Asynchron | Handles the asynchronous dynamic invocations.
BigDecimalHelper | Reads and writes BigDecimal as CORBA fixed .
ByteArrayComparator | A byte array comparator for mapping with CORBA object keys.
CdrEncapsCodecImpl | The local Codec implementation for ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS
encoding. |
Connected_objects | The repository of objects, that have been connected to the
FunctionalORB by the method
ORB.connect(org.omg.CORBA.Object) .
Connected_objects.cObject | The reference data about the connected object.
CorbaList | This class is used to store array lists. |
DefaultSocketFactory | The default socket factory that forges "plain" server and client sockets. |
DefinitionKindHolder | The definition kind holder. |
DuplicateNameHolder | A holder for the exception DuplicateName .
DynAnySeqHolder | A holder for the sequence of DynAny
(DynAnySeq ).
EmptyExceptionHolder | This holder can store any CORBA exception that has no user defined fields.
ForwardRequestHelper | The helper operations for the exception ForwardRequest .
gnuAny | The implementation of Any .
gnuCodecFactory | A simple implementation of the Codec factory, able to return the
standard Codec's. |
gnuContext | The working implementation of the Context .
gnuContextList | The working implementation of the ContextList .
gnuEnvironment | The implementation of the exception container ("Environment").
gnuExceptionList | The implementation of the list of type codes for exceptions.
gnuNamedValue | The implementation of the named value.
gnuNVList | The implementation of NVList .
gnuRequest | The implementation of the CORBA request.
gnuValueHolder | Boxed value holder that also remembers the value type and the value helper.
GeneralHolder | This class holds the abstract binary data array of the Streamable
being stored. |
HolderLocator | Creates the suitable holder for storing the value of the given final_type.
IorDelegate | The Classpath implementation of the Delegate functionality in the
case, when the object was constructed from an IOR object. |
IorObject | Implements an object, constructed from an IOR reference.
IOR | The implementaton of the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR). |
IOR.CodeSets_profile | The code sets tagged component, normally part of the Internet profile. |
IOR.Internet_profile | The internet profile.
IOR.CodeSets_profile.CodeSet_component | The code set component.
NameDynAnyPairHolder | A holder for the structure NameDynAnyPair .
NameDynAnyPairSeqHolder | A holder for the sequence of NameDynAnyPair .
NameValuePairHolder | A holder for the structure NameValuePair .
NameValuePairSeqHolder | A holder for the sequence of NameValuePair .
ObjectCreator | Creates java objects from the agreed IDL names for the simple case when the
CORBA object is directly mapped into the locally defined java class.
OctetHolder | A holder for CORBA octet that is mapped into
java long .
OrbFocused | This class implements the ORB that uses a single port or the restricted port
range for all its objects. |
OrbFunctional | The ORB implementation, capable to handle remote invocations on the
registered object. |
OrbFunctional.portServer | A server, responsible for listening on requests on some local port. |
OrbFunctional.sharedPortServer | A server, responsible for listening on requests on some local port and
serving multiple requests (probably to the different objects) on the same
OrbRestricted | This class implements so-called Singleton ORB, a highly restricted version
that cannot communicate over network. |
ResponseHandlerImpl | Provides the CDR output streams for writing the response to the given buffer.
ServiceDetailHolder | The service detail holder. |
ServiceRequestAdapter | This class supports invocation using ServerRequest. |
SetOverrideTypeHolder | The holder for SetOverrideType.
SimpleDelegate | The delegate, implementing the basic functionality only. |
SocketRepository | This class caches the opened sockets that are reused during the
frequent calls. |
StreamBasedRequest | A stream, additionally holding the gnu request.
StreamHolder | A holder that stores the input stream, from that the holder data
can be read. |
StubLocator | Finds a stub class like "_HelloStub" that can be instantiated
from IOR reference. |
TypeCodeHelper | Reads and writes the TypeCodes usind common data representation.
TypeKindNamer | A conveniency method for naming the built-in types.
Version | A version number, represented by the major version number
and the minor version number.
WCharHolder | A holder for CORBA char that is mapped into
java char .
WStringHolder | A holder for CORBA wstring that is mapped into
java String . |
_PolicyImplBase | The server side implementation base for the Policy .