The hawki_cal_distortion recipe



(OBSOLETE) Distortion autocalibration


(OBSOLETE) hawki_cal_distortion – HAWK-I distortion and astrometry autocalibration.

The input files must be tagged: distortion_field.fits DISTOR_OBS sky_distortion.fits DISTOR_SKY flat-file.fits FLAT_IM (optional) dark-file.fits DARK_IM (optional) bpm-file.fits BPM (optional)

The recipe creates as an output: hawki_cal_distortion_distx.fits (DISTORTION_X) hawki_cal_distortion_disty.fits (DISTORTION_Y)

The recipe performs the following steps: -Basic calibration of astrometry fields -Autocalibration of distortion, using method in A&A 454,1029 (2006)

Return code: esorex exits with an error code of 0 if the recipe completes successfully or 1 otherwise



Create an object for the recipe hawki_cal_distortion.

import cpl
hawki_cal_distortion = cpl.Recipe("hawki_cal_distortion")



detection level (float; default: 6.0) [default=6.0].


number of points in distortion grid (int; default: 9) [default=9].


number of pixels to trim at the borders (int; default: 6) [default=6].


Subtract a linear term to the solution (bool; default: True) [default=True].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
hawki_cal_distortion = cpl.Recipe("hawki_cal_distortion")

hawki_cal_distortion.param.sigma_det = 6.0
hawki_cal_distortion.param.grid_points = 9
hawki_cal_distortion.param.borders = 6
hawki_cal_distortion.param.subtract_linear = True

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
hawki_cal_distortion = cpl.Recipe("hawki_cal_distortion")
res = hawki_cal_distortion( ..., param = {"sigma_det":6.0, "grid_points":9})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to ESO Pipeline Group. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.