The naco_util_img_std_cat recipe



Standard star catalog creation


naco_util_img_std_cat – Standard star catalog creation.

Convert ASCII-file(s) to a FITS standard star catalog.

This recipe generates a FITS standard star catalog for imaging from one or more ASCII-files.

Each line in the text file must have 4+8 fields separated by white-space.

The first field is the star name, e.g. ‘HD108903’ which will be stored in a table column labeled ‘STARS’.

The next field is the Right Ascension [degrees] which will be stored in a table column labeled ‘RA’.

The Right Ascension must be non-negative and less than 360.

The next field is the Declination [degrees] which will be stored in a table column labeled ‘DEC’.

The Declination must be within the range -90 to 90.

The next field is the spectral type which will be stored in a table column labeled ‘SP_TYPE’.

The 8 next fields are the magnitudes for the 8 supported image filters.

Unknown magnitudes must be indicated by the value 99.0.

The filename (without path) of the ASCII file will for each star be added in a table column labeled ‘CAT_NAME’.

The 8 filter names are hard-coded in the recipe.

Lines beginning with a hash (#) are treated as comments.

The files listed in the Set Of Frames (sof-file) must be tagged: NACO-ASCII-file IMG_STD_ASCII



Create an object for the recipe naco_util_img_std_cat.

import cpl
naco_util_img_std_cat = cpl.Recipe("naco_util_img_std_cat")

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Lars Lundin. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.