Package gnu.javax.crypto.keyring

Interface Summary

IKeyring The top-level interface to a keyring: a file that is used to store and protect public and private cryptographic keys.
IPrivateKeyring An interface to private, or "personal", keyrings, which contain private credentials.
IPublicKeyring An interface for keyrings that contain trusted (by the owner) public credentials (incl. certificates).

Class Summary

BinaryDataEntry A binary data entry is a primitive entry that simply contains some amount of arbitrary binary data and an optional content type.
CertificateEntry An immutable class representing a trusted certificate entry.
CertPathEntry A primitive entry that contains a path of X.509 certificates.
Entry An immutable class representing a single entry in a keyring.
EnvelopeEntry An envelope entry is a generic container for some number of primitive and other envelope entries.
MaskableEnvelopeEntry An envelope entry that can be "masked" -- placed in a state where the envelope's contents cannot be accessed, due to the envelope not being fully decoded, for example.
PasswordAuthenticatedEntry An entry authenticated with a password-based MAC.
PasswordEncryptedEntry An envelope that is encrypted with a password-derived key.
PrimitiveEntry A primitive entry is an entry that contains a single cryptographic entity.
PrivateKeyEntry An immutable class representing a private or secret key entry.
Properties A set of (name => value) pairs used in keyring entries.

Exception Summary
