The kmo_fit_profile recipe



Fit spectral line profiles as well as spatial profiles with a simple function - for example to measure resolution or find the centre of a source


This recipe creates either spectral or spatial profiles of sources using dif- ferent functions to fit. Spectral profiles can be created for F1I frames (if WCS is defined in the input frame, the output parameters are in respect to the defined WCS).

Spatial profiles can be created for F2I frames (any WCS information is ignored here).

If the frames contain no noise information, constant noise is assumed for the fitting procedure.

Input files

DO                    KMOS
category              Type   Explanation                    Required #Frames
--------              -----  -----------                    -------- -------
<none or any>         F1I or Frame with or                     Y       1
                      F2I    without noise

Output files

DO                    KMOS
category              Type   Explanation
--------              -----  -----------
FIT_PROFILE           F1I    Fitted profile (without noise frame)
                      or     (3 Extensions)



Create an object for the recipe kmo_fit_profile.

import cpl
kmo_fit_profile = cpl.Recipe("kmo_fit_profile")



Either fit “gauss”, “moffat” or “lorentz” for 1D data.Either fit “gauss” or “moffat” for 2D data. (str; default: ‘gauss’) [default=”gauss”].


The spectral or spatial range to combine. Default is the whole range. e.g. F1I: “0.5,2.1” (microns), e.g. F2I: “1,7;3,10” (pixels: x1,x2;y1,y2), pixels are counted from 1. (str; default: ‘’) [default=”“].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
kmo_fit_profile = cpl.Recipe("kmo_fit_profile")

kmo_fit_profile.param.method = "gauss"
kmo_fit_profile.param.range = ""

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
kmo_fit_profile = cpl.Recipe("kmo_fit_profile")
res = kmo_fit_profile( ..., param = {"method":"gauss", "range":""})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Alex Agudo Berbel. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.