The hawki_step_compute_bkg recipe



(OBSOLETE) Background computing utility


(OBSOLETE) hawki_step_compute_bkg – hawki background computation utility.

This recipe will create the associated background images for a given set of object images. If there are sky images, these will be used to compute the background, otherwise, the background is computed using a running mean on the object images. An optional mask can be supplied for the running mean.

The files listed in the Set Of Frames (sof-file) must be tagged: obj_basic_cal-file.fits BASIC_CALIBRATED or sky_basic_cal-file.fits SKY_BASIC_CALIBRATED and optionally for object masking: object_mask-file.fits OBJ_MASK offsets.fits OFFSETS_REFINED distortion_x.fits DISTORTION_X distortion_y.fits DISTORTION_Y



Create an object for the recipe hawki_step_compute_bkg.

import cpl
hawki_step_compute_bkg = cpl.Recipe("hawki_step_compute_bkg")



Minimum number of jitter frames to use the running median (int; default: 10) [default=10].


Number of images at both sides of the current ima to use for bkg in running median (int; default: 7) [default=7].


The number of frames with low level to reject (int; default: 2) [default=2].


The number of frames with high level to reject (int; default: 2) [default=2].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
hawki_step_compute_bkg = cpl.Recipe("hawki_step_compute_bkg")

hawki_step_compute_bkg.param.nmin_comb = 10
hawki_step_compute_bkg.param.nhalf_window = 7
hawki_step_compute_bkg.param.rejlow = 2
hawki_step_compute_bkg.param.rejhigh = 2

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
hawki_step_compute_bkg = cpl.Recipe("hawki_step_compute_bkg")
res = hawki_step_compute_bkg( ..., param = {"nmin_comb":10, "nhalf_window":7})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to ESO Pipeline Group. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.