Package gnu.CORBA.CDR

Interface Summary

AbstractDataInput Some data input stream that can be either Big or Little Endian.
AbstractDataOutput An abstract data output stream that could write data in either Big Endian or Little Endian format.
gnuValueStream A stream, implementing this interface, provides methods to get/set a position and get the RunTime.

Class Summary

AbstractCdrInput A simple CORBA CDR (common data representation) input stream, reading data from the given InputStream.
AbstractCdrOutput A simple CORBA CDR (common data representation) output stream, writing data into the given OutputStream.
AligningInput The input stream with the possibility to align on the word (arbitrary size) boundary.
AligningOutput The input stream with the possibility to align on the word (arbitrary size) boundary.
BigEndianInputStream As java uses Big Endian by default, this class is directly derived form DataInputStream.
BigEndianOutputStream A stream to read the data in Big Endian format.
BufferedCdrOutput A CORBA output stream, writing data into the internal buffer (ByteArrayOutputStream).
BufferredCdrInput The CDR input stream that reads data from the byte buffer.
EncapsulationStream The encapsulated data, as they are defined by CORBA specification.
gnuRuntime Our implementation of the sending context runtime.
HeadlessInput Substitutes the main stream in factories when the header is already behind.
IDLTypeHelper Handles case when the CORBA IDL type with the known helper is wrapped into Value type.
LittleEndianInputStream This class reads data in the Little Endian format.
LittleEndianOutputStream This stream writes data in the Little Endian format (less significant byte first).
UnknownExceptionCtxHandler Reads the data about an unknown exception from the UnknownExceptionInfo.
Vio A specialised class for reading and writing the value types.
VMVio This is a temporary replacement for the native call that would allocate objects without public constructors.