The xsh_cfg_recover recipe =============================================================== .. data:: xsh_cfg_recover Synopsis -------- Optimizes a model configuration to match data taken after a major format change Description ----------- This recipe creates a wavelength solution and an order table. Input Frames : - [UVB, VIS] A RAW frame (Format = RAW, Tag = FMTCHK_arm) - [NIR] Two RAW frames (Format = RAW, Tag = FMTCHK_arm_ON,FMTCHK_arm_OFF) - The old model cfg table (Format = TABLE, Tag = XSH_MOD_CFG_TAB_arm) - A ref. line list. The model computes corresponding positions (Format = TABLE, Tag = ARC_LINE_LIST_arm) - [UVB,VIS,OPTIONAL] A master bias (Format = PRE, Tag = MASTER_BIAS_arm) - [UVB,VIS,OPTIONAL] A master dark (Format = PRE, Tag = MASTER_DARK_arm) - [OPTIONAL-Required if method=pm,peaks] An order table (Format = TABLE, Tag = ORDER_TAB_CENTR_arm) - [OPTIONAL-Required if first-anneal=TRUE] A table with measured line positions (Format = TABLE, Tag = XSH_MEASCOORD_arm) Products : - if first-anneal=FALSE & last-step=FALSE nothing - if first-anneal=TRUE & last-step=FALSE an optimized model configuration, PRO.CATG=XSH_MOD_CFG_arm - if last-step=TRUE an optimized model configuration, PRO.CATG=XSH_MOD_FAN_arm an optimized model configuration, PRO.CATG=XSH_MOD_CFG_OPT_arm an quality control table, PRO.CATG=MODEL_GUESS_XY_arm the model theoretical map corresponding to the optimized model config, PRO.CATG=THEO_TAB_MULT_arm, THEO_TAB_IFU_arm, and THEO_TAB_SING_arm Constructor ----------- .. method:: cpl.Recipe("xsh_cfg_recover") :noindex: Create an object for the recipe xsh_cfg_recover. :: import cpl xsh_cfg_recover = cpl.Recipe("xsh_cfg_recover") Parameters ---------- .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.keep_temp If 'no', temporary files are deleted. (str; default: 'no') [default="no"]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.debug_level Additional xshooter debug level. One of 'none', 'low', 'medium', 'high' (str; default: 'none') [default="none"]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.time_stamp Add timestamp to product file name. (bool; default: False) [default=False]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.decode_bp Integer representation of the bits to be considered bad when decoding the bad pixel mask pixel values. Most frequent codes relevant for the user: 0: good pixel, 8: pick-up noise, 16: cosmic-ray removed, 32: cosmic-ray unremoved, 128: calibration file defect, 256: hot pixel, 512: dark pixel, 4096: A/D converted saturation, 32768: non linear pixel, 1048576: extrapolated flux in NIR, 4194304: Interpolated flux during extraction. (int; default: 2144337919) [default=2144337919]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.first_anneal Run first annealing (TRUE) or not (FALSE)See recipe man-page % Input frames (bool; default: False) [default=False]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.arm Arm setting: (str; default: 'vis') [default="vis"]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.name_i Filename with wavelength,x,y,order: (str; default: 'line_xy_ord.txt') [default="line_xy_ord.txt"]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.niter No of iterations for first anneal (int; default: 100000) [default=100000]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.coord_frame Co-ordinate frame for centroids (0=raw,1=pre) (int; default: 1) [default=1]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.last_step Run last step (TRUE) or not (FALSE)See recipe man-page % Input frames (bool; default: False) [default=False]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.plot Display plot (TRUE) or not (FALSE) (bool; default: False) [default=False]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.ima_tresh_min Min thresh raw image. (float; default: 40.0) [default=40.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.cor_prescan Correct for prescan (bool; default: False) [default=False]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.method Model predictions correction method. safefit: safe fitgfit: 2D Gaussian line fitpeaks: line peaks detectionpm: line peaks detection & pattern match (str; default: 'safefit') [default="safefit"]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.offx X offset to model predictions (float; default: 0.0) [default=0.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.offy Y offset to model predictions (float; default: 0.0) [default=0.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.slit Extraction slit (int; default: 5) [default=5]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.gfit_box_sy Gauss fit Y search box size for lines on actual frame (int; default: 20) [default=20]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_line_fwhm The FWHM used in line convolution, in pixel units (int; default: 4) [default=4]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_kappa The kappa value, used to identify line peaks if max>kappa*stdev+median, max is a valid peak where max, stdev,median are computed on the extracted spectrum (float; default: 5.0) [default=5.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_factor Relative Intensity threshold factor for line peaks detection (float; default: 10.0) [default=10.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_match_x Radii for line peaks matches (int; default: 10) [default=10]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_match_y Radii for line peaks matches (int; default: 20) [default=20]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_ord_sel From guess line and peaks positions are extracted the ones in the range [ord_min,ord_min+pm_ord_sel] (int; default: 1) [default=1]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_radius Search radius applied in final pattern matching (data units). (float; default: 20.0) [default=20.0]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_tolerance Max relative difference of angles and scales from their median value for match acceptance. (float; default: 0.1) [default=0.1]. .. py:attribute:: xsh_cfg_recover.param.anneal_niter Simulated annealing iterations (int; default: 1000) [default=1000]. The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters. :: import cpl xsh_cfg_recover = cpl.Recipe("xsh_cfg_recover") xsh_cfg_recover.param.keep_temp = "no" xsh_cfg_recover.param.debug_level = "none" xsh_cfg_recover.param.time_stamp = False xsh_cfg_recover.param.decode_bp = 2144337919 xsh_cfg_recover.param.first_anneal = False xsh_cfg_recover.param.arm = "vis" xsh_cfg_recover.param.name_i = "line_xy_ord.txt" xsh_cfg_recover.param.niter = 100000 xsh_cfg_recover.param.coord_frame = 1 xsh_cfg_recover.param.last_step = False xsh_cfg_recover.param.plot = False xsh_cfg_recover.param.ima_tresh_min = 40.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.cor_prescan = False xsh_cfg_recover.param.method = "safefit" xsh_cfg_recover.param.offx = 0.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.offy = 0.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.slit = 5 xsh_cfg_recover.param.gfit_box_sy = 20 xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_line_fwhm = 4 xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_kappa = 5.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_factor = 10.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_match_x = 10 xsh_cfg_recover.param.peak_match_y = 20 xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_ord_sel = 1 xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_radius = 20.0 xsh_cfg_recover.param.pm_tolerance = 0.1 xsh_cfg_recover.param.anneal_niter = 1000 You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter `param`, as shown in the following example: :: import cpl xsh_cfg_recover = cpl.Recipe("xsh_cfg_recover") [...] res = xsh_cfg_recover( ..., param = {"keep_temp":"no", "debug_level":"none"}) .. seealso:: `cpl.Recipe `_ for more information about the recipe object. Bug reports ----------- Please report any problems to `A. Modigliani, P. Bristow `_. Alternatively, you may send a report to the `ESO User Support Department `_. Copyright --------- This file is part of the X-shooter Instrument Pipeline Copyright (C) 2006 European Southern Observatory This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA .. codeauthor:: A. Modigliani, P. Bristow