Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
ServiceContext[] | UnknownExceptionCtxHandler.addExceptionContext(ServiceContext[] current, Throwable exception, Object details) Encode exception and add its recored to the message service contexts.
Throwable | Read the data about an unknown exception from the UnknownExceptionInfo.
Methods with return type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
ServiceContext[] | UnknownExceptionCtxHandler.addExceptionContext(ServiceContext[] current, Throwable exception, Object details) Encode exception and add its recored to the message service contexts.
Methods with parameter type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
SystemException | Read the system exception from the given stream.
Classes derived from gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
class | The code set service context. |
Fields of type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
ServiceContext[] | Empty array, indicating that no service context is available.
ServiceContext[] | The context data.
Methods with parameter type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
ServiceContext[] | Add context to the given array of contexts.
CodeSetServiceContext | Find and return the code set service context in the give
contexts array. |
ServiceContext | Find context with the given name in the context array without conversions.
ServiceContext | Find context with the given name in the context array, converting into
void | Write the sequence of contexts into the input stream.
Methods with return type gnu.CORBA.GIOP.ServiceContext | |
ServiceContext[] | Add context to the given array of contexts.
ServiceContext | Find context with the given name in the context array without conversions.
ServiceContext | Read the context values from the stream.
ServiceContext[] | Read a sequence of contexts from the input stream.