The fors_subtract_sky_lss recipe



Subtract sky from calibrated long slit exposure


This recipe is used to subtract the sky from wavelength calibrated scientific spectra produced by the recipe fors_resample. A simple median signal level is subtracted from each image column.

In the table below the MXU acronym can be read alternatively as MOS and LSS, depending on the instrument mode of the input data. The acronym SCI may be read STD in case of standard stars observations.

Note that only LSS or LSS-like MOS/MXU data are to be processed by this recipe.

Input files

DO category:               Type:       Explanation:         Required:
MAPPED_ALL_SCI_MXU         Raw         Scientific exposure     Y

Output files

DO category:               Data type:  Explanation:
MAPPED_SCI_MXU             FITS image  Rectified scientific spectra
MAPPED_SKY_SCI_MXU         FITS image  Rectified sky spectra



Create an object for the recipe fors_subtract_sky_lss.

import cpl
fors_subtract_sky_lss = cpl.Recipe("fors_subtract_sky_lss")

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Carlo Izzo. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.