The flames_obs_scired recipe¶
- flames_obs_scired¶
Reduces a FLAMES science image
Fibre & order position determination procedure:
You should feed the recipe with:
science fibre images (FIB_SCI_RED, FIB_SCI_SIM_RED, FIB_SCI_SIM_RED)
single fibre images, FIB_ORDEF_(REDL|REDU)
master bias frames, MASTER_BIAS_(REDL|REDU)
Fibre order table, FIB_ORDEF_TABLE_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield common, SLIT_FF_COM_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield norm, SLIT_FF_NOR_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield data, SLIT_FF_DTC_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield sigma, SLIT_FF_SGC_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield bad pixel, SLIT_FF_BPC_(REDL|REDU)
Slit flatfield boundary, SLIT_FF_BNC_(REDL|REDU)
Fibre flatfield common, FIB_FF_COM_(REDL|REDU)
Fibre flatfield norm, FIB_FF_NOR_(REDL|REDU)
Fibre flatfield norm sigma, FIB_FF_NSG_(REDL|REDU)
Products are:
Science fibre info table (FIB_SCI_INFO_TAB)
- cpl.Recipe("flames_obs_scired")
Create an object for the recipe flames_obs_scired.
import cpl
flames_obs_scired = cpl.Recipe("flames_obs_scired")
- flames_obs_scired.param.bias_method¶
Bias subtraction method (str; default: ‘M’) [default=”M”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.bias_value¶
Bias value (only if bias_method = V) (int; default: 200) [default=200].
- flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_max_io_win¶
Background window number in each full inter order (int; default: 500) [default=500].
- flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_xy_win_sz_x¶
x maximum size of each background window: (int; default: 6) [default=6].
- flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_xy_win_sz_y¶
y maximum size of each background window: (int; default: 2) [default=2].
- flames_obs_scired.param.clean_tmp_products¶
Input data format (bool; default: False) [default=False].
- flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_off¶
Correlation center offset? (float; default: 0.0) [default=0.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_pnt¶
Correlation sampling points? (int; default: 25) [default=25].
- flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_rng¶
Correlation range size? (float; default: 6.0) [default=6.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.cor_max_fnd¶
Find correlation maximum? (str; default: ‘Y’) [default=”Y”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.corvel_iter¶
Velocity correlation iteration number (SimCal) (int; default: 1) [default=1].
- flames_obs_scired.param.cubify_sw¶
Cubify switch (str; default: ‘N’) [default=”N”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.debug¶
Whether or not to save intermediate results to local directory (bool; default: False) [default=False].
- flames_obs_scired.param.drs_base_name¶
Base name for science products (str; default: ‘fxb’) [default=”fxb”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.drs_ext_w_siz¶
Integration window size good: 10 (if fibre deconvolution works fine) (float; default: 10.0) [default=10.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.drs_k_s_thre¶
Kappa sigma threshold (float; default: 10.0) [default=10.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.drs_maxyshift¶
Half width of the interval to scan for correlation, when determining y shift (float; default: 3.0) [default=3.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.ext_method¶
Extraction method (str; default: ‘opt’) [default=”opt”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.filt_sw¶
Filter switch (str; default: ‘none’) [default=”none”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.merge¶
Order merging method. If ‘optimal’, the flux in the overlapping region is set to the (optimally computed, using the uncertainties) average of single order spectra. If ‘sum’, the flux in the overlapping region is computed as the sum of the single order spectra. If flat-fielding is done, method ‘optimal’ is recommended, otherwise ‘sum’. (str; default: ‘optimal’) [default=”optimal”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.merge_delt1¶
Order merging left hand (short wavelength) cut. To reduce the amount of order overlapping regions we allow to cut short and long wavelength ranges. This may reduce the ripple possibly introduced by the order merging. Suggested values are: 10 (W<=390), 12 (390<W<=437, 520<W<=564), 14 (437<W<=520, 564<W<860), 4 (W>=860) (float; default: -1.0) [default=-1.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.merge_delt2¶
Order merging right hand (long wavelength) cut. To reduce the amount of order overlapping regions we allow to cut short and long wavelength ranges. This may reduce the ripple possibly introduced by the order merging. Suggested values is 4 for W<860, else 0 (float; default: -1.0) [default=-1.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.pixel_thresh_max¶
Pixel saturation threshold max (int; default: 55000) [default=55000].
- flames_obs_scired.param.pixel_thresh_min¶
Pixel saturation threshold min (int; default: -20) [default=-20].
- flames_obs_scired.param.plotter¶
Any plots produced by the recipe are redirected to the command specified by this parameter. The plotting command must contain the substring ‘gnuplot’ and must be able to parse gnuplot syntax on its standard input. Valid examples of such a command may include ‘gnuplot -persist’ and ‘cat > mygnuplot$$.gp’. A finer control of the plotting options can be obtained by writing an executable script, e.g., that executes gnuplot after setting the desired gnuplot options (e.g. set terminal pslatex color). To turn off plotting, set this parameter to ‘no’ (str; default: ‘no’) [default=”no”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.process_chip¶
For RED arm data process the redl, redu, or both chip(s) (str; default: ‘both’) [default=”both”].
- flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.scale¶
Whether or not to multiply by the factor dx/dlambda (pixels per wavelength) during the rebinning to conserve the flux. This option is disabled as default because applying the flat field correction already ensures flux conservation. Therefore this parameter should be TRUE (for response and science data) only if reduce.ffmethd = no. (bool; default: False) [default=False].
- flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.wavestep¶
The bin size used for BLUE/REDL data (in w.l.u.) in wavelength space. If negative, a step size of 2/3 * ( average pixel size ) is used. (float; default: -1.0) [default=-1.0].
- flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.wavestep_redu¶
The bin size used for REDU data (in w.l.u.) in wavelength space. If negative, a step size of 2/3 * ( average pixel size ) is used. (float; default: -1.0) [default=-1.0].
The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.
import cpl
flames_obs_scired = cpl.Recipe("flames_obs_scired")
flames_obs_scired.param.bias_method = "M"
flames_obs_scired.param.bias_value = 200
flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_max_io_win = 500
flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_xy_win_sz_x = 6
flames_obs_scired.param.bkg_xy_win_sz_y = 2
flames_obs_scired.param.clean_tmp_products = False
flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_off = 0.0
flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_pnt = 25
flames_obs_scired.param.cor_def_rng = 6.0
flames_obs_scired.param.cor_max_fnd = "Y"
flames_obs_scired.param.corvel_iter = 1
flames_obs_scired.param.cubify_sw = "N"
flames_obs_scired.param.debug = False
flames_obs_scired.param.drs_base_name = "fxb"
flames_obs_scired.param.drs_ext_w_siz = 10.0
flames_obs_scired.param.drs_k_s_thre = 10.0
flames_obs_scired.param.drs_maxyshift = 3.0
flames_obs_scired.param.ext_method = "opt"
flames_obs_scired.param.filt_sw = "none"
flames_obs_scired.param.merge = "optimal"
flames_obs_scired.param.merge_delt1 = -1.0
flames_obs_scired.param.merge_delt2 = -1.0
flames_obs_scired.param.pixel_thresh_max = 55000
flames_obs_scired.param.pixel_thresh_min = -20
flames_obs_scired.param.plotter = "no"
flames_obs_scired.param.process_chip = "both"
flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.scale = False
flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.wavestep = -1.0
flames_obs_scired.param.rebin.wavestep_redu = -1.0
You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:
import cpl
flames_obs_scired = cpl.Recipe("flames_obs_scired")
res = flames_obs_scired( ..., param = {"bias_method":"M", "bias_value":200})
See also
cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.
Bug reports¶
Please report any problems to Andrea Modigliani. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.
This file is part of the FLAMES/UVES Pipeline Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 European Southern Observatory
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Code author: Andrea Modigliani <>