The muse_scipost_raman recipe



Remove of 4GLSF Raman emission.


This recipe removes the Raman scattered light of the 4GLSF system from the exposure. It must be before the normal sky subtraction.



Create an object for the recipe muse_scipost_raman.

import cpl
muse_scipost_raman = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_raman")



Cut off the data below this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s). (float; default: 4000.0) [default=4000.0].


Cut off the data above this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s). (float; default: 10000.0) [default=10000.0].


Reference wavelength used for correction of differential atmospheric refraction. The R-band (peak wavelength ~7000 Angstrom) that is usually used for guiding, is close to the central wavelength of MUSE, so a value of 7000.0 Angstrom should be used if nothing else is known. A value less than zero switches DAR correction off. (float; default: 7000.0) [default=7000.0].


Wavelength range around Raman lines [Angstrom]. (float; default: 20.0) [default=20.0].


Sigma level clipping for cube-based CR rejection (using “median”, see muse_scipost). It can be switched off, by passing zero or a negative value. (float; default: 15.0) [default=15.0].


Fraction of the image (without the ignored part) to be considered as sky. If an input sky mask is provided, the fraction is applied to the regions within the mask. If the whole sky mask should be used, set this parameter to 1. (float; default: 0.75) [default=0.75].


Lowest fraction of the image to be ignored. If an input sky mask is provided, the fraction is applied to the regions within the mask. If the whole sky mask should be used, set this parameter to 0. (float; default: 0.05) [default=0.05].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
muse_scipost_raman = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_raman")

muse_scipost_raman.param.lambdamin = 4000.0
muse_scipost_raman.param.lambdamax = 10000.0
muse_scipost_raman.param.lambdaref = 7000.0
muse_scipost_raman.param.width = 20.0
muse_scipost_raman.param.crsigma = 15.0
muse_scipost_raman.param.fraction = 0.75
muse_scipost_raman.param.ignore = 0.05

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
muse_scipost_raman = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_raman")
res = muse_scipost_raman( ..., param = {"lambdamin":4000.0, "lambdamax":10000.0})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Ole Streicher. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.