this
view. |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
| |
Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
| |
GtkMouseDragGestureRecognizer.GtkMouseDragGestureRecognizer(DragSource ds, Component c, int act, DragGestureListener dgl) Creates a MouseDragGestureRecognizer object.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | Class to display every cells.
class | |
class | Represents the table header. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | TableCellEditor.getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) Get table cell editor component
Component | DefaultTableCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) Get the string value of the object and pass it to setText().
Component | TableCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) Get table cell renderer component
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Insets | Measures the width of this border by calling the
getBorderInsets method of the wrapped
void | Paints the border around an enclosed component by calling
the paintBorder method of the wrapped delegate.
void | Paints the icon by asking the delegate icon to paint itself.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | A button used by the MetalComboBoxUI class.
class | A popup menu for the combo-box.
class | A renderer for the files and directories in the file chooser.
class | A renderer for the items in the file filter combo box.
class | The title pane for a JInternalFrame (see
MetalInternalFrameUI.createNorthPane(JInternalFrame) ). |
class | A button used by the MetalScrollBarUI . |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Draws the check in the CheckBox.
Insets | Returns the insets of the ButtonBorder .
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the insets of the border, creating a new Insets instance
with each call.
Insets | Returns the insets of the border for the Component c .
Insets | Return the insets of this border.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the insets of the ButtonBorder in the specified
newInsets object.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Populates insets with the border insets, then returns it.
Insets | Populates insets with the border insets, then returns it.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
Insets | Returns the insets of the border, using the supplied Insets instance.
Insets | Returns the border insets.
void | Paints the button border.
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the border for the component. |
void | Paints the border for the component. |
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the border for component c using the
Graphics context g with the dimension
x, y, w, h .
void | Paints the border.
void | Paints the border.
void | Paints the border.
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the toggle button border.
void | Paints the border for the specified component.
void | Paints the icon. |
void | Paints the icon at the location (x, y).
void | Paints the icon at the location (x, y).
void | Paints the icon at the location (x, y).
void | Paints the icon using colors from the MetalLookAndFeel .
void | Paints the icon at the location (x, y).
void | Simply calls paintIcon(Component,Graphics,int,int) .
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) Returns a component that can render the specified value.
Component | MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) Returns a component that can be used to paint the given value within
the list.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | Represents an AWT window that can be embedded into another
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
MouseEvent | Convert a mouse event which refrers to one component to another. |
Point | Converts a point (x,y) from the coordinate space of one
component to another. |
void | Converts a point from "screen" coordinates (such as the coordinate
space mouse events are delivered in) to a component's local coordinate
space. |
void | Converts a point from a component's local coordinate space to "screen"
coordinates (such as the coordinate space mouse events are delivered
in). |
Rectangle | Converts a rectangle from the coordinate space of one component to
another. |
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which has the
specified name.
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which is an instance
of the specified class.
Component | Returns the deepest descendent of parent which is both visible and
contains the point (x,y) . |
Rectangle | Calculates the bounds of a component in the component's own coordinate
space. |
Component | |
boolean | Return true if a descends from b, in other words if b is an
ancestor of a.
Window | Equivalent to calling getAncestorOfClass(Window, comp) .
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Returns the deepest descendent of parent which is both visible and
contains the point (x,y) . |
Component |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
boolean | ComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component request, boolean temporary, boolean allowWindowFocus, long time) Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | ComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component lightweightChild, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) Requests the focus on the component.
void | Part of the older API, replaced by event version instead.
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Initializes a new instance of ComponentEvent with the
specified source and id. | |
Initializes a new instance of ContainerEvent with the
specified source and id. | |
Initializes a new instance of FocusEvent with the
specified source and id. | |
Initializes a new instance of FocusEvent with the
specified source, id, and temporary status. | |
Initializes a new instance of FocusEvent with the
specified source, id, temporary status, and opposite counterpart. | |
Initializes a new instance of HierarchyEvent with the
specified parameters. | |
HierarchyEvent.HierarchyEvent(Component source, int id, Component changed, Container changedParent, long changeFlags) Initializes a new instance of HierarchyEvent with the
specified parameters. | |
InputMethodEvent.InputMethodEvent(Component source, int id, TextHitInfo caret, TextHitInfo visiblePosition) Initializes a new instance of InputMethodEvent with the
specified source, id, caret, and visible position, and with a null
text and char count.
| |
InputMethodEvent.InputMethodEvent(Component source, int id, AttributedCharacterIterator text, int committedCharacterCount, TextHitInfo caret, TextHitInfo visiblePosition) Initializes a new instance of InputMethodEvent with the
specified source, id, text, char count, caret, and visible position.
| |
InputMethodEvent.InputMethodEvent(Component source, int id, long when, AttributedCharacterIterator text, int committedCharacterCount, TextHitInfo caret, TextHitInfo visiblePosition) Initializes a new instance of InputMethodEvent with the
specified source, id, timestamp, text, char count, caret, and visible
| |
Initializes a new instance of KeyEvent with the specified
information. | |
Initializes a new instance of KeyEvent with the specified
information. | |
KeyEvent.KeyEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int keyCode, char keyChar, int keyLocation) Initializes a new instance of KeyEvent with the specified
information. | |
MouseEvent.MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger) Initializes a new instance of MouseEvent with the specified
information. | |
MouseEvent.MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int button) Initializes a new instance of MouseEvent with the specified
information. | |
MouseEvent.MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int absX, int absY, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int button) Creates a new MouseEvent. | |
MouseWheelEvent.MouseWheelEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int scrollType, int scrollAmount, int wheelRotation) Initializes a new instance of MouseWheelEvent with the
specified information. | |
Initializes a new instance of PaintEvent with the specified
source, id, and update region. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Returns the component at the top of the hierarchy which changed.
Component | This method returns the child object that was added or removed from
the container.
Component | This method returns the event source as a Component . |
Component | This method returns the event source as a Component . |
Component | Returns the component which received the opposite focus event. |
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | A button that displays an arrow (triangle) that points SwingConstants.NORTH ,
SwingConstants.SOUTH , SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST . |
class | A renderer for a JComboBox .
class | A subclass of BasicComboBoxRenderer that implements the
UIResource interface.
class | UI Delegate for ComboPopup
class | This class acts as a titlebar for JInternalFrames.
class | This class acts as the MenuBar for the TitlePane. |
class | The divider that separates the two parts of a JSplitPane in the Basic look
and feel.
class | This is the window that appears when the JToolBar is being dragged
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler.MouseInputHandler(Component source, Component destination, MouseEvent e) Constructor
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component[] | This array contains the components in the JSplitPane. |
Component | Destination that receives all events. |
Component | When editing, this will be the Component that is doing the actual editing.
Component | The component that is responsible for displaying/editing the selected
item of the combo box.
Component | A divider that is used for layout purposes. |
Component | The button that will receive focus based on initialValue when no input
component is present. |
Component | The dark divider used when dragging in non-continuous layout mode. |
Component | Source that events are coming from |
Component | Not used.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager.addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constraints) This method adds the component given to the JSplitPane. |
void | Adds a component to the layout. |
void | This method is called when adding a Component to the Container.
void | This method is called when the given Component is added to the
void | This method is called when a component is added to the container.
void | This method adds a component to the layout.
void | This method is called when a Component is added.
void | This method is called to add a Component to the JSplitPane. |
void | This method is called when a component is added to the JTabbedPane.
boolean | This method returns whether the JToolBar can dock at the given position.
void | Draws an icon at around a specific position
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Determines the insets of this border by calling the
getMargin() method of the enclosed component. |
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
int | This method returns the preferred width of the component.
int | This method returns the current width of the component.
void | |
void | |
void | Paints the ButtonBorder around a given component.
void | Paints the FieldBorder around a given component.
void | BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder.paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints the MenuBarBorder around a given component.
void | BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder.paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints the RadioButtonBorder around a given component.
void | BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder.paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints the border around a rollover button. |
void | BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder.paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints the border around a JSplitPane .
void | BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder.paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints the ToggleButtonBorder around a given component.
void | This method paints the label on the horizontal slider at the value
specified. |
void | This method paints the label on the vertical slider at the value
specified. |
void | Removes a component from the layout. |
void | This method is called when removing a Component from the Container.
void | This method is called when a Component is removed from the
void | This method removes the given component from the layout manager's
void | This method removes a child component from the layout.
void | This method is called when a component is removed.
void | This method removes the component from the layout.
void | This method is called when a component is removed from the
void | This method sets the border of the given component to a non rollover
void | This method sets the border of the given component to its original value.
void | This method sets the border of the given component to a rollover border.
void | BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager.setComponentToSize(Component c, int size, int location, Insets insets, Dimension containerSize) This methods sets the bounds of the given component. |
void | This method sets the component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
void | This method sets the component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
void | This method sets the visible component.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | This method creates a nonContinuousLayoutDivider for use with the
JSplitPane in nonContinousLayout mode. |
Component | Creates the "Next" button
Component | Creates the "Previous" button
Component | Returns the component that will be used by the combo box to display and
edit the currently selected item in the combo box.
Component | Returns the label whose key has the highest value.
Component | BasicComboBoxRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) Returns a component that has been configured to display the given
value .
Component | This method returns the label whose key has the lowest value.
Component | This method returns the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
Component | This method returns the component that is shown in the content area.
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component | The AWT component for this peer.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
void | Registers a heavyweight descendent. |
void | Initializes the AWT and Swing component for this peer. |
void | Unregisters a heavyweight descendent.
boolean | Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | SwingComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component lightweightChild, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) |
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Returns the AWT component for this peer.
Component[] | Returns an array of all registered heavyweight descendents.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Insets | Returns the insets required for drawing this border around the specified
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Determines the insets of this border, which is the sum of the
insets of the inside and the outside border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Measures the width of this border.
Insets | Returns the insets required for drawing this border around the specified
component. |
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Changes the specified insets to the insets of this border,
which is the sum of the insets of the inside and the outside
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Insets | Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a
pre-existing Insets object.
Font | Returns the font that is used for displaying the title text for
a given Component.
Color | Determines the color that will be used for highlighted parts when
painting the border around a given component. |
Color | Determines the color that will be used for the inner side of
highlighted edges when painting the border. |
Color | Determines the color that will be used for the outer side of
highlighted edges when painting the border. |
Rectangle | Returns a rectangle that covers the specified area minus the insets
required to draw this border. |
Rectangle | Returns a rectangle that covers the specified area minus the insets
required to draw the specified border (if the border is null ,
zero insets are assumed). |
Dimension | Calculates the minimum size needed for displaying the border
and its title.
Color | Determines the color that will be used for shadowed parts when
painting the border around a given component. |
Color | Determines the color that will be used for the inner side of
shadowed edges when painting the border. |
Color | Determines the color that will be used for the outer side of
shadowed edges when painting the border. |
void | Performs nothing, because the default implementation provided by
this class is an invisible, zero-width border. |
void | Paints the border for a given component.
void | Paints the border for a given component.
void | Paints the compound border by first painting the outside border,
then painting the inside border tightly nested into the outside.
void | Performs nothing because an EmptyBorder does not paint any
pixels. |
void | Paints the border for a given component.
void | Paints the line border around a given Component.
void | Paints the border for a given component.
void | Paints the border for a given component.
void | Paints the border and the title text.
void | Paints a lowered bevel border around a component.
void | Paints a raised bevel border around a component.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
DragGestureRecognizer | XToolkit.createDragGestureRecognizer(Class<T> abstractRecognizerClass, DragSource ds, Component c, int srcActions, DragGestureListener dgl) |
boolean | Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | XCanvasPeer.requestFocus(Component source, boolean b1, boolean b2, long x, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) Requests the focus on the component.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
boolean | Requests that this component receives the focus. |
boolean | QtComponentPeer.requestFocus(Component lightweightChild, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) Requests the focus on the component.
void | Part of the older API, replaced by event version instead.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | This is the base applet class. |
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour,
data model and look & feel.
class | A component that uses a BoxLayout as Layout Manager.
class | A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers.
class | Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree.
class | The default implementation ListCellRenderer . |
class | Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements
UIResource . |
class | A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers.
class | A general purpose push button. |
class | A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's
selected state. |
class | A menu item that displays a checkbox. |
class | A Swing widget that offers users different ways to
select a color. |
class | A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and
displays the selected item to the user. |
class | The base class of all Swing components.
class | JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a
desktop. |
class | A dialog window. |
class | A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of
class | A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a
filesystem and choose one or more files or directories.
class | A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific
type of data. |
class | A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders).
class | This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native
frame. |
class | This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified.
class | A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon.
class | A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
class | |
class | This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or
can be a submenu in some other menu. |
class | JMenuBar is a container for menu's. |
class | JMenuItem represents element in the menu. |
class | This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can
ask users for input or pass on information. |
class | An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc
class | class JPasswordField
class | JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu
items. |
class | This is the separator that can be used in popup menu.
class | A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task. |
class | The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable
button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup .
class | This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
class | This class is where JComponents are added to. |
class | The JScrollBar. |
class | A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled
both in horizontal and vertical direction.
class | |
class | The JSeparator. |
class | A visual component that allows selection of a value within a
range by adjusting a thumb in a track. |
class | A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from
a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the
previous and next values in the sequence. |
class | An editor class for a JSpinner that is used
for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses
SpinnerDateModel as model).
class | The base class for the editor used by the JSpinner component.
class | A JSpinner editor used for the SpinnerListModel .
class | A panel containing a JFormattedTextField that is configured for
displaying and editing numbers. |
class | This class implements JSplitPane. |
class | This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at
a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on
class | The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns.
class | The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying
and editing plain text. |
class | |
class | A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as
embedding images and components. |
class | The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button,
which can be either selected or unselected. |
class | JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs. |
class | This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
class | This class is used to display ToolTips. |
class | |
class | _ +-------------------------------+ ...........Y1 \ | view | . |
class | Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from
java.awt.Window. |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
Create a new Constraints object which tracks the indicated
component. | |
Creates a new JScrollPane that embeds the specified
view component, displaying vertical and horizontal scrollbars
as needed.
| |
Creates a new JScrollPane that embeds the specified
view component; The scrollbar
policies are set to vsbPolicy and hsbPolicy .
| |
JSplitPane.JSplitPane(int newOrientation, boolean newContinuousLayout, Component newLeftComponent, Component newRightComponent) Creates a new JSplitPane object with the given orientation, layout mode,
and left and right components.
| |
Creates a new JSplitPane object using nonContinuousLayout mode, the given
orientation and left and right components.
| |
Constructs a new Popup given its owner,
contents and the screen position where the popup
will appear.
| |
ProgressMonitor.ProgressMonitor(Component component, Object message, String note, int minimum, int maximum) Creates a new ProgressMonitor instance. | |
ProgressMonitorInputStream.ProgressMonitorInputStream(Component component, Object message, InputStream stream) Creates a new ProgressMonitorInputStream .
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component | A dummy Component that is used in the MediaTracker. |
Component | The component that is used for editing.
Component | DOCUMENT ME! |
Component | The Component the label will give focus to when its mnemonic is
Component | The component on the top or left. |
Component | |
Component | |
Component | |
Component | |
Component | The component on the right or bottom. |
Component | |
Component | |
Component | |
Component |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Component | |
boolean | Decide whether a component is an acceptable focus owner.
Component | Adds specified component to this menu.
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
Component | Adds specified component to this menu at the given index
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
void | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
void | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
void | Adds the specified component to this AbstractButton. |
void | Overridden to check if a component is already a child of this Container.
void | |
void | This method is called when a component is added to the
the JDialog. |
void | This method is called by all the add() methods to perform
the actual adding of the component. |
void | This method adds Components to this Container. |
void | |
void | This method adds a component to the JSplitPane. |
void | This method overrides Container's addImpl method. |
void | |
void | |
void | Adds a component to the layout. |
void | This method is not used in this layout manager.
void | Adds a layout component and a constraint object to this layout.
void | Adds a component to the layout. |
void | This method does nothing. |
void | This method is not used in this layout manager.
void | Add the specified component to the layout.
void | Adds a layout component and a constraint object to this layout.
void | The method is not used with this manager.
Component | Removes an existing component. |
void | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane.
void | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane.
void | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane.
boolean | compareTabOrder
Component | This method returns menu element on the selected path that contains
given source point. |
MouseEvent | Convert a mouse event which refrers to one component to another. |
Point | Converts a point (x,y) from the coordinate space of one
component to another. |
Point | |
void | Converts a point from "screen" coordinates (such as the coordinate
space mouse events are delivered in) to a component's local coordinate
space. |
void | Converts a point from a component's local coordinate space to "screen"
coordinates (such as the coordinate space mouse events are delivered
in). |
Rectangle | Converts a rectangle from the coordinate space of one component to
another. |
JDialog | Creates a modal dialog in which to display the file chooser.
JDialog | This method creates a new JDialog that is either centered around the
parent's frame or centered on the screen (if the parent is null). |
JDialog | JColorChooser.createDialog(Component component, String title, boolean modal, JColorChooser chooserPane, ActionListener okListener, ActionListener cancelListener) This method will take the given JColorChooser and place it in a JDialog
with the given modal property. |
JInternalFrame | This method creates a new JInternalFrame that is in the JLayeredPane
which contains the parentComponent given. |
RepaintManager | Returns the RepaintManager for the current thread's
thread group. |
Component | Returns the focus owner or null if comp is not
the focus owner or a parent of it.
void | focusNextComponent
void | focusPreviousComponent
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child of the specified component
which appears at the supplied Point . |
Accessible |
Returns the Accessible child of the specified component
that has the supplied index within the parent component. |
int |
Returns the number of Accessible children within
the supplied component.
int |
Returns the zero-based index of the specified component
within its parent. |
AccessibleStateSet |
Returns a set of AccessibleState s, which represent
the state of the supplied component.
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which has the
specified name.
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which is an instance
of the specified class.
Component | getComponentAfter
Component | Return the component which follows the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
Component | getComponentBefore
Component | Return the component which precedes the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
int | Returns index of the specified component
int | Returns index of the specified component in the popup menu
int | This method returns the index of the given component.
Spring | Returns the constraint of the edge named by edgeName .
SpringLayout.Constraints | Returns the SpringLayout.Constraints object associated with the specified
Component | Returns the deepest descendent of parent which is both visible and
contains the point (x,y) . |
JDesktopPane | This method returns the JDesktopPane for the given parentComponent or
null if none can be found.
Frame | This method returns the Frame for the given parentComponent or null if
none can be found.
int | Return the index of a component within the underlying (contiguous)
array of children. |
int | Looks up the layer a child component is currently assigned to.
JLayeredPane | Returns the first JLayeredPane that contains the Component
comp or null if comp is
not contained in a JLayeredPane.
Rectangle | Calculates the bounds of a component in the component's own coordinate
space. |
Image | Get an offscreen buffer for painting a component's image. |
Popup | Creates a new Popup given its owner,
contents and the screen position where the popup
will appear.
int | Return the position of a component within its layer. |
Component | |
JRootPane | If comp is a RootPaneContainer, return its JRootPane.
Image | Creates and returns a volatile offscreen buffer for the specified
component that can be used as a double buffer. |
Window | |
Spring | Return a new Spring which takes its values from the specified
Component. |
int | This method finds the index of a tab given the component.
void | Insert given component to the popup menu at the
specified index
void | Inserts an AWT or Swing component into the text at the current caret
void | This method inserts tabs into JTabbedPane. |
boolean | Returns true if specified component is part of current menu
heirarchy and false otherwise
boolean | Return true if a descends from b, in other words if b is an ancestor of a.
boolean | Return true if the provided component has no native peer;
in other words, if it is a "lightweight component".
boolean | Checks if given component exists in this menu. |
void | Moves a component to the "back" of its layer. |
void | Moves a component to the "front" of its layer. |
void | CellRendererPane.paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | This method paints the given component at the given position and size.
void | CellRendererPane.paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean shouldValidate) |
void | |
void | This method paints the given component in the given rectangle.
void | Draws the icon at the location (x, y) on the specified graphics device.
void | Calls g.drawImage() on the backing Image using the
set observer of this ImageIcon. |
void | processKeyEvent
void | Invoked when the user attempts an invalid operation. |
void | Attaches the edge e1 of component c1 to
the edge e2 of component c2 width the
fixed strut pad .
void | |
void | |
void | This method removes a component from the JDialog.
void | Removes the specified component from this container.
void | This method removes the given Component from the Container.
void | Removes given component from this menu.
void | This method removes the given component from the JSplitPane.
void | Removes the specified Component from the JTabbedPane.
void | |
void | Removes a component from the layout. |
void | This method does nothing. |
void | This method is not used in this layout manager.
void | |
void | Removes a layout component.
void | The method is not used with this manager.
void | This method sets the bottom component.
void | |
void | This method sets the component associated with the tab.
void | |
void | setGlassPane
void | This method sets the GlassPane for this JDialog.
void | setGlassPane
void | This method sets the Glass Pane used with this JInternalFrame.
void | setGlassPane
void | setGlassPane
void | Sets popup menu's invoker.
void | Sets the component that this JLabel is providing the label
for (this is a bound property with the name 'labelFor'). |
void | Set the layer property for a component, within this container. |
void | Set the layer and position of a component, within this container.
void | This method sets the left component.
void | Set the specified component to be the next component in the
focus cycle, overriding the FocusTraversalPolicy for
this component.
void | Change the position of a component within its layer. |
void | This method sets the right component.
void | |
void | Changes menu bar's selection to the specified menu.
void | Selects specified component in this popup menu.
void | This method sets the component at the selected index.
void | This method sets the top component.
void | |
void | |
void | This method displays JPopupMenu on the screen at the specified
location. |
int | This method shows a confirmation dialog with the title "Select an Option"
and displays the given message. |
int | JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType) This method shows a confirmation dialog with the given message,
optionType and title. |
int | JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType) This method shows a confirmation dialog with the given message, title,
messageType and optionType. |
int | JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Icon icon) This method shows a confirmation dialog with the given message, title,
optionType, messageType and icon. |
int | Displays the file chooser in a modal dialog using the
Color | This method shows a JColorChooser inside a JDialog. |
String | This method will show a QUESTION_MESSAGE input dialog with the given
message. |
String | JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, Object initialSelectionValue) This method will show a QUESTION_MESSAGE type input dialog with the given
message and initialSelectionValue. |
String | JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) This method displays a new input dialog with the given message, title and
messageType. |
Object | JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon, Object[] selectionValues, Object initialSelectionValue) This method shows an input dialog with the given message, title,
messageType, icon, selectionValues, and initialSelectionValue. |
int | This method shows an internal confirmation dialog with the given message.
int | JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType) This method shows an internal confirmation dialog with the given message,
optionType and title. |
int | JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType) This method shows an internal confirmation dialog with the given message,
title, optionTypes and icon for the given message type. |
int | JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Icon icon) This method shows an internal confirmation dialog with the given message,
title, option type, message type, and icon. |
String | This method shows an internal input dialog with the given message. |
String | JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) This method shows an internal input dialog with the given message, title
and message type. |
Object | JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon, Object[] selectionValues, Object initialSelectionValue) This method shows an internal input dialog with the given message, title
message type, icon, selection value list and initial selection value.
void | This method shows an internal message dialog with the given message. |
void | JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) This method shows an internal message dialog with the given message,
title and message type. |
void | JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon) This method shows an internal message dialog with the given message,
title, message type and icon. |
int | JOptionPane.showInternalOptionDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Icon icon, Object[] options, Object initialValue) This method displays an internal option dialog with the given message,
title, option type, message type, icon, option list, and initial option
value. |
void | This method shows an INFORMATION_MESSAGE type message dialog.
void | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) This method shows a message dialog with the given message, title and
void | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon) This method shows a message dialog with the given message, title,
messageType and icon.
int | Displays the file chooser in a modal dialog using the
int | JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Icon icon, Object[] options, Object initialValue) This method shows an option dialog with the given message, title,
optionType, messageType, icon, options and initialValue. |
int | Displays the file chooser in a modal dialog using the
void | |
Spring | Return a new Spring which takes its values from the specified
Component. |
Window | Equivalent to calling getAncestorOfClass(Window, comp) .
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Adds specified component to this menu.
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
Component | Adds specified component to this menu at the given index
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
Component | This method adds a tab to the JTabbedPane. |
Component | Removes an existing component. |
Component | This method returns menu element on the selected path that contains
given source point. |
Component | DOCUMENT ME!
Component | Creates a filler component which acts as glue between components.
Component | Creates a filler component which acts as glue between components.
Component | Box.createHorizontalStrut(int width) Creates a filler component which acts as strut between components.
Component | |
Component | Creates a filler component which acts as glue between components.
Component | Box.createVerticalStrut(int height) Creates a filler component which acts as strut between components.
Component | Returns the focus owner or null if comp is not
the focus owner or a parent of it.
Component | This method returns the bottom component.
Component | Get the component that performs the editing sessions. |
Component | |
Component | Returns reference to this menu bar
Component | Returns reference to the component that will paint this menu item.
Component | Method of the MenuElement interface. |
Component | getComponent
Component | getComponent
Component | getComponentAfter
Component | Return the component which follows the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
Component | JTabbedPane.getComponentAt(int index) This method returns the component associated with the tab.
Component | JMenuBar.getComponentAtIndex(int i) Returns component at the specified index.
Component | JPopupMenu.getComponentAtIndex(int index) Returns component located at the specified index in the popup menu
Component | JToolBar.getComponentAtIndex(int index) This method returns the component at the given index.
Component | getComponentBefore
Component | Return the component which precedes the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
Component[] | JLayeredPane.getComponentsInLayer(int layer) Return an array of all components within a layer of this
container. |
Component | |
Component | Returns the Component at the specified corner.
Component | Returns the deepest descendent of parent which is both visible and
contains the point (x,y) . |
Component | Return the default component of root , which is by default
the same as the first component, returned by getFirstComponent(Container) .
Component | This method returns component that will be used by the combo box to
display/edit currently selected item in the combo box.
Component | Get the editor component that is currently editing one of the cells
Component | getFirstComponent
Component | Return the first focusable component of the focus cycle root
comp under the ordering imposed by the comparator property. |
Component | This method returns the child Component that will receive focus if this
JInternalFrame is selected.
Component | getGlassPane
Component | This method returns the GlassPane for this JDialog.
Component | getGlassPane
Component | This method returns the Glass Pane used with this JInternalFrame.
Component | DOCUMENT ME!
Component | getGlassPane
Component | getGlassPane
Component | |
Component | Returns popup menu's invoker.
Component | Returns the component that this JLabel is providing the label
for. |
Component | getLastComponent
Component | Return the last focusable component of the focus cycle root
comp under the ordering imposed by the comparator property. |
Component | This method returns the left component.
Component | DefaultListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) getListCellRendererComponent
Component | ListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) |
Component | JMenu.getMenuComponent(int index) Returns menu component located at the givent index
in the menu
Component[] | Return components belonging to this menu
Component | This method returns the child Component that will receive focus when the
JInternalFrame is selected. |
Component | Return the value of the nextFocusableComponent property.
Component | This method returns the right component.
Component | |
Component | This method returns the component at the selected index.
Component | DefaultCellEditor.getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) Get the cell editor component that will perform the editing session. |
Component | This method returns the top component.
Component | DefaultCellEditor.getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row) Sets an initial value for the editor.
Component | |
Component | Prepares the editor by querying for the value and selection state of the
cell at (row, column).
Component | Prepare the renderer for rendering the given cell.
Classes derived from java.awt.Component | |
class | The default text field, used in the editing sessions.
class | This container that appears on the tree during editing session.
class | A default implementation of the TreeCellRenderer interface.
Fields of type java.awt.Component | |
Component | Component used in editing, obtained from the editingContainer.
Methods with return type java.awt.Component | |
Component | DefaultTreeCellEditor.getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row) Configures the editor. |
Component | TreeCellEditor.getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row) Returns a component that has been configured to edit one element (or
node) in a JTree component. |
Component | DefaultTreeCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object val, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) Returns a component (in fact this ) that can be used to
render a tree cell with the specified state.
Component | TreeCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) Returns a component that has been configured to display one element (or
node) in a JTree component. |