Uses of Class gnu.xml.dom.DomDocument

Uses in package gnu.xml.dom.html2

Classes derived from gnu.xml.dom.DomDocument

An HTML document.

Uses in package gnu.xml.dom

Constructors with parameter type gnu.xml.dom.DomDocument

DomAttr.DomAttr(DomDocument owner, String namespaceURI, String name)
Constructs an Attr node associated with the specified document.
DomAttr.DomAttr(DomDocument owner, String namespaceURI, String name, String prefix, String localName)
Constructs an Attr node associated with the specified document.
DomCDATASection.DomCDATASection(DomDocument owner, buf[] , int off, int len)
Constructs a CDATA section node associated with the specified document and holding the specified data.
Constructs a comment node associated with the specified document and holding the specified data.
DomDoctype.DomDoctype(DomDocument doc, String name, String publicId, String systemId)
JAXP builder constructor.
Constructs a DocumentFragment node associated with the specified document.
DomElement.DomElement(DomDocument owner, String namespaceURI, String name)
Constructs an Element node associated with the specified document.
DomElement.DomElement(DomDocument owner, String namespaceURI, String name, String prefix, String localName)
Constructs an Element node associated with the specified document.
DomEntity.DomEntity(DomDocument owner, String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notation)
Constructs an Entity node associated with the specified document, with the specified descriptive data.
Constructs an EntityReference node associated with the specified document.
DomNode.DomNode(short nodeType, DomDocument owner)
Constructs a node and associates it with its owner.
DomNotation.DomNotation(DomDocument owner, String name, String publicId, String systemId)
Constructs a Notation node associated with the specified document, with the specified descriptive data.
Constructs a ProcessingInstruction node associated with the specified document, with the specified data.
DomText.DomText(DomDocument owner, char[] buf, int off, int len)
Constructs a text node associated with the specified document and holding the specified data.