Uses of Class gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp.event.filters

Constructors with parameter type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Constructs a new LocationOnlyFilter.

Methods with return type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Returns the location at which to restrict events

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp.util

Methods with return type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Sets up an empty location

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp

Constructors with parameter type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

VMFrame.VMFrame(Thread thr, long frame_id, Location frame_loc, Object frame_obj)
Create a new VMFrame object.

Methods with return type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Gets the current location of the frame.

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp.event

Constructors with parameter type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Constructs a new BreakpointEvent
ExceptionEvent.ExceptionEvent(Throwable exception, Thread thread, Location location, Location catchLocation, Class<T> clazz, Object instance)
Constructs a new ExceptionEvent where the exception was caught.
MethodEntryEvent.MethodEntryEvent(Thread thread, Location location, Object instance)
Constructs a new MethodEntryEvent
MethodExitEvent.MethodExitEvent(Thread thread, Location location, Object instance)
Constructs a new MethodExitEvent
SingleStepEvent.SingleStepEvent(Thread thread, Location location, Object instance)
Constructs a new SingleStepEvent

Methods with parameter type gnu.classpath.jdwp.util.Location

Sets the catchLocation, used for exceptions that are caught in different stack frames from where they are thrown.