The hawki_step_stats recipe



(OBSOLETE) Standard statistics utility


(OBSOLETE) hawki_step_stats – hawki statistics utility (mean, stdev, …).

The files listed in the Set Of Frames (sof-file) must be tagged: raw-jitter.fits JITTER_OBS or bkg.fits BKG_IM or raw-flat.fits FLAT or raw-dark.fits DARK or raw-zpoint.fits ZPOINT The recipe creates as an output: hawki_step_stats.fits (JITTER_STATS): Statistics of raw jitter images, or hawki_step_stats.fits (BKG_STATS): Statistics of background images, or hawki_step_stats.fits (FLAT_STATS): Statistics of raw flats, or hawki_step_stats.fits (DARK_STATS): Statistics of raw darks, or hawki_step_stats.fits (ZPOINT_STATS): Statistics of raw standard star images.

Return code: esorex exits with an error code of 0 if the recipe completes successfully or 1 otherwise



Create an object for the recipe hawki_step_stats.

import cpl
hawki_step_stats = cpl.Recipe("hawki_step_stats")

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to ESO Pipeline Group. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.