Uses of Class gnu.CORBA.Poa.gnuServantObject

Uses in package gnu.CORBA.Interceptor

Constructors with parameter type gnu.CORBA.Poa.gnuServantObject

Create a new instance at the time when it is known which object will serve the invocation.

Uses in package gnu.CORBA.Poa

Constructors with parameter type gnu.CORBA.Poa.gnuServantObject

LocalDelegate.LocalDelegate(gnuServantObject an_object, gnuPOA a_poa, byte[] an_id)
Create a local delegate, forwarding requests to the servant that must also be an invocation handler.
LocalRequest.LocalRequest(gnuServantObject local_object, gnuPOA a_poa, byte[] an_id)
Create an instance of the local request.

Fields of type gnu.CORBA.Poa.gnuServantObject

The object.

Methods with parameter type gnu.CORBA.Poa.gnuServantObject

AOM.add(byte[] key, gnuServantObject object, Servant servant, gnuPOA poa)
Add the new object to the repository.
AOM.add(gnuServantObject object, Servant servant, gnuPOA poa)
Add the new object to the repository.