Uses of Class gnu.CORBA.DynAn.gnuDynAnyFactory

Uses in package gnu.CORBA.DynAn

Constructors with parameter type gnu.CORBA.DynAn.gnuDynAnyFactory

AbstractAny.AbstractAny(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create the abstract dyn any.
RecordAny.RecordAny(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Creates the structure with the given typecode.
Create a new instance with the given typecode.
gnuDynAny.gnuDynAny(Streamable aHolder, TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create DynAny providing the holder.
gnuDynArray.gnuDynArray(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb, boolean initialise_array)
Creates new array.
gnuDynEnum.gnuDynEnum(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create a new dyn enum from the given typecode.
gnuDynFixed.gnuDynFixed(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create a new instance of the dyn fixed.
Create a new gnuDynSequence with the given typecode.
gnuDynStruct.gnuDynStruct(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create an instance.
gnuDynUnion.gnuDynUnion(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create a new instance with the given typecode.
gnuDynValue.gnuDynValue(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create an instance.
Create a new instance of gnuDynValueBox.

Fields of type gnu.CORBA.DynAn.gnuDynAnyFactory

The DynAny factory, required in initializations.

Methods with parameter type gnu.CORBA.DynAn.gnuDynAnyFactory

gnuDynStruct.newInstance(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
gnuDynValue.newInstance(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create a new instance.
RecordAny.newInstance(TypeCode oType, TypeCode aType, gnuDynAnyFactory aFactory, ORB anOrb)
Create a new instance when copying.

Uses in package gnu.CORBA.Poa

Fields of type gnu.CORBA.DynAn.gnuDynAnyFactory

Creates dynamic anys.